the Supreme Court is stacked. Guns aren't going anywhere in the US. I don't know why people even fight about it anymore. To me it sounds like someone arguing about gay marriage shouldn't be legal -- like dude, it is, and it's not going anywhere, so just shut up.
I don't own guns and I rarely go shooting. I'm stunned at how often I see people who own guns who appear to know less about firearm safety than I do.
“...we had a little accident, it happens.” Mark those words. That’ll be how the next civil war is explained a generation later. I sometimes think it’s just a matter of time before the shooting starts.
I'm kinda waiting until a few of the vets lined up against the Feds are SEALS or something like that... you know, the type that will not put up with their shit, and serve it back to them ten-fold. Leave you tied up with your own zip-ties facing each other, with a nice bow on your heads. Never mind if any of them are armed and consider themselves under unlawful threat/attack.
Is it really that bad? The only two people I know who own handguns have them locked in cases like the one from “Ronin”. People into archery I’ve seen always have the highest regards for safety, regardless of their environment. But you also have to knock an arrow to fire it. A gun can fire far easier. You can’t Plexico yourself with a compound bow.
Yes. It is that bad. I always, ALWAYS clear, remove the magazine and lock the slide back any time I'm handing someone a firearm. This routine has gotten me called all kinds of names, including, humorously, "paranoid." I can't think of a single person I know who doesn't own at least one gun. I own 11, and I believe I am on the lower end of the spectrum as far as the number I own individually, at least within my own family.
I kind of doubt that any current or former Spec Op folks have an issue with federal troops protecting federal property that is under attack.
When you have a line of veterans across a road... no federal building in sight... and then federal forces launch tear gas at them... it's kind of hard to accept the "federal property" justification.
That's the thing. These are federal buildings and property these protesters are damaging, at some points beyond repair. Federal police and troops protect federal property. I'm all for the de-militarization of police, but -- and here we go again with this "nuance" stuff -- it isn't all black and white, what's going on. Some of these people have good intentions, and those intentions turn bad or unlawful. They think they're protected because the cause is good, but they're still breaking the law. In some cases, not all, they're being lead directly or otherwise convinced by the hive mind mentality that what they're doing is ok. It isn't. Protesting in the streets is one thing, for a period of time. Blocking emergency vehicles like fire trucks and ambulances from getting where they need to go is wrong. Burning property that isn't yours is wrong. Vandalizing property that cost taxpayer money to repair, is wrong. There's a right way to do what's going on, a right way to send that message, except it's largely being done so in a very bad way. If the message is good but the means of conveying it is damaging to the community and those who have/want no part in it, is it still good?
Speaking of damaging government buildings beyond repair, can someone destroy Boston City Hall so they're forced to rebuild it as something other than a disgusting heap of Soviet-era blocks?
Here’s a video from what I assume is a news helicopter. I don’t know enough about lasers to say one way or another whether they’re “high powered,” but they’re at 1:45 and 14:25
Oh good, another fair and balanced “journalist” who probably in no way is trying to film only the worst of the protestors and literally nothing else. These people are the poison that divides everyone.
Yeah, the early stuff I saw was before anything was mentioned about the courthouse. All the recent stuff is definitely around the federal courthouse.
The long awaited killin' has started (or at least gotten more explicitly involved in the current moment instead of tangentially related attacks). Confrontation between protesters and a car in Austin last night ended with shots fired on both sides, one protester dead. Both sides are putting out their narrative ("it was self defense!" vs "it was self defense!"); video evidence I can find so far doesn't confirm much other than 5 shots fired from one gun, then 3 three shots from a second gun (people obviously start gtfo'ing once the shooting start, so the videos I've found are jumpy cause the filmer is running).