The British culturally appropriated Indian food better than anywhere else. Fish and chips are good. Alright sausages that rely too heavily on fillers. Everything else I’ve tried sucks.
Whenever these topics come up, with people shitting on British foods I always wonder where people ate or tried some of the food. There are a large number of gastropubs in the UK which all do high quality, great food which isn't tasteless or shit. The crap food in my experience tends to be in the tourist traps and chain pubs which most tourists go to for a "traditional" English meal.
Just to add, equating pickled walnuts with something all Brits eat, is the equivalent of equating pickled pigs feet with something all Americans eat. Also your chocolate is just shit
See now you're just shitting with me. Anyone who thinks pickled pigs trotters are good has no right to criticize British food
All the food I like is the best, and all the food you like is the worst. If you don’t agree, you should be lined up against a wall and shot.
It's bacon on hooves and not that fatless loin bacon you limeys eat. I eat all types of crazy stuff, fun to try stuff different. Pickled Walnuts is one of the grosses foods Ive ever tried. Ive eaten balut and chicken feet (latter being pretty good, its all skin and fat)
I know some of you here eat boiled peanuts, which should immediately disqualify you to judge anything food related.
I think Yorkshire Pudding is England’s best contribution to edible substance but it’s not “pudding”, it’s some bread thingy. Tasty, though.
If I was on death row, road side Cajun flavored boiled peanuts might just be my last meal. I probably eat ~3lbs of boiled peanuts a month. I bought an Insta-Pot for the sole purpose of making boiled peanuts in a few hours vs a few days.
Chicken feet is what we ate when we simply couldn't afford the real stuff, not a drum or a thigh or a breast. And they were delicious, have an old school Dominican grandmother cook some for you and you'll agree.