If he’s actively shooting rioters, I don’t think the militant part is really “role-play” anymore. Anyway, it’s a “mostly peaceful” militia, with just a “few bad apples.”
I said the video itself without other context is cut and dry self defense. The context that I and others have added, such as being part of a militia, and especially the picture of him with the gloves and the part about shooting someone else, is absolutely 100 ways from sunday fucked straight to hell. At this point I hope him and anyone involved, be it police or military, rots in jail.
Oooooww the media is latching onto "militia." prepare to hear that as the real source of all the violence which theyll inevitably tie to Trump somehow. Never mind the hours and hours of video of burning and looting by the peaceful protestors all over the country. You want to defund and abolish the police? You get vigilantes in their stead. Happened in CHOP/Chaz. Good lawyer might get the kid off the skateboard Kids beatdown and the bicep blow out guy with the Glock. He'll go away for the first guy that got shot in the head.
There's no way he goes down for the first shooting but somehow gets off on the other two. If the first shooting isn't self-defense there's no way he can successfully claim self-defense against people reacting to an active shooter.
Yeah, and I'm saying I don't think it is cut and dried at all. If anything, I'd say it's cut and dried for the guy who got shot trying to beat the shooter's ass as HE'S the one who felt his life was threatened by some fuckhead minor walking around and threatening him with an AR.
Well Id say without further evidence the first guy he shot wasnt in self defense. Which certainly will fuck him for the other two. The minor, with a long gun he shouldnt have, roaming the streets in a city he doesnt know, will compound it. He's fucked of his own making. Dont underestimate escalation of force concept in law. The totality of the circumstances arent fully known despite the videos. The kid calling 911 and trying to give himself up, despite the police ignoring him, it becomes grey area if the kid was legally no longer considered a threat and the mob still beats him with greater force than warranted. Then his fear of his life puts self defense back on the table. A simple example would be, I punch you in the face and you grab a near by golf club to beat me repeatedly, even though I started the incident your escalation of force was unbalanced given the situation using lethal force against you would be legal.
Agreed 100%. On top of this: are there not strict laws and punishment for crossing state lines with firearms, even more so illegal ones?
So going back to the original shooting for a moment (what a fucked up qualifier that is), authorities in Wisconsin have said that Blake "had a knife in his possession." That's a very broad statement, and later claims from the authorities would seem to indicate that it meant a knife was in the car. The usual suspects have latched onto it though and are presenting it as Blake was "going for a knife," Blake was "armed with a knife," Blake was "trying to knife the cops," Blake was "wielding a knife," Blake "attacked cops with a knife," Blake was "grabbing a knife and ignored orders to drop it," etc. And this is how one deliberately vague sentence from authorities lets people sleep soundly believing that he "deserved it."
NBA players now boycotting playoff games, and Kenny Smith just walked off the set of Inside the NBA while it was live on air. In the NFL, the Detroit Lions canceled practice and addressed the media as a team about the issues going on. This has momentum. I like the shift in protests in professional sports. Like ok, they didn't get it when we started kneeling. Let's see if they get it when we don't show up.
Kaepernick lost his career and he was right. I guess they might even think twice before mauling/killing him in effigy at the Navy SEAL museum anytime soon.
video he's referring to. Messed up part is, it was someone in the military (a SEAL I think?) who Kaepernick consulted on how to best respectfully protest during the anthem, and the guy advised that kneeling was the most respectful method.
Facebook removes page for Kenosha militia this is ugly situation is about to get even worse. Once the whole militia vs government vs citizen thing starts, watch out.
For what it's worth, the stream I was watching last night was right there when the first shooting happened. The streamer is a veteran of dealing with these disturbances and seems to know the ins and outs of how to go about it. Before the shooting he was saying something to the effect of "These white boys up here are ANTIFA. I ain't getting close to them, they don't like cameras, they'll fuck you up." He repeated the warning to another streamer who didn't listen. He got blind sided against his head and had his camera broken. At the time the group was fucking up a group of cars and the streamer kept his distance. Suddenly someone yelled "What the fuck are you doing?" and it appeared the group threw something at the guy with the gun, then started to charge him. That's when the first shots we're fired. The streamer dove for cover and people started yelling "He shot him!", "Get Him!", "Medic!" and oddly enough "Police!" I saw a later video of when he shot the other two after falling down, but I didn't witness it in real time. No one was in the right in this situation as far as I'm concerned. Fucking kid should've stayed at home instead of larping as a commando, and fucking ANTIFA shouldn't be there fucking up another city for shits and giggles. The streams coming out of Kenosha are the saddest testament to date of how fucked our country is, and sadly, I imagine it's only going to get worse.
I have a question. You are an experienced firearms user, put yourself in the officer's position. (I don't know if anyone has seen the video of the earlier encounter from the other side of the SUV.) The officers had wrestled the guy to the ground and were struggling with him. A group of females closed in and apparently distracted the officers. The guy broke free. He immediately went around the SUV, opened the door, and bent down into the vehicle with the officer right behind him. At this point I'm pretty sure the officers knew he had fire arm convictions in his past. What do you do at this point? The guy you were just wrestling with is reaching down into a vehicle for...something. You are directly behind him with a gun drawn because you've already assessed the situation as a potentially bad one. Do you wait around to figure out what it is he's reaching for? You have a fraction of a second to decide. If it's a gun, you'll never see your loved ones again. Why is he so bound and determined to get...something...out of the vehicle? Personally, I open fire. Whatever he wants to get out of that vehicle is probably not good for my well being. I know the media is playing up the whole "Shot him in the back" bit, but that's kind of their bullshit thing anymore. If that cop had hesitated to give him the benefit of a doubt and the guy grabbed a fire arm and spun around firing, well, the cop is dead. RIP. So, my question is: What would you have done differently?
I would have grabbed him with the hands I was born with, and dragged him to the ground like I’m supposed to, and I WOULD be successful at it. Instead of nervously holding a gun and shaking my hands like it’s some kind of shitty game of cowboys-n-Indians. As I say: stop shooting people and do some Cop Shit. You signed up for risks, earn your money and fucking take them. If you won’t do the job, learn how to push a broom. I’d like to hope I also don’t live in a place where everyone is such fucking pussies they pull guns out as the answer to any “threat”. Multiple cops and a skinny black guy with his kids the back seat: this situation would have never happened if three cops weren’t so untrained and unprepared they could even handle one fucking person in three. And you CAN’T bruise the ego of a cop— we have seen time and time again they WILL NOT admit to wrongdoing, and adamantly will not take an “L” no matter how much they are outfought. If they lose, out come the guns.
From the original video, they had all the time in the world to just *tackle* him as he went around his car. That he even could walk away and reach his driver's side door means they'd lost control of the situation and were incapable of taking it back. Bad police work.
How much braver than the cops are those now-dead/injured protesters who tried to stop a legitimately armed and dangerous killer? I didn’t see anybody pull guns and wait until his back was turned. If they were wearing badges, they’d have parades with bagpipes and rifle salutes followed by the generic “THIS is the thanks we get?!?!?”. Instead of being championed as heroes (which is what they are), they’re being trashed as terrorists online.
Cops need to be taught to wrestle. I mean really trained properly in the sport, not just a few hours, I'm talking 100+ hours. I don't know think there is a man on the planet that can get out of a helicopter stack.