You guys don't see any difference between a group of protesters who broke through a community gate so that they could protest in front of a public official's house who read their contact details on-air, and a couple of people who decided that they were justified in endangering their lives by pointing loaded firearms at them? I mean, you can say that the protesters made the wrong choice but I just don't see that as the noteworthy story here.
a few things to unpack... It’s that official’s home. They should have some expectation of privacy there. I’d liken it to the paparazzi taking pictures of celebrities while in their back yards or something. That being said... That official should not have read their public details on air. This thread is the first place I read about it, but I don’t doubt it’s true. Now as to whether or not those protesters should have an expectation of privacy when they were protesting, I can’t say, though I do think identifying details beyond what was publicly available, such as pictures of them in a public place, is an intrusion on their privacy. And a public official, especially, should know better than to make those details public. I still would like to see definitive proof the protesters broke down the gate. I would also like to see what, if any, other damage was done to the gated community by the protesters. The people within that gated community did not sign up to have chaos brought to them. In fact, by being in a gated community, it looks like they went out of their way financially to avoid it. If I was them I would be very upset with that public official for bringing attention to the neighborhood, and potentially the people defending their home for allegedly unlawfully pointing guns at the protesters and bringing a media circus to the area. it’s one of those “everyone sucks and there are no winners” here kinda things
Let’s just point out It wasn’t just an “official”, it was the MAYOR of the fucking city and she flat-out lied saying that she thought naming people and their home addresses was harmless. If anybody deserves a mob showing up at their house, it is her. Now she whines how people are calling for her resignation. Well you should resign, you stupid lying cunt. You did this to yourself.
I feel that you missed my point. George Floyd was not an angel but he did not deserve to die. These protesters may indeed have been guilty of poor decision making and/or property damage, but they do not deserve to have their lives endangered by gun-wielding morons. And of the two things that happened, the latter is a lot more meaningful.
oh yeah I completely agree with you on that, and on the above info that it was the mayor, and that she thought it was harmless to give out that info, she absolutely needs to resign. If nothing else that points to her decision making and understanding of the office. personally, I’m very pro-gun, and I still hope these gun pointing douchebags get roasted on the spit
I'm not in disagreement with most of what you said, and I agree with RoTN that they had no business pointing their guns at the protesters. If they didn't break the gate, it changes the dynamic but not my feelings about being in a gated community. I would say that they have no constitutional right to enter a gated community uninvited, I don't know what living in one is like but I'm assuming you pay for the privacy/prestige of living there with the expectation that anyone there is either a resident or a guest. Entering is not a right. There was a lot of stupid on display by the homeowners, no doubt, and I would not have done the same unless people were in my yard and I determined I was not going to make things worse by intervening and I had to get involved. I bolded that portion of your response because I think you're spot on there, regardless of anything we all bear the responsibility of our actions. That goes all directions from police who kill innocent people, or are overly aggressive arresting people to people starting fights with cops or destroying property. For the record I look at protesting as neutral. Throwing rocks or destroying property takes it out of neutral (and I recognize the vast majority of protesters were simply protesting.
LOL Baptists. You have never contributed ANYTHING but hate to society. Can we please start cracking down on all religions as the cults that they actually are? Christianity has always been a useless fiction that needs to be stamped out like a stray cigarette. I hope at least this Pastor in her new freedom can one day see what a gigantic bullet she dodged, by no longer being tied to that stupid faction that is made up of nothing but utterly horrendous nonsense.
I detest the majority of religion but to say it's a useless fiction is going a bit far. Without religion, we would probably never advanced as far as a society as we have. Religion was the very first reason that people had to cooperate with others they didn't know to achieve something that took more people to create than just their community. If you haven't already I suggest reading Sapiens by Noah Yuval Harari, it's a thought-provoking read. I do agree that the traditionally recognised religions have reached their use-by date.
Religion works well at keeping a village together: there's a limit to the number of people a church can help. When a church starts getting too big, it starts spilling into areas that it has no business in, like politics, business and media. My parents are baptists, at a tiny, close-knit church. There's tremendous value in the things they do for the elderly, the help they provide one another and the folks in the area that are under-privileged. My mom has fed hundreds of meals over the years to blind folks in a trailer park down the road, and has gotten us to pitch in on helping them. It never would have happened without the church. There's pure goodness in helping the neighbors. The problem is when it turns to the out-group, and instead of teaching you who and how to help, they try and influence who you hate. I attended the church when I was home for years, and it was fantastic: I met lawyers, accountants, judges, teachers and they were a community of people offering help and guidance. I sat through one fire-and-brimstone sermon about homosexuality, and was utterly done. It's precisely what caused my aunt to overdose and feel ostracized in her hometown. My biggest issue to this day is that the church is the most consistent organizing entity to get people to vote. They will literally bus people to the polls...nothing else does that. Until we adopt mandatory voting, they will occupy a place of power for that reason and that reason alone.
The church can throw all the bake sales and charity bullshit it wants, and people can praise it. In the end, it’s no different than how idiot New Yorkers used to think John Gotti was a great guy because he threw a nice block party every summer: it’s STILL utterly rooted in shit. I can fully understand why somebody like a hard time prisoner could discover god, because he literally has nothing else anymore. That makes sense. But to listen to Mike Huckabee or Reggie White look directly into a TV camera and say that God personally speaks to them, fuck you. That’s no less different or idiotic than if I declared myself to be Dr. Strange and I have magical powers. You see, you wouldn’t get it because I have powers and you don’t. That why your priest talks directly to God, but you can’t. He has magical powers. If you WANT to talk to God, it’s through your priest, so just go to your priest and bend over for him. After all, they’ve only raped more than five thousand children in North America alone. Collateral damage. A religion is a cult with a dead founder. Dress it up as much as you want, it will always be a cult. Some religions get a better pass like the Sikh, because they bother to give a shit about people OUTSIDE their faction. And as a bonus, the Sikh preach that most unholy and un-Christian of all practises: tolerance for outsiders.
watch the portlant chaos live streamed on I'm serious. That's the actual name of a website that exists, and the main page is a compilation of livestreams from portland. This most definitely "woke" me up because now I know what I'm watching for the next hour. The narrator just said "y'all killing me portland, stay funky though"
The "Peaceful" protestors in Portland destroyed a statue of an elk. They've peacefully destroyed a bunch of shit, injured a bunch of people, and caused a general breakdown in social mores. And they've done so for 50 consecutive days. It's almost like they're non productive members of society that have jobs to go to. I find it hard to take them or their concerns seriously.
when you’re destroying your own community, you are no longer protesting. They took a peaceful, justified and righteous cause and turned it into a bastardized umbrella movement that any fuckwit with a BLM sticker can join. What’s happening in Portland is a great example of what happens when movements don’t have leaders or a direction. We could never have a march like in Selma, or Freedom Riders today. People are such assholes and everyone wants to shout the loudest. Like serious guys, sit down, shut up, get this stuff organized and stop destroying shit under the guise of a good cause. Take two seconds to think before you act, then act together. You know what spray painting “BLM” on public property is called? Vandalism. You know what would bring more change? Getting people registered to vote. Instead, you’re motivating a lot of people to vote against you.
Much like there are different factions of police pointing blame at each other in Portland instead of being accountable, there are different factions of protestors as well. and they do not like each other. Like Chicago, it is chaos confined to a very small area, blown out of proportion to make it seem like it’s a city under siege.
The left is just as bat shit crazy as Trump supporters. All sane people can do is have some popcorn and watch the show at this point. And hope we somehow find our way back to sanity.
It was bound to happen eventually... Louisville protests descend into chaos when armed protester accidentally shoots members of his group, injuring 3
my first thought was why would you bring a gun to a peaceful protest, and then I read the article and it said the person was a member of the "heavily armed militia group" called, I shit you not, "Not Fucking Around Coalition." Well, apparently they were fucking around, because someone got shot. As in, it's happened before? Or it was expected to happen? Or it was okay that it happened? It would be awesome if these LARPing militia idiots got doxxed for being the fucktards that they are. I don't always agree with cancel culture, but if you're gonna make a weapon, at least use that weapon for good.
As much as Americans fight hard for the 2nd Amendment, a shit ton of people that exercise that right have zero fucking clue about using firearms.