Welcome to "journalists" in the modern age... more bloggers than anything... got to get the story online before everyone else. Hell, half the time they're missing words or have blatant spelling mistakes that are fixed well after the fact by "editors". Hindsight is 20/20.
I can't be the only one that thinks this kek v. antifa stuff is hilariously cathertic after the years of online comment section shit posting? These protest and fights are the same shit posting trolls, from both sides, coming out of their collective basements and fighting eachother in real life. Looking at their post afterwards they make themselves out as the vangaurd of the next revolution. HansAssSolo being the newest martry in the war.
I think this kinda gets at it. To a lot of people, the video of trump pretending to choke slam a "reporter" is obviously meant as satire. It looks like that to me because my life isn't directly impacted by it. But if I worked for CNN, or if my wife or child did? Totally different story, and I'd likely be up in arms about it. Threats against cops, muslims, jews, the group de jour to shit on -- they're all just idle threats to someone other than you, until they're threats to you, or until those threats turn into action. I'm sure that video absolutely terrified some people at CNN, even if it looked like just some stupid trolling shit to me. And I agree with whomever said it that the "we reserve the right to..." line CNN did was a legal play. Like hey dude, you had your fun, but cool it unless you want a lawyer at your door because our lawyers took that seriously and we aren't promising anything.
But they arent just fighting each other in real life, actual human beings are being victimized. And even if they were just going after each other, that should be just as unacceptable. CNN has severely damaged their credibility over the last 18 months or so. And optics being what they are, as an organization they should know better as they wield a considerable amount of power of the media.
I think all of the MSM news outlets are competing with each other, and they're so wrapped up in it that they don't realize that it's hurting them. Never mind the fact that the way they are competing is bringing them all down, not lifting them up. They are being rewarded for sensationalism, victimization, and indignant outrage. We're slowly watching the used-to-be respectable news organizations turn into the National Enquirer and other tabloids, because that's what the people are buying into. So yeah... in the end, it's the people that are consuming this shit that are ultimately to blame. The more you engage, and propagate it, the worse it's going to get, and I think Trump is a direct result of that decline. I also think it's going to get worse before it gets better.
Who knows... maybe this whole CNN stuff is in response to Morning Joe getting their best ratings in history since picking an online fight with Trump... CNN might just be trying to cash in on the latest craze themselves... http://thehill.com/homenews/media/340692-morning-joe-broke-ratings-record-after-trump-attacks
This is an attitude I don't get. The credibility of the mainstream media was at it's lowest when it was chasing airplanes and doing utterly lazy fluff pieces. The last 18 months have been a harsh wake up call about why real journalism is needed, and I can't think of a single "MSM" outlet that hasn't improved in credibility from where they were 18 months ago.
I think it's because they are taking trivial shit and blowing it up like it's the end of the world in hopes of damaging the other side. Look at all the CNN pics floating around today about them making news out of Trump eating KFC with a knife and fork.
Right, but we were talking about CNN specifically. And improved in credibility? They fed Hillary Clinton debate questions, chased the Russian narrative endelessly, interrupt actual news stories for celebrity drama, said that "only the media" can legally download things from Wikileaks, the Reza Aslan drama, the list goes on. Which CNN are you watching?
While they're still behind overall, CNN and MSNBC has at times been surpassing fox news in the ratings. That would be impressive if they weren't so terrible. There was also the middling on the piss tape stuff like it might be true and blurring out shirts of Trumper heroes. Couldn't it be said that by comparison attacking some poor schmuck shitlord is an improvement? I feel like the only thing that is missing from this is where Trump promises to pay this guy's legal fees and then when said legal fees roll in asks people why he's being taken literally. You know, like he meant it seriously, but he wasn't literally going to pay for it. The shit poster should just leave the apology there and keep his mouth shut. This is exactly the kind of thing no one is going to care about in 2 weeks if he doesn't feed the narrative.
While I certainly take exception to dismissing the most important political story in years (and in over a century if any collusion is shown to have occurred) as "the Russian narrative," and the Reza Aslan thing was such a who-gives-a-shit that I had to go look it up, yes this is still better than CNN was before the election gave journalism a kick in the ass. Two years ago they were basically nothing but celebrity drama (and missing airliners), begging viewers to watch literally anything they thought might stick, newsworthiness be damned.
Except it hasnt, they just focused all their attention on someone you really dislike. How long did that story of Pence "hitting" that kid in the face run for, or Trump pushing that guy out of his way? Or any of the other mountains theyve tried to make out of mole hills? CNN has always slanted left but was still more objective than MSNBC and even most network news. Theyve gone full bore since the election and MSNBC has tripled googleplex down on it. Maybe it's just the format that isn't good for what the press "should" be. Filling 24 hours and ratings has lead to this.
This is mostly directed at print journalism, but CNN does it too. They go on and on about integrity, or public obligation, or accountability. But, their business doesn't have people who are any more moral or just or ethical than engineers or school teachers or doctors or law enforcement. They are people. They are doing a job, and the people that pay them are trying to make money. In fact, they are trying to make a crap load of money, and that's the bottom line. They do whatever they can to get eyeballs and sell ads. I'm tired of hearing anyone in the media acting like they are treading some special ground.
CNN's Cuomo just deleted some Tweets where he was basically threatening hanassholesolo with doxing. The guy was coming off as a fucking douchebag with a personal vendetta rather than any kind of a professional journalist.
I was watching in the 80's when they were boots-on-the-ground in war zones providing local, in-depth coverage. They were very, very different than what they are now.
Oh yeah, 80's CNN was the shit. I'm talking about mid 2000's CNN. It was basically E! without the talented sassy gay writers.
To be clear, they've been shit for 10+ years. It's nothing new, it's just being highlighted by the childish antics by Trump.