If you read the original arguments for the 2nd Amendment, it's quite clear that its purpose was to prevent a large Federal army, and to instead create a number of citizen militias that were responsive to, and under the orders of, their respective state governments. We currently have a massive federal army, and the state militias (the national guards) can be Federalized by law. We abandoned the true intent of the 2nd amendment more than a century ago.
He is making the argument that the State governments, commanding a citizen militia (which as you said would not be a standing army, but would nonetheless be responsive to State government) would be an effective bulwark against a Federal army, but only in the case of an armed citizenry and effective and locally-controlled State government.
I sincerely hoping that this is not a swerve. Because this could be huge: https://apple.news/A07W_BliKTuKzIgPloJWLfQ I have fantasized about this for a quarter century, please don’t be fucking with us.
I know there are a LOT of these videos now, and usually I don’t post them but I have to ask two questions here: 1) WHY can’t people mind their own goddamn business? 2) WHY can’t people just admit when they’re wrong? This video takes place in Anchorage. Yet this same shit still goes on way up there.
sounds about right. PTSD hits everyone differently. According to the article, several of the officers who fled that police station before it burned down had to send texts to family members fearing they were about to die. I know what that’s like, and it’s not a walk in the park. Not everyone on that force had hate in their heart when they were pulling security for protests or doing riot control. Sure, the department was largely fucked up and had a lot of not good people there, but it’s hard to say everyone was bad as a sweeping statement. Regardless of that, even if they were evil, racist, whatever, it wouldn’t preclude them from experiencing the physical and emotional trauma that can and frequently does lead to PTSD.
Then they weren’t cut out for the job. Their systemic and terrible behaviour led to these riots, and now that the chickens finally came home to roost, they’re bailing on the cheque. They’re acting like this isn’t their fault. In fact it IS their fault, all these “good officers” for standing back for years and letting their co-workers do whatever the fuck they want. Their oath entails they arrest people who break the law. That includes their fellow buddies in blue. They say they thought they were going to die... well, who’s fault was that? Instead of discussing their trauma, their complete absence in a accountability is what should be in the headlines. Stop blaming the protestors and blame yourselves. For ONCE.
not blaming the protesters. But it’s not all one side or the other. Sure, I’d wager some of these officers claiming disability are exaggerating their symptoms for the payout and get out of dodge card. But I also think some of it is extremely legit. I’m also willing to bet a good number of them on the force either didn’t know about what the other officers were doing that was wrong, or were aware of it but it was normalized behavior within that group so, without the benefit of perspective, they weren’t aware of how wrong it was. I’d also bet there were a good number of police on that force who had never, by the book, done a single thing wrong in their careers. Sure, it was the actions of many, but not all. A lot of it was bad, really bad. But to paint the entire police force in MN, never mind all cops in general, with a single broad brush I think is overlooking some of the nuance and humanity that is necessary when discussing these issues.
Police in America have fought reform in every single way possible, no matter how trivial or easy to conform to it is. They have no interest whatsoever in doing what the public wants them to do. Minneapolis is a prime example of why the police need to take the blame as a whole, instead of The pathetic and tired excuse of blaming it on individual “bad apples”. Their union is disgusting and corrupt. Their union head may be the biggest piece of shit in your entire country. They are packed with racists. They fight tooth-and-nail to expunge any accountability for their officers who commit crimes. They flat-out murder people. The time has come for the police to sit down, shut up and listen. Enough with talking about how hard THEIR job is, that they willingly signed up for, and knew what they were getting in to. The people are making demands, and they need to agree with them and follow them whether they like it or not. Don’t like it? Quit. But don’t retire, because you don’t deserve that pension. Cops in your country seem to forget what a public servant is: you don’t tell citizens what to do. It’s vice-versa. It’s hypocritical to whine about getting called names and having bottles thrown at you when there are literally thousands of videos on the internet of police committing misconduct on camera and getting away with it scot-free. And then they have the nerve to wonder why people are so upset. Nobody is going to trust the police until they start ratting out and arresting their co-workers as their oath demands. And we know that’s never going to happen, so I hope they enjoy a career of being filmed and micromanaged at every single thing they do and say. They did it to themselves. Did the police in Buffalo call out those two callous coward cops for violently assaulting an old man? No. They signed a mass resignation, like a bunch of crybaby bitches. There’s your police microcosm. They should have been all been fired on the spot.
I'm not going to disagree with everything you said as there is merit in a lot of your statements but it's also a two way street. In many cities the police have to arm up to deal with the shitstains that break the law there, short of a Hamsterdam situation in the wire where they say "you guys go over there and do what you want and we'll just look the other way", the citizens also bear responsibility to teach their kids to show some respect and listen to directions. You have the right to go all internet lawyer in a traffic stop or to try and refuse direction but that is not going to end with officers just saying "Oh, my bad, I guess you weren't speeding and I never had any right to ask you any questions". For a while some of us that have to deal with the DOT used to joke about breaking a clearance light just so that they would find something easy during an inspection and write a quick cheap ticket because they can always find something that isn't quite right if they dig deep enough. You can also be sure if you are a dick bag, they will dig until they find something to write a ticket for. If you're cool and listen you may get off with a warning or even learn something. So yeah, there are cops who deserve to go to jail for a long time, and it is enough of them that we need to take a hard look at how we police the citizenry. If you think for a second that society in general isn't circling the drain, or that people in general aren't leaning hard into their own asshole tendencies just go look at Twitter responses. We have a police issue and we have an issue in general with disrespectful assholes. Together that means we have real problems that won't be going anywhere soon.
It's really disgusting how many people are supporting Nick Cannon after his fucked up anti-semitic comments Apparently those beliefs are a thing among the black community? Recently an NFL player made similar remarks and people were also quick to jump to his defense.
They should get to know their history better. Without Jews, there would be nobody to create and write and all those hilarious sitcoms about blacks and Hispanics.