Which is weird because Bubba came out on Twitter today saying that he's relieved that it isn't "what he thought it was" https://twitter.com/BubbaWallace/status/1275844030144950272/photo/1
It is most definitely a noose. It was most definitely not put there because it was Bubba Wallace's stall. What ever idiot tied it originally tied it because they thought they were being funny or clever or they are a racist asshole who just wanted to tie a noose for fun. (Unless, they just happen to work for the New Hampshire Board of Criminal Executions and were practicing to stay sharp.) I still say the positive display of support by the drivers and crews for Bubba was more impactful than any of the other negativity surrounding it. Whomever tied it originally is most definitely in the minority within the sport.
Yeah that's definitely a noose. It may have an innocuous explanation, but people are acting like Bubba Wallace faked a hate crime when he wasn't even the one who found it or reported it. A garage mechanic did, and NASCAR informed Wallace about it, no the other way around.
I took that to mean what he thought it was being something targeted specifically at him, not whether or not it was a noose.
Exactly. And I'm actually pretty happy/impressed with how those involved dealt with it. The initial reaction by the rest of the teams, the response by NASCAR, the gracious recognition by Bubba, etc. It sounds like those directly involved handled it as you would hope that they would.
I I don't see how that could have been handled any better actually. If it was something directed at him, it woulda been a horrible black eye. NASCAR responded quickly, and appropriately. They've been transparent about the whole thing, the drivers have all been smart, and I think NASCAR comes out of this looking better for it. One of those "thank god it was a false alarm, but it's good to have a drill" kinda things.
More than ever, you have to investigate before you assume. NASCAR handled this well. Personally I’m glad this didn’t turn out to be a Jussie Smollet-style con job, despite me having no personal attachment to this sport.
Given the Confederate flag thing and the noose issue, nascar has been incredible. Look at the shit show the NFL put on, by comparison.
That’s real retarded sir. Scan that walkthrough video I posted you’ll see a handful. They are tied in a bowline knot looks a helluva like a hangman’s noose. Guess they missed counting all those because they aren’t technically a hangman’s noose knot? I’m not blaming Bubba at all I’m blaming the the garage tech for reading into it too much and an eager media that was dying to run with the narrative. People claiming Bubba made this up like Jussie smolet are pants on head retarded. Here’s another story. Black man hangs ropes with loops to make swings in a park (pictures in comments of what they looked like), also says thousands walked by or used them without incident. Mayor of Oakland saying it needs to be investigated as a hate crime intentions don’t matter. Sorry not going to get me to apologize for calling out this ridiculousness.
Look I know it bursts your bubble about how stupid everyone is for taking this seriously but did you not take a look at the actual picture of the rope involved. There is no mistaking that is tied in a noose... not a bowline knot, not a loop... that is a noose. If you also read the linked info directly from NASCAR they looked for more ropes tied into nooses. They found no other in any of the 1,684 garage stalls at 29 tracks NASCAR uses. I wasn't commenting on any other stories only the NASCAR one that you have repeatedly tried to downplay as people being retarded. This was an actual noose in the stall of the only black NASCAR driver at a time while your country is on fire due to racial tensions and you still think people are retarded for stepping up when any sane rational person would have come to the same conclusion.
Hell yeah. I click on the NASCAR Facebook posts about the whole confederate flag and this rope situation and the investigation and its resolution. You still see plenty of "fans" that say they're done, never watching another race, it's heritage not hate, if I can't fly whatever flag I want y'all ain't gettin my money. Great! Stay the fuck away! Go watch other shitty, toothless bastards race lawnmowers in some holler, cocksucker! The sport, the nation, none of us need you.
Why can't they be more cultured, like Formula One... where they keep their Nazi orgy fantasies behind closed doors. Geesh.
Don't they have one black driver, too? Motocross had a Bubba as well, he might be the GOAT. Anyone tried giving Lewis a nickname?
This reminded me that ESPN once thought it was a good idea to hire Rush Limbaugh to commentate on NFL games. Jesus Christ.
If you’re going to breathlessly going to see a hate symbol in everything to the point you get the fbi involved to show you it wasn’t directed at Bubba at all? Yes that is retarded. It’s an easy mistake if you throw out logic and reasoning and run with the emotions of the times (my point in all of this). See San Francisco mayor for another example, but just with that title we shouldn’t expect any level of rationality to begin with I guess.
I would get that, except IT'S ON THE DOOR. The fact they had to call in the FBI to figure this out is unbelievably retarded.