There's been an interesting shift in design of large scale financial systems. Old school systems are very much real-time, full-stack transaction (for lack of a better description), whereas new systems are very decoupled. That means that old-school systems, if a user does a trade, it has to go, make a bunch of calls, get feedback from those third-party calls, etc, and then returns to the client. Newer systems employ things like CQRS to decouple those dependencies, so that when an end-user submits a trade, for example, it is accepted locally, queued up for processing, but the local client gets lightning fast response. If there's a slowdown or problem downstream, the client is hidden from it, and the internal systems are left to figure it out. So for all you know, they very well may be having the same issues as the other systems, but it's just been designed to not impact the end user because it's newer, and people are smarter about that stuff now. The old school systems are fucking awful and antiquated and have no such modern designs.
So I threw some chump change into this fire pit. Literally, just $300 I don't need for anything right now. Tried to get some AMC at the open but was rejected, grabbed some later at a higher price, now I'm watching it dip. I'll just leave it alone, see what happens.
I just recently opened up a new trading account, and the ONLY trades I've ever done with it so far are BB, GME, and AMC. I'm sure any advisor will look at my trading history and just roll their eyes. And with that, maybe it IS time to move these conversations over to the Investing thread...
Amazon updated their app logo. And then had to update it again, because the new logo was "Literally Hitler."
WSB user gets letter basically asking if he’s okay after losing six figures, suggests their educational tools since they can’t legally do anything about him being an idiot.
This isn't the first time that Dr. Seuss books have been removed from publication by the estate. But now people are screaming about cancel culture.
I hope them removing those particular books helps keep the other Dr. Seuss books around for many, many years. (That cartoon is not in one of his books, thankfully, and was the bottom half of a bigger cartoon he did.) I think he has plenty of more positive messages of acceptance and inspiration in his other books, and it would be a shame to deprive children of those. Like civilized people should, he learned and grew and became more enlightened as he matured.
But that would require turning off Fox "News" and thinking. Spoiler tags for image size. Spoiler This is day three of their news cycle on this story. How the fuck are people supposed to make any kind of rational choices when this is the kind of shit that they are exposed to. And before this it was people freaking out that the branding for Mr Potato Head was changing to Potato Head and none of the actual toys were even changing. What's next weeks outrage going to be? People freaking out about car companies planning to switch to 100% electric in 10 to 20 years? The personal freedom crowd is all about being upset when people make choices.
It’s all of it. I’m just bored to death of people being offended by something stupid and then another group being offended that the first group is offended. Focus on not being a complete fuck up in life and you won’t have time to worry about a stupid book you never cared about before, a mascot for syrup you’ve never used or the name of a football team you don’t root for. Meanwhile stimulus checks don’t get passed, vaccine rollouts are sluggish and the environment continually gets fucked up. It’s just a constant barrage of, “What’s this stupid thing I’m being asked to care about this week?” Imagine people caring about something that actually matters?
Now take this thinking one step further and ask "who is wasting time on the clickbait shit, and who is pushing for the important things you listed."
Here is the Fox News Outrage Identity Politics machine. Something totally normal happens, like say a book publisher deciding to take something out of print. Then the outrage machine fiires up with the daytime talk shows this is "cancel culture" or SJWs or millennials or the liberals/non whites or that Jewish billionaire. Then a bunch of bot accounts get some fucking hash tag trending on twitter or Instagram or Facebook or altavista search trends. Then a bunch of chuckle fucks who confuse cognitive dissonance with oppression start screaming everywhere about how they are under attack. Then the evening accounts fire up leading up to the white power hour with Tucker Carlson. He spews outrage for about an hour sputtering out the important key words like buttery males and take America back from whomever stole it this week. Then regular people seeing all of this smoke and hearing all of this wild screeching start trying to figure out where the fire is. And they ask questions like "what the ever loving fuck is going on?" reasonable questions to ask when it sounds like someone is trying to deepfry a cat. And the fox news crowd goes "they support us by asking questions" and the rest of the world has to stop doing something productive and start talking about how publishers get to choose which books they have in print. All the while wasting their time knowing that the Fox news team and the Fox news fans never gave any fucks about thus issue and that they are moving on to discuss how some cartoon rabbit isn't as fuckable in the reboot as she was in the original. And that's why you can have people charging into an insurrection without realizing that it is illegal.