Meh... they tried, he fought back and resisted. Yeah yeah yeah, I know, white cop shoots black guy... and it's not hip to side with the cops these days... but of all the bullshit going on out there, I can get on board with this one.
I do too. I know it's not popular to side with the cops, but the dude did have a knife on him and he had been violent before, including against the woman who called 911. As you like to say, "play stupid games, win stupid prizes." If or until more evidence comes out, this my take on it.
"Sir, you had a knife in your hands as you turned towards the officer..." "yeah, but I would never use it against him, I just didn't want to leave it there." "May I point to your 2010 conviction of slashing a cop with a knife..."
Yeah, there was a LOT of shit wrong with what he was doing, not just that... never mind he was trying to drive away with kids in the car.
Back when it happened I'd seen a message from (Supposedly) the aunt of the woman he recently was accused of sexually assaulting (The outstanding warrant he had). The whole family wasn't exactly thrilled with the outpouring of support from the community and the NBA shutting down for her niece's rapist. The only thing that mattered to the BLM mob was white cop/black man, anything else was just background noise.
Large protests all over Russia calling for the release of Alexey Navalny, over 1600 arrested. This could get really, really ugly. To say Putin & Co don't like dissent is an vast understatement.
Oh, hell yeah. It’s pointless to protest him because he’ll just kill you and tell investigation into the matter to pull the plug and go fuck themselves. Putin would every murder every protester just so he would not have to look at or listen to them. He would murder every person on the entire fucking planet of he could. Russia sucks. And Putin is the reason it sucks. I hope they overthrow him.
I'm just starting to get into stocks, mainly just throwing a hundred bucks each at two specific companies to see what happens. But curiosity got the best of me and I've started following r/wallstreetbets for the entertainment value. Are yall catching what they're doing with gamestop? It's starting to get some mainstream attention and I suspect there's gonna be some serious consequences if the powers that be decide to investigate it
Dude. They are amazing traders and you should follow their advice. Invest all you can in GME and hold it until it hits $420.69
I’ll make a few bucks off my six shares of blackberry. I don’t have diamond hands and a very low threshold for risk.
WSB is at its best when making shitpost gifs:
Are they pumping Gamestop to dump it? It seems the stock is worth more than it has any right to. My local GS just went kaput, with no other for miles around.
There's an "activist investor", Cohen, who made Chewy a success... he's invested a ton ($75 million?) into GME, and has been very outspoken about the shorts that have been trying to manipulate the price and drive it down. His stance is "fuck the shorts, they're scum", and that rallying cry resonated with the autists on /r/wallstreetbets As a result, they have pushed for the purchase and hold of shares, in order to squeeze the shit out of the shorts on the stock. And it seems to be working. Citron Research, one very outspoken "company" with a rather large short position, is really vocal about it, and how the price is going to drop to $20 so you'd all better sell. It turns out that the shorts are not covered all that well, so if the price goes up, the short sellers are positioned to lose a SHIT TON of cash. A number of people, myself included, find this hilarious. I bought some GME, and have more than doubled my cash since then. The shorts are now trying to cover their position, huge buying volume (largest in history), and a "fuck the shorts" rallying cry, all means that the prices are going up. Cohen's position in GME is now worth over $300 million, and he's been given a place on the board. He wants to pivot Gamestop and make them successful, and some people think that he can. But mostly, morons are in it for shits and giggles and will probably lose all of their money, especially if they are now investing only because it's such a train wreck that Cramer and the mainstream media is starting to cover it.
Can GameStop honestly be a success? How long are physical copies for video games going to exist, not unlike CD’s and DVD’s?
That’s what they are pivoting AWAY from. Can they be a success? Sure. Justify that stock price? Probably never.
No shit. And their new revenue model:
If that dude holds on too long and goes to zero it'll be the greatest loss porn in the history of that sub.