According to the videos Ive seen they have just been letting looters and statue topplers have at it. Doesnt surprise me their arrest numbers are low.
In Santa Monica they had all of the police following a peaceful protest while three blocks away the commercial district was being ransacked without a cop in sight. It was, to say the least, a suspicious allocation of police resources.
Also, remember, Chicago police were WAYYYYYYYYYY too busy with the protests to police the more gang/crime ridden areas. Lulz
Not going to lie, that was a little touching. I also feel like I just watched the most interesting thing that will ever happen in NASCAR and need never watch a moment of it again.
Threatened? No. Concerned, yes. We live in a democratic republic. What we've been witnessing lately is a bunch of petulant idiots tearing down things they don't even understand, just because they've decided they don't like them or just simply to cause chaos. Lincoln? Grant? Washington? As far as the whole democratic republic thing....the government should act in accordance with the wishes of those who placed them there, not simply decide to listen to the loudest mob. As far as I know there was no debate over the Roosevelt statue, just "Yep, it's got to go." We've got right wing boogaloo idiots ambushing cops. Almost every major city just experienced looting and rioting. Seattle has a group that took over several city blocks and declared it autonomous. We've got a pandemic. We've got people wanting to abolish the police. A group just tried to tear down a statue of Andrew Jackson and vandalized a church. If people continue to violently attack and destroy things they don't like it's going to get really ugly when people on the other side start attacking and destroying things they don't like. Neither side will be right and we will all lose. So yes, I am concerned.
This goes with my big government theory, you scream for more government role in your lives until you realize at some point that same government will be controlled by people with opposing viewpoints. Careful what you wish for. So rioting and uninhibited vandalism is getting results on a problem you agree with? Wait until people you oppose realize they can get use the same tactics....
Its important to remember that the occurrences of violence/rioting are pretty small and relegated to a few cities. The vast majority of the nation is perfectly fine.
I don't care about the statues all that much, but it reminds me how devoid of actual solutions to anything these people are. Smashing statues and trying to ruin people's careers over trivial bullshit is all they're ever good for.
like this co-founder who was fired over a facebook post calling the Rayshard Brooks incident "justified" Ok 1) it was justified. Or at least there is strong enough evidence that it was justified that it is very appropriate to say "two sides" on this one. And 2) innocent until proven guilty much?
I love how they live in this imaginary bubble of moral goodness. If you have to lash out like a fucking animal at anyone who disagrees with you then you're not a good person. Sorry, you're just not.
Brand ambassadors are held to a far higher standard on what they can say in public. Just ask Net what happened when his last job (or the one before) found out about this place. HR departments protect the businesses and making politically charged posts will get you on HR's radar and making politically charged posts when you represent the business means that you're already on HRs radar.
I'm reserving judgment on all of it until we see all the facts. The dude kneeling on George Floyd's neck is obviously a murderer who deserves what he gets. But we don't know what he told to the other guys, if he instructed them to stay there or not. We don't know if they pleaded with him to get up and/or let them get up too. We just don't know. The Rayshard Brooks thing seems more cut and dry to me, but again, all we have is some video and not all the facts. Obviously there is police brutality. Obviously a lot of this shit needs to change in a major way. But I'm not buying into everything until people have their day in court.
unless you're Elon Musk and then you just get carte blanche to be a god damn lunatic and it's ok because "he build rockets RaWRrRRRR!" But yeah I get that. I'm in a certain position where I work that demands I hold myself to different standards. My facebook is filled with pictures of my family, info about staying safe during COVID-19, and articles about trump being a total piece of shit. You know, safe stuff. Other than that, here, and reddit account I use to browse and make dad jokes, I don't have a social media presence.
I don't want to think about the day that the officer is acquitted for the Brooks case. It's going to get wild on that day. I got told I don't care about black lives or mass school shootings and that my white privilege is showing because I don't think the man should have been given a ride home by the cops. What the fuck? Nobody even mentioned school shootings until he said I don't care about them. Lesson learned, keep my opinion off the internet.
I don't know how safe the overreactionary bullshit really is. When I see a company do that bullshit it just makes me sure I wouldn't want to work there, and kind of not want to buy their shit. Not that I would go well out of my way, but still... I don't get what my point people are trying to make with "That's how it is." Ummm no shit. That doesn't make it any less stupid and ridiculous.
trump threatens anyone who destroys monuments with 10 years in prison great, so now he's just making up laws and punishments huh?