The Trump Administration is literally bragging about sending feds to "take your guns". I don't want to hear shit from a conservative "second amendment supporter" ever again.
Kenosha is on fire. They seem to have lit the city's fleet of garbage trucks on fire, I'm sure that'll work out just fine.
After watching the George Flloyd body cam video, it almost makes you wonder if him being white had something to do with that! It appears the woman he hit was white though, so arrested he gets.
I guess they shouldn’t have used them to try and kettle a crowd of people who deserve to be angry. Try not executing people in broad daylight next time, and this shit won’t happen. People are no longer going to stick their thumb up their ass about it. That has been made clear.
Sigh, you are mischaracterizing what's happening to the point of outright lies. Very Trumpian of you. They aren't seizing weapons door to door like during Katrina or pre crime red flag laws without notice or due process. They are seizing weapons of people being charged with violent crimes. Big distinction. Gun rights supporters favor and have pushed heavier sentences for crimes committed with guns. The left generally was supportive of this too until very recently when the NAACP and ACLU came out saying stricter sentencing with these laws were affecting poor people more and was ergo racist.
If Obama had sent federal agents into cities against the express wishes of the local authorities, and then sent Eric Holder out to a podium to brag about how many guns they seized, the "pro second amendment" folks would have flipped their absolute shit. They would have claimed it was Jade Helm and campaigned on it forever.
Guy gets arrested and charged with a crime committed with a gun or has them in connection with selling drugs gun going to be seized as evidence. We limit or take away many other civil rights when people are arrested. Not sure where the disconnect you are seeing is. Obama did have federal agents seize guns for all sorts of crimes and criminal programs. Nothing I can recall 2ndA supporters getting bent out of shape aboutas it’s generally part of the criminal justice system. Atieus mischaracterizing it holds no water. As far as psychotic chicken littles leftists are just as bad if not worse with the palpable TDS. I’m still waiting on the fema camps he was supposed to be shipping all the gays and Muslims to.
The FEMA camp conspiracy is literally a right-wing conspiracy theory:
It originated out of FEMA's Direct Housing program, where after Katrina, we had residents sue due to formaldehyde in the trailers. It's an incredibly popular program with the states, because it's 100% federally funded (no cost share), and it requires months to execute and hundreds of people. With the people in the homes, and the taxpayers, not so much.
So was Pizzagate. But try convincing a single Trump supporter that it was debunked by facts. Not happening.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ....and now he’s resigned from the shitty “University” his shorty father created. God I wish Jerry Sr. was alive again so this could kill him again. This is..... FUCKING FABULOUS. America’s fattest homophobe literally has a half a fag for a son.
I mean a top democrat donor was running an island for underage sex trafficking sooooo the pizzagate one is less ludicrous than fema camps or flat earth.
Dude.... come on. Epstein I agree with. But he was trying to get dirt powerful people from all walks of life. Like your current president, and the president from the 90’s. far as I can tell he's just a cuck. Which is hilarious in itself. I thought I read something about his wide banging the pool boy. I guess that was just a rumor.