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But Seriously...

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Juice, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    A little girl is missing in Calgary. Her mother was found dead in the home and her father is not thought to be involved at this time. The police have a man in custody that witnesses indicate was with the girl at the time of kidnap. This is verified by closed circuit television images and they in fact found him based off the car he was driving in those security camera shots. He has a lengthy criminal history of violent offences. He is, thus far, being "completely uncooperative " with police. He is in custody but not yet arrested.

    To me, this is one of those rare circumstances where the police ought to suspend legal rights. Sam Harris outlined almost this exact scenario on his podcast with Jocko Willink. Google that dude and guess what he said.

    I'd like to see someone shut off the cameras, close the door and tell the guy, "you ARE going to talk, one way or the other. "
  2. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Below is a link to a video of the aftermath. I debated posting it, but I think it's important to understand what actually happens with these attacks instead of just hearing a body count number on the news.

    Warning though: this might be far and away the most graphic/NSFL thing ever posted on this board. I don't get disturbed or upset by much but this did it:
  3. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    It goes back to the parity in outrage argument. In pure numbers unarmed blacks getting killed by police officers nationwide, as a singular issue alone is next to nothing (maybe in the mid hundreds?). Put that number against the number of murders of blacks by blacks and it is frustrating to see people seemingly misdirect their anger.

    I have a question for you since you worked in the planned parenthood arena for some time. My thought has come to this. We need to have some serious sexual education and access to contraceptives in the poor communities of this country. What forces, politically or otherwise are stopping this? I figure it is a two way street. The hard right is fucked and pretty much blocks anything that can whiff of abortion, but they also get wierd and objectionable to regular sex education and conctraceptives. On the other end I've heard people oppose almost any kind of action in the sense that it would be racist to go into these communities and lay out any sort of values that go against the cultural norms currently present (whitesplaining values to poor communties etc). I really fall into Bill Clinton's train of thought. More education on sexual reproduction will lead to fewer abortions. Empower women to make better life choices regarding pregancy. Break the cycle of babies having babies. It's not even a race issue, it's a poor issue, but the argument always seems to delve right back to the two issues Ive mentioned. I would not mind more tax money invested in this arena.

    A second point I'd like to make, breaking the cycle of poverty in regards to our justice system. Im probably in the minority of right leaning folks who really supports eliminting the prior criminal history question from employment (banning the box or what ever it's called). As a larger part of changing the focus on how we deal with criminality and the justice system in our society. If people can keep their life clean and serve the time given, they shouldnt face the employment stigma they do with having to list a criminal past. Just my two cents.
    #4603 Kubla Kahn, Jul 15, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  4. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    To be honest, I watch what's happening in Chicago because it's like watching the downfall of a society.

    Yes, budget is a problem iin Chicago and certainly leads to some of the crime. Chicago has had notoriously corrupt politicians for a long, long time. For the past 80 years the voters there have voted a straight party ticket for anyone with a D next to their name. Surprisingly, nothing changes.

    This fiscal year Chicago has had to pay out $116M in police overtime.Why? Firstly because police are retiring/leaving the department faster then they can be replaced. Also, all those protests need cops which equals more overtime. If a crime scene needs to be investigated, they need to go in full force because crowds quickly gather and start taunting and throwing crap at the cops. More overtime. A shooting happens on a crowded street corner and everyone there claims they didn't see anything? More overtime.

    Instead of protesting and taunting the police, which is costing the city tax money, why don't they join the police department and be part of the solution instead of part of the problem?

    Another factor in the sudden jump in crime in Chicago is the ACLU stepped in and told the cops no more stop and frisk. So now criminals don't have to worry if they're going to be randomly patted down, they can just carry their gun with no fear of police intervention.

    I wish I knew what the answer was, but as Kubla mentioned and statistics have shown, when children have babies, those babies are much more likely to become criminals. The latest figure I read was something like 78% of black children born today are born to single mothers and I'm sure a great deal of those single mothers are still children themselves.
  5. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Everyone debating the crime problems in inner cities should read the book Ghettoside. A reporter spent ten years embedded with the homicide department in South Central LA. Then she wrote a book about crime, policing and race.

    It boils down to this: police officers make their careers on high arrest and conviction rates. Police officers also, in many cases, act as fine collectors for the county budget office. So you have this perfect storm in poor, non-white communities. None of the major crime gets many resources at all. Assault, rape and murder cases are tough to prove, demand a lot of time and resources, and at the end of the day if you're lucky after many months you manage to arrest one or two guys. Instead of focusing on the major crimes, the temptation within the departments (and this goes to the top, it's not just the officers on the streets) is to focus on the fast, high-revenue stuff like petty or non-violent crime. If I can catch you with drugs or weapons; if you are jaywalking; if you are speeding; if you are loitering, etc. Those are all fast tickets, money in the coffers and the officer's numbers are nice and high.

    What does this mentality do?

    Within these communities, they KNOW that the major crimes that they all fear will not be given any resources. There might be two detectives assigned to the murder of their son, and those two detectives are responsible for processing three hundred homicides per year. Remember, no one who wants a stellar career is going to go into the major crimes units. The hours are insane, the caseloads too high to manage and their arrest rate is much lower, so when you look at an individual officer's conviction rate in these units it's comparatively low.

    Members of the communities also KNOW they will be detained and harassed by police over stupid petty things, and it will cost them money.

    If you live there, and you're too poor to leave, what do you do? Your kids are forced into deplorable schooling, which they in turn hate, so they drop out. The gangs control the streets, because in reality they're the only law in town. You live under their tyranny and probably your sons will get seduced or coerced into working with them somehow. They're often the only successful business within the communities, too.

    So the reality is that these communities often need way MORE policing, but they need it done correctly. They don't need officers stopping and frisking. They don't need all the males sent to prison for non-violent drug possessions or failure to pay outstanding fines. They need the murders and the rapes and the beatings properly and quickly investigated and solved. But that would mean putting a bunch of cops - who have traditionally seen these people as the enemy - into the community and re-training them to focus on stuff they aren't seeing and ignore things that have traditionally rewarded their careers. Oh, and this all has to happen in a place that has almost no tax base to speak of.

    Good luck making that happen.
  6. Angel_1756

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    The Big Four-Oh

    Oct 21, 2009
    The T-dot O-dot one-of-a-kind
    She's not missing anymore. They found her body.

    Sometimes I really fucking hate the world we live in.
  7. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    Not to get all KIMastery on you, but you're kinda missing the point here. The problem isn't the number of shootings. The problem is that it's been happening for decades and nobody outside the black community gave a shit.

    Here's a for instance. Let's say a bully and his friends messed with you at school because you were born near a nuclear power plant and had an extra toe. When you fought back or stood up for yourself, you'd get suspended from school. When you tried to plead your case to a teacher, they didn't believe you because the bully is the teacher's pet. When you tell the other non-bullied students about it, they say, "What did you do to piss him off? He's always been cool with me." Then one day, after your suspension is over, you're minding your own business when the bully cheapshots you because he heard you and the other extra toed kids were making fun of the him behind his back. You are then expelled from school for fighting again.

    One of the other extra toed kids decides to start a #extratoesmatter hashtag because the normal kids either don't care or believe that another extratoed kid got expelled for no real reason. One subsect of the normal kids realizes what's going and starts calling out other bullies for asshole behavior. Another subsect doesn't get it because they don't understand being messed with because of something they were born with. They believe that since it hasn't happened to them, the extra toed kids have to be lying, or at the least exaggerating the problem. Some of them even believe that because these extra toed kids are sub-human and deserve what they get. Yet another subsect of normal kids, while well-meaning, starts #alltoesmatter. These normal kids keep trying to tell the extra toed kids, "we're all in this together!" while completely missing the point of #extratoesmatter.

    Now let's say the extra toed kids are black people, the bullies are the cops, the teacher is the justice system, suspension is jail, expulsion is death and school is society. How long do you eat shit until you can't take it anymore? What we have now is other students using their phones to tape the bullies messing with you and the teacher giving them a slap on the wrist when presented with the video.

    As to the second part of your post, I'm with you. The problem is that the poorest in our society are generally the most religious. No group of people is more fucked up about sex education than the religious. Until organized religion starts promoting more than abstinence (which is proven to not work), there will always be a problem with teenage pregnancy.
  8. Whatthe...

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    The mother was murdered about 10 blocks away from house. She used to waitress at a local pub that I went to about 10 years ago, I remember her being an amazingly good natured, sweet, funny person. A few friends of mine knew her personally and have said the same things about her in the last few days. I guess her daughter was a shining light as well. This saddens me beyond belief. It seems like the entire city is mourning right now.

    The guy they arrested deserves to be thrown in a tiny hole, and left to rot as far as I'm concerned. How can you rehabilitate a 46yr old career criminal who murdered a 5 yr old child?

    Then the France thing happened. That twitter video that Juice posted looked like a war zone.

    Ugh, I'm going to sit in a corner with the lights off and drink whiskey until the sun comes again, which according to the weather report won't be until Monday.
  9. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    I thought Trump's VP announcement would've been less vanilla.
  10. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
  11. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    How is the problem not both? We're talking about all black lives, not just the comparatively few that were ended by police, correct?

    Unless by "The problem is that it's been happening for decades and nobody outside the black community gave a shit", you mean the problem of black people murdering black people which, based on the rest of your post, I don't think you do. Based on BLM's rhetoric, it doesn't seem like they care about that problem either.

    A fair analogy, to my eye. But why did you leave out the part where, if you're an extra toed kid who gets murdered, the mostly likely culprit also has an extra toe, and he may have been trying to murder someone else with an extra toe?
  12. zzr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    The bigger questions are when did black-on-black crime see a significant increase, what caused that increase, what could be done to correct those conditions, and can those solutions be implemented within today's social climate? It hasn't always been this way, but we can't go back to the totalitarian conditions of the 50's and 60's.
  13. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Agreed. I think it's obvious that single motherhood hugely contributes to poverty, which directly leads to crime, because that's universal. The increase in black single motherhood (based on numbers I've seen) coincides closely with the advent of the war on drugs, and I don't think that's a fluke. I also don't think it explains it all, since other communities were also adversely affected by it and their single mother rates are significantly lower.

    But none of that explains drive by shootings and luring kids into alleys in order to revenge murder them.

    My specific beef with a movement entitled Black Lives Matter is that they seem to care only about a certain segment of ruined black lives. They paint a picture that presents a large minority of cops as not far from actual lynch mobs from the first half of the 1900s, when the more applicable comparison, in terms of widespread brutality, seems to be other black people.
  14. toytoy88

    Expand Collapse
    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    There may be a coup going on in Turkey. This is the account of a photographer in Ankara who is retweeting many of the reports:

    Esin E. ‏@esi_ee 7 minutes ago

    #BREAKING: Prime Minister: "this is an uprising attempt from group within military, will not be allowed." #Turkey

    Here's a link where BBC is reporting it:

    EDIT: Live stream from Ankara:

    MSNBC is now reporting the coup on TV. The military is claiming to be in control of the country now.
    #4614 toytoy88, Jul 15, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  15. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I'm really glad I'm on vacation as of right now. Soon I'll be away from this steady stream of good news.
  16. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    So bye bye Erdogan? God I hope so. That guy is a fuck stick.
  17. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Out with the old, in with the new. Next asshole. That's how the vacuum works.
  18. zzr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I'm in my last semester of my MBA, and one of my courses is international business. I have to do three reports on a foreign country and I chose Turkey at the beginning of the semester. The last report on the country's future is due Monday, but fortunately I haven't started it yet, because their future just changed. Erdogan has been trying to set himself up as a dictator for a while. A coup is not surprising.
  19. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    This isn't going to be terribly in depth since I hate typing on a screen but:

    1. The gotcha points of all of the things that affect black lives not being fought for by the BLM movement is not as effective as everyone seems to think it is. They are a political advocacy group fighting for one thing because that's how political advocacy groups work. That mothers against drunk driving group isn't going to fight against everything else that kills teenagers or even any other problems that drinking can cause, because that's not their Thing. It doesn't mean they don't care about it or don't recognize it as a problem, nor does it mean their cause is any less worth fighting for or that they're any less legitimate of a group.

    2. I really don't understand this notion that black people don't care about black people being killed by other black people. That line of thinking is ignorant at best and it's conversations like these where I remember a half joking conversation around here a while ago where people were saying nom and Parker were the only black people they really "knew." I feel pretty confident that if I'm not the only one left here who has firsthand knowledge of what's being done in those communities I'm at least one of the few and there are plenty of things being done within the black community and inner cities to target this. And saying that it's not enough because gang violence still exists is kind of rich coming from the same groups of people who don't think it's the responsibility of non criminal gun owners to curb gun violence or men who throw their hands up and say "well what do you want ME to do about it?" When talking about sexual violence.

    3a. Someone asked me for my opinion on what's preventing sex education and birth control access and someone else basically already said my view. It is pretty much 100% those Christian values that are simultaneously supposed to be completely separated from all of our laws and what our country was founded on so how dare we stray from them. Whether it's Christian-influenced laws and policy preventing sex education in schools or affecting how doctors can communicate with their patients about it or restricting birth control access, or just the individual people who are very religious and have fucked up views on sexuality and birth control and the families either don't discuss it or spread misinformation, that's pretty much to blame. (To open up a whole other can of worms, that's part of what I love about this boogeyman of Muslims taking over and enacting sharia law, that we're doing a pretty good job of fucking up a lot of things for ourselves thanks to Christianity that may not be as dramatic but are actually real and maybe we should focus on getting that religion out of our laws/policy/society/culture first.)
    3b. I'm sure there are people out there on the internet that consider teaching sex ed and providing birth control to minorities racist but...I have never heard that POV before. The group on the other side of the issue who want to expand access to sex ed and birth control is much, much larger than whoever those people are.

    (Apologies if this was riddled with typos.)
  20. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Without really jumping into it... On #2 above... I don't think the general consensus is the black community doesn't care about black-on-black crime, it's that the BLM protests appear disingenuous when the focus is so heavily on the police violence when black on black crime is far more prevalent and a much larger threat to the wellbeing of the community.