Upon reading that it was a march to the Mayor's Mansion, I first thought that was the mansion. Bit of an odd angle, but what stuck out to me is how we've built a society where so many people struggle to get ahead, but these braindead morons can live in that gaudy monstrosity. Also the reason it's trending is because Trump retweeted it. As if retweeting a video of his supporters yelling "white power" yesterday wasn't sufficient.
Yeah, they look like idiots. But, if you had recently remodeled your very expensive home, and there is a lot of video of protesters spray painting things and burning them to the ground, would you wait until that happens? Or would you do something proactive? Again, they look silly, but their home didn't get trashed, so they accomplished what they wanted. Granted, tomorrow night, there'll probably be fire bombs flying in the windows now that they've made the news . . .
In one of the videos I saw, the wife goes down off the porch and confronts the protesters. It looks like her finger is on the trigger as she points the pistol at them. Well if anyone would know, it should be the two of them. According to an article I read, they’re both attorneys. Or were. There’s already calls for them to be disbarred.
That's what insurance is for. And it's far cheaper than the lawyers they will have to hire shortly. Not to mention the costs of being internet famous. It also seems like they dont understand what "responsible gun ownership" means, starting with dont point guns at unarmed civilians. It seems they were seduced by a gun-driven fantasy, as opposed to their new reality: suspects in a felony case, internet famous for all the wrong reasons, and poster children for privileged white people thrilled to threaten others with violence for asinine reasons. I cant say I wouldleave my guns in the safe if I saw torches and pitchforks, but I would think long and hard about taking it off my shoulder/out of the holster. I can also say if there is an actual riot, the last person I want to be is the one with a gun. I have seen that show a few times, and it never ends well.
They are lawyers, apparently their faces are all over the Law Firm's add copy. So they can at least save money on legal fees now that they'll have a ton of free time.
Personal injury lawyers. So parasites basically. Their mansion will be redistributed to the proletariat in the revolution.
It’s not an isolated incident. People are acting like they’re characters on fucking television: https://amp.reddit.com/r/Spokane/comments/hh3h3u/wild_west_out_here_in_spokane_couple_pulls_gun_on/ ....listen to the shit they’re saying while sticking guns in a person’s face. It’s the cool new thing, I guess. Maybe it was better when these fraidy-cats were calling the cops for dumb reasons, this shit is reckless beyond measure.
Trespassers danger close to your home? Completely justified having a firearm out. Possibly smart even. Well within your rights either way. Standing OUTSIDE by the trespassers, rather than inside, looking from behind maybe a window or something? Fucking stupid. Not illegal, but not smart. Pointing a potentially loaded weapon at them with your finger on the trigger? Potentially assault. At the very least brandishing. There's gonna be a slew of civil suits to come from this, and regardless of if they succeed or not, those people will never live a normal life again. If it's a potentially lethal threat and therefore a justified use of self defense, you would have also shot in self defense. Merely pointing your gun at them with your finger on the trigger shows that you don't perceive them as a threat to your life, and are therefore not justified in using deadly force. This is the same reason why firing a warning shot is, legally speaking, a fucking horrible idea. As lawyers, they should have known this. If I was in those shithead's position, I'd march with the protesters because walking by my home would be a really easy way to join a great cause. At the very least, go to your assuredly well-stocked fridge and offer them water and food and the like. Not only is it the right thing to do, it also -- if we're being really paranoid here -- shows that you aren't a threat.
Speaking of St. Louis, the mayor of that city has to be one of the most malevolent bimbos in America: https://news.yahoo.com/amphtml/pressure-calls-mayor-lyda-krewson-100936990.html
they released a very poorly written statement through their attorney. "fear of imminent DEADLY harm" or imminent lethal harm is actually the correct phrasing you're looking for when claiming self defense as a legal justification for deadly force or the threat thereof. Just saying "imminent harm" could mean anything from having their feelings hurt to someone throwing a rock at them. Prosecutors have to be loving this. Also, according to multiple reports, they've boarded up their law office. I'll be following this case as it's pretty fucking hilarious to me. I'd bet good money those guns were not even loaded.
I bet they are going to find out what kinds of things aren't a defense when you get charged with Brandishing.
You may be right. But, if a bunch of angry mob people rip down a private gate, and enter a private street and they are armed, maybe they thought they should be more proactive. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ken-karen-weapons-protesters/ I also saw another article that mentioned the trouble makers were white, and having represented people of color in most of their cases, the couple were arguing with them about taking the BLM protest off message with their vandalizing. When it escalated, that's when they armed themselves. I don't know about all that, as it sounds like revisionist framing. But, their report and call to the cops will be time-stamped as will the video of them with guns. So, should be pretty easy to figure out.
Has there been any source that corroborates the claims that the crowd was armed or was directing anything towards the homeowners prior to the homeowners brandishing their weapons? Everything I've seen comes from their lawyer's statement, which would obviously be crafted to create the impression of a legitimate fear of harm, because without it their actions are clearly illegal.
You're correct. Perfectly legal to defend the home against trespassers (they don't have to know if they were armed). If someone is there illegally, you have the right to protect you and yours. Everything they did was perfectly legal, up until...... they put their fingers on the triggers and started pointing it at people. This thing will be looked at from every angle -- were they really in imminent fear of deadly harm if they stood in the open barefoot? (If they stood in the doorway, for instance, with the gun pointed at the ground, this would be much more defensible). What did they yell? What did the protesters say in response? (There's video of all of it, and these statements will be taken to provide context.) As you said, when did they call 911 and what did they say?
My issue is....this is a community. They live there. Those protesters likely are members of that community as well. This is a one-time incident that permanently changes how your neighbors, colleagues and community members interact with you. You get to be Barefoot AR Asshole from now on. Regardless of how the law judges their actions, you think this won't result in some dog shit on their doorstep, some spit in their milkshake or some smoke from their coworkers? Why antagonize a whole community of people, in this way? When the police do it, there's a badge, legal authority and the entirety of "cop culture" standing between the officer and the response. These two twits have none of that. Maybe this gets filed under "What does George Zimmerman put on a job application", just a bit more...silly than murderous. All of this to...what? Prove a point? As Aetius said, prevent a hypothetical crime? Own the libtards?
there will be a bunch of far right people lining up for their legal services. Which will probably have to be offered online because there’s no way they can safely operate a physical business again
Apply all this logic to people looting and vandalizing other cities and you have a similarly stupid response to that violence.