Aetius, you don't drive ANYWHERE. I know that, because you said you own a European car, and it must always be in the shop because of electrical communication issues that all European cars have. If someone swarms my car, they are going to get a lesson in what "road rash" means, because I'm not going to just sit there and take it when they try to break out my windows and/ or drag me out. I support peaceful (and even subversive ) protesting, BUT ATTACKING INNOCENT CITIZENS IS A NO-GO. HARD STOP.
Given that I live in the city where that took place, and have probably driven that exact intersection, I'm comfortable with my knowledge of driving. In any event, in the full video you can see the Prius approach from one direction, turn into the crowd, and try to nose their way through. Just don't do it. Drive a block and make your turn there, or worst case just come to a stop and wait. Lock your doors if you're feeling particularly concerned.
Yeah the people throwing bikes and the like to break the windows clearly cared about those locked doors...
Watching a live stream of the LA protest last night confirmed something I've long suspected. This isn't the same incident RoTN linked, but there was a pick up that the "Protestors" attacked. The driver tried to get away and ran over one of the idiots playing in traffic. Once again the truck was swarmed and the driver sped off. (Later the police stopped the truck and let the driver go.) Anyways, as the live stream continued, the buzz through the crowd was naturally about the run over protestor. I heard this numerous times, from various protestors..."A Nazi ran her over." I saw video of the truck. It didn't have a "I *Heart* Hitler" bumper sticker or even a Trump bumper sticker. But it was definitely a Nazi that ran her over. At least in their minds. To these idiots anyone who isn't 100% in lock step with their fucked up world view is a Nazi. You, me, a 95 year old guy in a wheelchair who fought actual Nazis as a young man...we're all Nazis. This confirmation coupled with my twisted sense of humor brought a scenario to my mind that made me giggle: Imagine someone with "Fuck You" money and they've been given a week to live, so thus....nothing to lose. They go buy a vintage 1940's Mercedes Nazi staff car, complete with flags on the fenders, and run right through a crowd of Antifa with it. I don't wish harm or death on any misguided souls, but the irony of them seeing Nazis everywhere and then being run down by an actual Nazi staff car in makes me giggle.
I think that driver was trying to get away. It looked different than the guy who drove over the girl from Charlottesville. But that clip will be great fodder for Fox News for the next 4 weeks. I can already see the texts from my in laws.
That car would be worth a fuck-ton of money to a collector or a museum. Ruining it would be a tragedy all by itself. Hitler’s parade 770 sold for $7 million alone.
Probably better in the Politics Thread. This is the "cars running over crowds and/or people fighting cops" thread.
I’m white so my chances are better with the cop. For real though, I never post here anymore but I do read, and the reason I do is because against all odds this still isn’t an echo chamber and people say things that make me think. I disagree vehemently with some of you and slightly with most of you but I always learn something. So one of the first things I thought when I saw this article was man... wonder what the idiots are going to parse out of this one.
I'm going to do my absolute best to make sure I don't encounter any of these protests/riots. I don't go to the city much, I haven't been at night in years. I'm going to turn around, if possible, sit there for a while if I have to, as long as I'm not being attacked. I don't want to hurt anyone. However, if I fuck up and end up driving near your protest and anyone starts trying to break my windows, especially with my family in the car, I'll mash any and every person in front of me until I'm well away from the danger.
I confess I don’t know much about the”Proud Boys” other than it’s a stupid fucking name for a group of grown men. But this article left me scratching my head:
From what I understand, it started out as a joke for libertarians by the co-founder of Vice. The joke then spun out of control and was co-opted by far-right activists. It’s more ultranationalist and populist than white supremacist in terms of official policies/creed, but there are white supremacists who are active supporters of it. I guess they hide behind the fact that their leader is Afro-Cuban or something. They basically show up to counter-protest liberal protestors and are also partially responsible for the escalation of violence in the situations they pretend to want to prevent violence in.
You don’t have to GUESS anything. That is their go-to policy for whining when it comes to ANY accusation whatsoever. They are so pathetic that it’s actually annoying. “Our leader is Cuban!” Well... so was Batista, losers. Go back to your little group and pretend you have friends.