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But Seriously...

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Juice, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    What the serious fuck are you talking about? Fox News has been the PR wing of the Republican Party for as long as I can remember. They have always sucked off republicans and demonized democrats. Trump has made that harder because even republicans are divided on him, but if you want proof... fuck, Roger Ailes left Fox News in disgrace and had a golden parachute waiting as a Trump campaign advisor. He couldn't have been more pro Trump if he got caught grabbing Trump's pussy.

    Again, stop acting like ANY of this is new or different from the past. Conservatives are pissed liberals got their shit together to combat the Fox News army. Fox News has been the PR arm of the Republican Party for two decades. They created the birther movement and the tea party. They're the most watched news station in America. They very literally ARE the mainstream media, and they've spent the past four years hammering Clinton about Benghazi and email servers, and many Americans got fucking tired of being told she is the worst human on the planet with little evidence besides "emails! Benghazi! Sure we've been investigating for 4 plus years and haven't found anything to charge her with but EMAILS! BENGHAZI!". Stop with the "oh that awful biased media," for, you know, reporting the heinous shit Trump did rather than replaying the same fucking emails and Benghazi shit we've been watching for FOUR YEARS.

    Conservative news blew their load on Hillary too early.

    Fox News created this media monster. They sensationalized News for ratings, played to their base for ratings, and were clearly partisan hacks for ratings. Why is anyone surprised the democrats figured out the Republican Fox News formula that put George W Bush in the White House twice and began to run that playbook?
  2. Robbie Clark

    Robbie Clark
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    Oct 20, 2009
  3. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    All I'm saying is that Hillary is a shape shifting reptile, and even if that's preferable to the orange haired orangutan, people should still see that she's a shape shifting reptile. That's all I'm saying.

    Yeah, that would be me. I was not trying to call for a revolution or anything like that, but the wikileaks and constant legislation of our congress by large interest groups should piss people off, and when people just shrug it's an encouragement to let it get worse. We haven't been holding our politicians accountable, and frankly our country used to do a much better job of that.

    Also, when our news organizations run stories by our politicians to see if it is the story they want, that isn't journalism, it's propaganda. And the media bias this election really has been ridiculous. There was a slight bias for Obama, but that was only slight and whatever incremental favoritism made sense in Bush's failures coming to light and the excitement of having our first minority president. The mainstream media has been frothing at the mouth against Trump this entire election and has shrugged off the many instances of Hillary's disregard for integrity.
    #5803 Kampf Trinker, Oct 14, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2016
  4. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    I'll put this here, because it's a serious thing, but I think lots of people (at least Canadians) might be interested to see this interview between Peter Mansbridge and Gord Downie:

    Two of our country's greats, talking about heavy stuff. Given how private Downie is, I have to think this will be one of the last (if not the only) interview he gives.
  5. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Fox News certainly slants to Republican bias. But, that's exactly why they exist. Since CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR, HuffPo, etc. all slant to Democrat bias, there was room for another voice. Fox News consistently wins ratings because about half the country leans left and half the country leans right. When only one major network is allowing half the country's views to be heard, that's to be expected. I think the last time I saw something about it, Fox News had higher ratings than CNN and MSNBC combined.
  6. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    And I suppose Obamacare has nothing to do with Obama. The president is in charge of 4 million federal employees. His executive orders do not legislate policy, but they do shape policy. The president has a veto that is extremely difficult to override because no party ever holds enough seats in congress. It happens, but super rare. The president is the de facto leader of his party, and although he does not hold a vote, he has substantially more influence over what bills get sponsored than anyone else. The president appoints his cabinet. He can fire and appoint many heads of federal institutions at will. He has more influence on appointing supreme court judges than anyone else by a long shot. That's not even getting starting on foreign policy where the president has even more control.

    We have a division of powers in this country. 3 branches of government. Not one of them have 'jack shit' to do with the issues.
  7. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
  8. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    The media isn't biased towards liberals, it is biased towards the immediate. The here and now. Benghazi and email servers were four fucking years ago and have been talked to death for four years. Trump's tape and his accusers came forward a week ago.

    You're angry at the wrong kind of bias. This isn't liberal or conservative bias, it is immediacy bias.

    This election is a fucking pitch perfect example of this. For the past month, it has gone like this:

    1. Trump says something stupid, outrageous, heinous, factually incorrect, or even all four (often times in response to the media reporting on him).
    2. Media reports on what Trump said, often using his exact quotes or tweets, and often minutes after it happens.
    3. Trump and his followers lose their shit at the media for reporting on Trump and what he is saying while ignoring Hillary and what she is saying.
    4. Repeat Steps 1-3 until we get to now, where Trump supporters are growing violently angry and media members need armed guards in riot gear just to report on the orange pushpop of death.

    Hillary isn't saying shit. She is being as generic and bland as possible and basically letting Trump hang himself. She is trying to run the most low-key campaign possible to let Trump wilt under the spotlight. On top of that, the Republicans and the news outlets have been HAMMERING her on Benghazi and her email servers for FOUR YEARS. Americans are tired of it. Their eyes glaze over and they turn off the TV when that shit comes up because, at this point, NOTHING has come of it. Not one damn thing. No charges. Testimony? Check. Investigations? Four fucking years worth, televised and repeated ad nauseum on every major news network. Indictments? Charges? Fucking anything substantial? Nope. Nothing.

    Benghazi and email servers aren't ratings draws anymore. No one is tuning in to the news to hear how Hillary is the devil because we've been hearing it for FOUR YEARS! Imagine watching something for four years on a loop, and its the same story every. single. time. It'll get boring, and people will stop listening.

    News is still a business. Trump saying "Grab them by the pussy," gets ratings. Women coming forward and saying "Trump grabbed me by the pussy," gets ratings. Trump lashing out at anyone reporting on him saying "grab them by the pussy" gets ratings. This is Trump backed into a corner like a caged animal and lashing out at everyone. Trump says during the debate he'd put Hillary in jail. Media reports it. Trump and his people blame the media for "being against him." It is literally the most infuriating thing on the planet that that is viewed as "liberal bias." The Media literally can't report on Donald Trump or what he says without screams of "BIAS!"

    The true irony is, during the primaries, this was how he won. He stayed front and center in front of the media and cameras, and every major news network was thrilled to have him on.

    You talk about how Hillary is working towards propaganda with the media? What the fuck do you think Trump is doing with his campaign against the media? He is brainwashing his followers. "Don't believe anything reported on me. Only believe what I tell you specifically."

    You can see it in this very thread, for fuck sake. So many people discounting anything reported on Trump because they're "not being fair" to poor Donald or they're not reporting on Hillary, so I'll repeat it again:

    They reported on Hillary, Benghazi, and email servers for four fucking years. Non stop, four years we heard about Benghazi. It became so prolific it became synonymous with scandals like "-gate" at the end of scandals. Remember "Ballghazi" in the NFL? I'm sure you do, AKA deflategate. That's how prolific the reporting on Benghazi was. Four years. Four years. Four years of reporting it.

    Now, "the media ignores Hillary." No, now, Trump is MORE of a story than Hillary. Trump is saying more heinous shit, more recently. Hillary is sitting back and giggling like a school girl while Trump takes a gun and repeatedly shoots himself in both feet, hands, arms, legs, and spends every waking moment blaming the media for all his self inflicted wounds. And still people eat that shit up, because god forbid the media not spend 12 hours a day repeating the same information they've been saying for FOUR YEARS about Benghazi and emails.

    None of the reporting has been "unfair." They've been reporting what Trump says and does, and Trump is acting like the media is out to get him. No, fuckstick, the media is reporting what YOU'RE DOING! If you don't want them to report negative shit, DON'T SAY STUPID SHIT. Fuck! How the fuck is this a conversation?

    I'll finish with this: the republican strategy, since 2012, has been to discredit Hillary so she either wouldn't or couldn't run. Everyone knew she'd be the nominee. They started in 2012 with congressional investigations into everything Hillary did. She took a shit and they wanted to know if it was wet or solid and if she was eating enough fiber, and the media reported on every single minute of that shit. Then, in 2016, the Republicans nominated a guy who was known for DOMINATING the media, for good or bad. That was how he won the primaries for fuck sake, he didn't have to air any ads because he was constantly front and center for the media. Now, in the lead up to the main election, republicans are acting shocked, SHOCKED, that Trump continues to dominate media coverage while Hillary, who had dominated for the previous four years and was now making it a point to be as quiet and bland as possible, was no longer getting the coverage they thought she deserved. Why? Hillary fatigue, nothing new coming out about her while everything about Trump is fairly new information coming to light. The public was tired of hearing about Hillary. They wanted a new scandal and Trump obliged.

    Republicans fucked up. They blew their load too early. They fucked up the timing royally. They attacked Hillary too early in the hopes of ending her campaign before it began, and they missed. They were hoping the momentum of her scandals would carry through the election, but they weren't counting on nominating a guy who was a walking scandal machine.

    That's not media bias towards liberals. That is media bias towards the immediate. Today: Trump is the story. Benghazi and email servers were the story four years ago.
  9. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Lol, among those posting on this particular issue, I think it's you that is angry. Fox News started in 1996 to fill a void. That was waaay before Trump or Benghazi came along. Well, I mean, both Benghazi and Trump were around in 1996, but before these issues. If you don't think the majority of the media outlets are biased towards Democrats, then I respect your opinion. But, I disagree completely.
  10. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    What's hypocritical from Trump is that he has often done this on purpose to get attention and drum up controversy. Sometimes he miscalculates, or just plain is being stupid, but yeah he's done it on purpose all campaign. He's whining about media bias while at the same time feeding that media bias.

    It's the immediacy problem, but it's also the increasing tendency towards partisanship in a media that needs to remain objective and informative. The wikileaks stuff is a major story, and the media is brushing it off in a very clearly pro-Clinton manner. The sex assault stuff is a major story, but is one story among many and the coverage of it has been obsessive. It's terrible journalism, and the relationship the Clinton campaign has had with the media really is reprehensible. It's not illegal, or anything like that, but it reeks of bias and disingenuous reporting. The NYT used to be a gold standard for journalists, and it's been reduced to a party mouth piece. I don't think that is an exaggeration.
  11. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    I was going to say, Fox News is the juggarnaut it is simply because the majority of the media up until the late 90's, when Fox took off, was always carrying water for the left. That had been going on for decades prior. It was a reaction to the status quo. Fox went extra steps in comodifying journalism which can't be ignored though and its model is a major reason journalism sucks today. I don't agree with politically slanted journalism either direction and neither should anyone else. I honestly don't know how you accomplish that given the set up of the media today with the internet. It's harder to be justified with any outrage when hard evidence is lacking. As it is going now the wikileaks is dumping one sides dirty laundry. You should be mad at the obvious collusion, it is not the time to be tribal and write the shit off. How is this fixed though?
  12. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Whoa whoa whoa. The republican strategy, including the report laid out by Romney's failed campaign was to connect with more women and minority voters. That's part of the reason the establishment was freaking out about Trump. Duh, they want to discredit Hillary, but the core of their strategy flopped in the face of a guy who was at times doing the opposite.
  13. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I don't disagree with this, but it doesn't change that they fucked up the timing so horribly. They spent four years going after Clinton to the point where now, people are tired of it.

    "Oh, Hillary is corrupt? Ok, you've been saying that for four years. Nothing has changed. What's new?"

    The reason I seem annoyed is because reporting on a Presidential candidate saying dumb things isn't bias. It's reporting. The fact that Trump passes it off as bias because they report his exact quotes, and that people actually believe that stupid line of reasoning, is some high level idiocracy type shit, and I don't understand how ANYONE can buy that logic.
  14. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I have a feeling that he's been ramping up his anti-media stance even more in the past few months because he's been planning on turning his loss into a launching point for building a media empire (or at least Blaze-style channel) with him, Ailes, and the Breitbart guy at the helm. That's my little conspiracy theory at least.
  15. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Locking this up for the weekend to give it a break. Be merry and get drunk.

    Edit: The man has spoken.
    #5815 Juice, Oct 14, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2016
  16. Nettdata

    Expand Collapse
    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Making an Executive Decision and am going to re-open the thread, but have spun up a new, separate thread just for political/election bullshit.

    No more political discussions here... leave this thread for other, serious discussion.
  17. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Quite possible. They'll need it for recruiting. The world is small any way to reach out to the crazies...
  18. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
  19. toytoy88

    Expand Collapse
    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Massive police action in El Cajon. Protestors with guns reported.


    Live stream:

    EDIT: Never mind. Bean bags and tear gas came out and the streamer bravely ran away. Stream is dead.

    EDIT 2: Numerous people reporting robo calls and texts in El Cajon telling them to shelter in place.
    #5819 toytoy88, Oct 17, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
  20. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    We'll see where it goes. It certainly looks ugly, and if that is all true I'm kind of wondering why they didn't just assassinate him. Calling him a pedophile wouldn't discredit the leaks anyway. The effort they put in and still failed on the general plot of fabricating a scandal, for something that wouldn't have worked in the first place, yeesh. I don't know if our government has ever been this incompetent.