Some organizations that have spent their entire existence fighting white supremacy certainly think so.
So Yelp has added a feature where a business that has had reports of racist conduct will get a badge indicating such with a link to news reports about the incident(s). This is going to devolve into an extremely predictable clusterfuck, but it's almost worth it for the reaction it's getting from conservative twitter.
You are aware they don’t give out a Nobel Prize for voluntarily subjecting yourself to conservative blue check marks, right? Why are you doing that to yourself? Everything okay at home? I’m moderately conservative and I find it insufferable. All of Twitter, actually. As for Yelp, interesting idea as long as those badges are always linked to something provable like a news article. That could be ripe for abuse otherwise. Yelp sucks anyway and have been illegitimate since they started accepting payments for better ratings.
It very black mirror to me. Plus, which news sources would be acceptable for the proof. While I don’t support discriminatory behavior, I think Yelp posting possibly damaging info about a business that can cause tangible harm sucks and it will be interesting to see how much of a shit show it will be.
Yelp is TERRIBLE. It is a license to bully, and belongs in the garbage bin of shameful history. Do not give power to the bitter.
I've found that the trending section of Twitter is a good way to find breaking news before it hits other services. Then you see "Yelp" trending under politics and think "what the fuck did they do?" Also fun is seeing a celebrity's name trending and trying to guess if they a) died b) did something racist c) have a high crossover with those insane kpop fans who are "stanning" them for some reason
So dueling protests in Denver and a member of the right-wing protest was killed by... a Pinkerton. A fucking Pinkerton. What century are we in again?
The fact your country still has bounty hunters at all—much less the ones Al Swearengen detests— should make you question what century you are in. What a fucking joke of a racket.
Plot twist: "9NEWS said 30-year-old Dolloff was a private security guard contracted by them through Pinkerton, but when FOX31 reached out to Denver’s Department of Excise and Licensing we were told there is no one by that who is or ever has been registered as an active security guard in the city."
I do detest King and his grifter ways, but on this he's just the messenger. Whoever this armed security guy is, he was in the right.
slapped his face (which could have knocked him unconscious) then maced him, seems like a pretty clear case of “reasonable fear of grave bodily harm.” And in the case of Colorado, where they allow lethal self defense only when a lesser form is reasoned to be inadequate, I would say that fucker demonstrated he was beyond lesser types of defense. play stupid games...
I think it will all come down to who was the aggressor, which we don't know yet. It also appears that by the time he deployed the mace he was already backing away and staring down the barrel of the gun. I'm guessing there's good footage of the event that we haven't seen yet, because they charged him rather quickly.
Good point. from what I’ve seen there were a bunch of people around the group, which was making a lot noise so people were videoing. Someone has to have footage of the full confrontation. Easy to fall into the trap of “what we see now is all there is to see” (like with all the shootings and cop things making the news nowadays).
There's another video that misses the actual moment of slap/mace/shoot, but shows a lot of the immediate beforehand and immediate aftermath. It's mostly the right-wing folk around a BLM guy and them shouting back and forth aggressively. The security guard isn't even visible I don't think. Guy who was shot wanders out of frame, you hear a bang and then the camera swings over to the aftermath. Hard to know what happened, but whatever it was it didn't take long.