It's such horseshit that the folks who complain about cancel culture the loudest are usually the same people who preach at those on the low end of the socioeconomic scale and/or minorites to take responsibility for their actions. Maybe it's just me, but getting enraged because companies want to keep making money by not being discriminatory seems fucking stupid. Like, you're really getting mad because the only color some conglomerate gives a shit about is green? Look, if someone does or says something that you don't agree with, fine. There is a vast ocean of content, a lot of which will never get the attention it deserves. I guess my issue with it is that for Republicans, this is all they have. They can't win with policy, so all they have is emotional appeals. It's why nothing got done when they were in power, other than gorging themselves from the trough at the expense of the American taxpayer.
While I appreciate your elaboration, I was being more rhetorical than anything. I don’t watch Fox News, or any cable news for that matter unless there’s some massive, unfolding story. Half their reporting is done with a figurative chummy arm draped over your shoulder saying, “Did you see what those fags at CNN/MSNBC are saying now?” The other two are similarly unwatchable, but for slightly different reasons. Having seen more news stories about Dr. Seuss instead of the details of the massive relief bill on the docket is all I need to know about Fox News. Joy Reid on MSNBC saying “conservatives would trade all their tax cuts in so they can openly say the n-word” is all I need to know about their outfit. The only part of cancel culture that I care enough to support is the tearing down of Confederate statues. The southerners can go fuck themselves.
On a weird note with this stuff, when I was a kid, my grandmother had a VHS tape of old Christmas cartoons that we used to watch during the holidays. One of the cartoons on the tape was this one: When I was in college, I took Racial Politics and the Media as one of my electives for Political Science. One of the first things we watched and then analyzed as a group was that cartoon. It was pretty surreal.
There's that montage at the end of Bamboozled that's supposed to make you reflect on Black representation in the media and how the concept of blackface was kept alive way past its exp. date. I all I could think was how I watched those cartoons as a kid and had a great time.
Twitter: "Now they're saying Pepe Le Pew is a rapist. I can't believe how these modern woke tightasses have no sense of humor!" Dave Chappelle in Killin Them Softly 20 years ago: "What kind of fuckin' rapist is Pepe?!"
At least Chappelle was clearly making a joke of the whole thing. Woke-O Haram is after Pepe and Speedy Gonzales, and to my knowledge no liberals have complained about either. Growing up in the third world, watching Loony Tunes in spanish, I promise you none of us kids saw Pepe as a role model. It was pretty clear to us what was going on, I dunno why American kids lack the bandwidth, but I have suspicions.
Any logical kid saw Pepe as a villain. Woke people are probably more mad that WB are depicting this as typical French behaviour.
Except for the cartoons that ended with him being chased by the cat. Once his smell was covered up, he was the one frantically trying to get away from crazy pussy.
A lone American cop decides to cross his thin blue line. If there’s one video that deserves to go viral this year, it’s this one: ....”I’ll probably be fired for this.” If your co-workers don’t kill you first.
If Oprah was half the interviewer she's getting credit for being, she would have ignored the aristocratic whining of two of the most privileged people in the world and asked about Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein.
Oprah has never been above interviewing midget transsexuals and Nazi dog-fuckers just like back when she was competing with Donahue. Fat, stupid white women turned her into a billionaire when she’s been nothing other than a tabloid sleazebag and a failed actress. The power of the Lowest Common Denominator is unstoppable, and they WILL put their kings/queens on the throne whether we like it or not.
Harry is of another generation and never would have been privy to the shenanigans/cover up, and Megan is a total outsider who just got there. I can't imagine either would know anything. Due to our celebrity and gossip obsession however, they do have enough to torch the royal family another way, which is what Oprah got.
Harry asked her if she knew how to curtsy for the Queen of England. The fucking horror. If she didn’t come off as a whiny brat over a bunch of trivial nonsense then I’d have a better time imagining the Monarchy is ROCKED over this like all the bombastic headlines want you to believe. The victimhood mentality is no way to run a successful society. As far as pernicious undercurrents go this one is probably way more destructive than something like “cancel culture.”
Let's be honest, like 90% of her issues were just ongoing PTSD from being stalked by that fucking weirdo Piers Morgan.
Andrew was accused of raping an underage girl more than once. If that didn’t torch them, I doubt Meghan Markle being sad that she can’t be the Duchess of Woke will.