"Gas prices should be higher" sounds great to some I suppose, until their weekly grocery bill and nearly every other thing skyrockets. When these politicians and professional activists stop flying all around the world in a fucking jet, maybe then they can lecture me about my driving to and from work in a 4 cylinder vehicle. Maybe then I'll listen. In the meantime they can stick their "carbon foot print" up their own asses.
Yeah, sometimes it seems like people don't realize that those extra costs are going be spread across the market and will affect low income families more negatively than higher income families. Same with taxes. You think the wealthy, the business owners, the people with the products and services aren't going to raise prices, making their stuff less affordable to lower income citizens? People that provide goods and services, transport goods, they aren't just going to say, "well, guess I'm not going to make any money the next four years". They raise their prices, and people living close to edge suddenly can't afford them.
Wait, is this another "all white people are racist" thing? No, we don't "group all Asian people together." At least I do not, and I would imagine anyone with a brain, compassion, and human understanding doesn't either. That almost sounds like saying all of one group is racist because of the color of their skin or something... I give them props for the publicity stunt. No one was buying Mr. Potato head until hasbro or whomever made it was like "you know what, let's use cancel culture as a marketing opportunity!" and in one press release made Mr. Potato head a collectable. Same with those Dr. Seuss books. The ones that were removed were clearly racist, and had massive issues with them, and if they had just taken them out of print and not said anything no one would have noticed or cared that they did. But they made an announcement, and now everyone is giving them free publicity and reading their books into the Congressional record. I think it's a brilliant marketing strategy.
I've got a ton of old (and I mean OLD) Disney books featuring stories like the Tar Baby and Uncle Remus. I'd love to know what they are worth. It's kind of brilliant: "The owners of the copyright want to sunset these titles, because their time has passed, but we'd still like to get their lifetime value. How do we get 8 years worth of sales in 6 months?" "Y'all know anyone at Fox News? Hold my beer, I got an idea...." Glad this is what we have to be mad about, these days.
government is boring haven't you heard? No one likes that. They have to invent drama now instead of sitting back and smiling, knowing your blood pressure won't rise every time the President speaks or twe.... wait, he doesn't do that.
No, I was merely attempting to point out the irony of one group of people who get mad about being broad brushed as racist, and a member of that group of people committing a mass murder of another group of people on the basis that they look similar. To my knowledge, none of the victims were even Chinese. They were Korean like me.
I think the great majority of white people would love for racism to end. If it were like flipping a switch, turning racism off, I'd bet every white person on this board would scramble to be the one to flip it. I guess my question is, what do you want from us, the white members of this board? Because we are your audience here, here we are who you're comparing to that psycho. I don't think you'd have to live with that fear around ANY of the members here.
Seems like the guy attacked a bunch of jack-shacks. Could’ve been a mix of racism and some anti sex work thing.
If they are Disney books, then they were based on Song of the South. (like, those Golden Books?) Song of the South was the Disney movie, based on Uncle Remus books, because Disney did not invent the story or those books. Uncle Remus stories were oral folklore tales in the Black South, and they were originally written down by Joel Chandler Harris in the Uncle Remus books. They are still published as far as I know.
I think it would be incredibly helpful if more white people would speak up whenever another white person is being an asshole to people that aren't straight white people. That's it. Unless it's done for selfish reasons, speaking up is not virtue signaling. Speaking up makes you a decent human being that's flipping the discrimination switch off. It matters that white people call out other white people for this because a white person who is being racist doesn't give a shit about the opinion of the people they are oppressing. They are more likely to listen to another white person because they see white people as more equal to them. When white people automatically assume that a person who is speaking up are virtue signaling, they are effectively shutting down any conversation on shitty behavior. The topic changes from "this person is doing racist shit and should stop," to "get a load of this fragile snowflake making a mountain out of a molehill". It's an easy way to deflect. At this point, I don't give a shit about racists not changing their mind when it comes to being a racist. They can have all the shitty thoughts they want. It's the shitty actions that matter. Also, this happened. https://twitter.com/cbs46/status/1372196248246235137?s=20 If I had 8 murders tied to me in a state with the death penalty, I'd be saying some shit too. If anybody actually believes what a mass murderer has to say about his motivation, this tweet sums up how I feel perfectly.
It's political theater as long as it remains some "oh, we can keep polluting, carbon capture will solve it" excuse not to address the issue. Putting a price on carbon emissions will make it very clear very fast that relying on some currently non-existent technology is not a valid solution. If you put a price on carbon, it's going to raise the cost of flying in a private jet much more than it raises the cost of driving a 4-cylinder. Pricing carbon is probably the best way to actually make rich elites feel the weight of their emissions. That's largely the point. It's not like we can avoid the costs by simply allowing continuing emissions; we'll just pay them in a different (and much more expensive) way. Putting a price on emissions would actually tie the cost of emitting to the act of emitting, instead of the situation we have right now where it's free to emit and everyone else has to bear the cost of it. If you pair a carbon tax with a dividend, lower-emitting groups (which covers lower income families) would actually come out ahead.
It's a joke because the economic viability of implementing and sustaining it is non-existent, just like nearly every other major environmental policy in the US.
Our current situation of burning fossil fuels like mad, and then saying "what about carbon capture, that will solve it eventually" is not viable. If we had a carbon tax, maybe instead of kicking the can down the road people would say "fuck, we should probably build some windmills or nuclear plants or some shit."
I give the guy credit for actual coming up with a statement that wasn’t smearing his feces on the wall like the rest of the kooks that end up living after one of these. I think you got the wrong “ist” here, plenty of precedent for misogynist incels shooting up, or driving over, women. I think 4 of the victims were non Asian bystanders. Don’t know how any rationalization he spouts is going to help him not face the death penalty. edit: 6 of 8 were Asian, one non Asian wounded.
Yeah this one feels like École Polytechnique and r/nofap had a horrific cant-get-no-love-child. If you dig deep enough into his psyche there's probably some racial fetishism that explains why he picked Asian sex workers, but the hatred seems gender based.
That wouldn’t surprise me in the least. The /r/nofap community is a breeding ground for lunatics. “I didn’t beat off for 2 weeks and I feel like Superman!” Ok cool, guy. Have a little self control FFS.
While I agree that there were probably multiple causes for this, saying the race of the victims was "probable fetishism if you did some deep digging", is dismissive and ignores the huge spike in anti-Asian sentiment that has been building since this pandemic started. That'd be like me saying that after a driver slams into a guardrail at 80 MPH and kills your best friend after leaving a bar on the night of St. Patrick's, that if you did some digging, alcohol may have played a factor, but it was actually the speed of the crash that killed your friend. Besides, does anybody really believe that American attitudes toward Asians is going to improve as this so-called "China virus" keeps spreading and China becomes a stronger world power? The US Census is projecting the US to become a minority majority country in 2045, and I am struggling to recall if any racial majority in any part of the world during any point in recorded history has ever peacefully turned power to those that would now be the majority.