How honestly despressing is it to say that with a straight face? People who get upset about being “unfriended” truly need more of the real thing in their life. You are doing a fine job on here, with me. It seems to be the only thing you post about anymore: you being upset about me being upset.
Yeah, but I didn't recommend that people not use TIB right above that, so it's ok. I'm just trying to understand your mind set. That's all.
There really isn't that big of a distinction between being on social media and posting on this messageboard. That distinction is even finer when it comes to things like slack. Like xray says above, stop following people you don't like (this is not advice I adhere to, but like, I could). Stop searching for topics that annoy you (ditto). You can tailor your social media experience to what you want it to be. Personally I get a lot out of social media because I know a lot of really smart, thoughtful people. You have about as becoming a social media pariah caring what you say as you do of winning the lottery or getting hit by lightning. Things go viral for mostly arbitrary reasons, and absolutely nobody cares about a random drunk dude rambling. The only reason you think this is a huge problem is that by definition the people who go viral get overexposed.
Did he already forget he’s a wife beater?.......oh that’s right, he has an IQ of 55. And he’s criminally insane. But he’s a fun social media follow, that’s for sure.
Quite frankly, I'm disappointed that the tweets didn't have pictures of dinosaurs riding comets. And that he didn't use the opportunity to call ARod "Bitch Tits."
I’m not talking about going viral, I am talking about as low as one pathetic idiot with nothing better to do. KIMaster tried to get iczorro fired from his actual real-life job over a internet argument they had on here. That happened, ask him. These creeps are not an anomaly.
So...basically what you've said applies to any online site where people interact in any way. Why single out Facebook/Twitter (double out?) when the situation you described happened on a random board? And could happen in real life? It just seems super weird to me to post "fuck social media" on...a messageboard.
I meant "professional" social media, where there is a for-profit end goal. I'm not against profit, at all, but when you're at the scale of Twitter and FaceBook, you are global propaganda machines that are actively using science to manipulate you. Hell, we used to do that in video games... hire addiction experts to provide input on how to make the game MORE addicting... things like compulsion loops, etc. Social Media has the whole "viral" concept to it... because it has the potential to focus the attention of tens or hundreds of millions of people onto a single person. And people are not usually able to handle that kind of attention. That is a far cry from a small scoped message board, and if you think this board is the same thing as Twitter or Facebook or Reddit, then you have no clue. Mobs are bad. Internet mobs are an order of magnitude worse, because there is no real barrier to entry, and practically no repercussions.
It looks as though sometimes the members of the “pile-on bully” crowd of the internet sometimes do face repercussions, served as usual in a cold dish of complete irony: ...In the tradition of “Who will police the police?” comes “Let’s out-bully the bullies.”
This guy has no fucking shame:
The anti-Neutrality argument boils down to, "well nothing's happened, so we don't need these protections anymore". You know, like Voting Rights or vaccinations. Everything's fine, throw that pesky regulation away. They have the lead 3 to 2, so Neutrality is gone regardless of what we post here. I hope for all our sakes that these "small gubmint free enterprise" folks have their faith rewarded. And yet, I know for a fact my cable bill is now higher than what I agreed to pay. But I'm sure the ISP monopolies will show all necessary restraint.
Does he not think people hate the FCC enough? What a fucking child. Somebody fittingly projected this onto his HQ yesterday:
I like to imagine that pictured here is the entire FCC, demonstrating their qualifications and work ethic, and that this was actually just a clip from Tuesday morning in the break room.
Girl on right is Martina Markota, she works for The Daily Caller. She’s their film producer, and made this video. Apparently she also like to promote this lovely fashion line: