You can disagree with someone via red dots. That's the purpose of assigning a negative to a comment. Just don't be a name calling asshole. Pretty simple.
I can see how people would think the same way as you do because they believe that they aren't racist. I guess let me ask you this. Are you open to the idea that white people have an inherent societal advantage to people of color or not? If you aren't, then I'm not sure how we can have a discussion about this stuff.
Kind of a no durr question to ask yeah there are societal advantages of being white. Yeeeeessss. Having to go along with so many of the lines of logic, there's only racism if there's a power imbalance is one of these notions, you have to be actively doing x,y,z or your part of the problem and inherently racist if not, so on. You want to label me racist because Im not in lock step with this. Best of luck.
That depends. What part of the country are we talking about? I can tell you that where I live, being white can be a real negative for me. It's generally a disadvantage to be anything other than Latino/ Mexican-American down here. I've been beaten, passed over for jobs/ promotions, I've gotten poor treatment in my industry*, and don't even get me started on the dating scene if you're white down here. *Numerous times in my career, I've heard customers and co-workers tell me that "white people don't know how to work on cars." Often while using a derogatory name for white people. The Automotive Service Excellence program says otherwise.
I am. Are you willing to concede that modern (and post-modern) critical theory is heavily flawed and does not translate into responsive action in a meaningful/useful way some of the time? If so, we have a healthy basis for conversation.
This attitude is pervasive anywhere south of Austin. I can promise you what Dixie experiences down there is real discrimination. I've experienced some, to a lesser degree, for the same reasons. I would think Dixie has a lot to add to these conversations, from his side and experiences in the armpit of Texas, though I imagine the "you can't experience racism if you're white" attitude has probably scared him off a bit.
'Nerds, I knew that if anyone was going to address my statement, it would be you. I'm just going to say this: once you get South of the Border Patrol checkpoints, it's a different world. I invite Jimmy James, and any other board members who have a streak of masochism to come down here. See how it is. And 'Nerds, I'm not scared off from the argument, I just don't feel like arguing right now.
I can only imagine how quickly you got sick of hearing your date's family going "oh you brought home some white bread today por que? Tiene chilito!"
It's usually a lot more backhanded than that, and you usually don't see it right at once. I expected that kind of stuff in the dating scene, but in the job field is where it hurt me. Now let's give Jimmy James a chance to talk.
I think that’s because people are sometimes having trouble differentiating between a racist act from one person to another and a greater systemic racism that occurs in stuff like housing, jobs, policing, etc. Anyone can be racist against another group, but the power behind certain acts comes from a greater systemic power. Basically, you can call me a piece of shit cracker and I’ll just shrug my shoulders. I’ll still go about my day and not even remotely fear that the cops will do some crazy shit to me.
But I thought white people couldn't experience racism because all whites are actually racist? /s Yes, I agree though, it is an important distinction, and one that needs to be made. Racism in housing, the job market, voting, policing, even immigration (especially immigration?) etc. absolutely sets up people for failure, and it has to be addressed and fixed. You cannot reasonably expect someone to "get ahead" in life if they were born into a society that puts them several steps behind from the start.
I need to follow more international journalists, I guess? Do I have this right? A few years ago, Inner City Press is investigating corruption, rape, and misuse of funds within the UN. The UN revokes their credentials and throw them out. ICP (not insane clown posse) continues to try and shed light on UN corruption, despite not having access to press conferences, etc. So, when you film a UN van with hooker fucking inside, you naturally send that video to ICP for publication?
This is exactly it. Instances of direct racism are not the sum of the whole. I can, and have been, racist towards whites on many occasions in my youth. It's part and parcel of being a metis that looks like a full-blood native, and it came from growing up in Bumfuck Manitoba and hearing it from the older boy and lots of the parents. I grew out of it, but I slip up here and there still. Doesn't necessarily mean I hate whites wholesale, but old habits die hard.
The rest of that twitter link is a bunch of pro Great Pumpkin anti mask racist bs. What a bunch of morons.
Manitoba? No. You don’t have to apologize for growing up that way. We are products of our youth environment and the smarter ones learn from the mistakes. Like in a restaurant, when my grandfather whistled at a black waiter and called him over with a “Hey, Jackson!!” I realized, right on the spot. The they hadn’t appreciated that for the past four decades or so. My grandpa meant nothing by it as an insult, but he was a Greatest Generation war vet and was just plain clueless towards that shit. You’re going to tell a trained killer how to talk after what he’s seen? Every once in a while our grandparents took us into dark places and it’s OKAY, TIME-OUT.
I get that many of you like your guns, but if you want to keep them you're really going to have to reign in psychos like this pair:
Jesus Christ, people like that drive me nuts. As a concealed carrier, my job is to AVOID confrontation whenever possible. Not play police officer. I hope those two assholes lose their permits. And that’s saying a lot.
Yeah, that represents every conceal carry person as much as a every drive by shooting in the ghetto represents the entire African American population. At least no one got shot. The guy is/was a dip shit.
A gun is a possession, not a skin color. A few junkies liked the taste a little too much and started breaking into people's houses to fund their fix, and now I can't order oxy by the barrel. That's how it goes.