You got "make the world a better place" money? We actually do, but it falls under Universal Healthcare so that's socialism.
I’d be on board for a national funded return of mental institutions. No one has ever mentioned it in more than just passing. So that’s a hardcore pipe dream. We criminally under serve the mentally ill in this country.
Jail has become the new home for many of the severely mentally ill. Mental healthcare in general in this country is abysmal. Right now most of your in-patient mental facilities are just fucked from top to bottom, and in-stay rehab is a revolving door cash grab. Pipe dream indeed. One small step in the right direction regarding police shootings.
any predictions for the Derek Chauvin trial that started today? If I were to place a bet today, I say no criminal charges, and that they determine he was acting within proper procedure at the time which said that you can restrain by kneeing on a suspect in such a manner. But again, I have not seen all the evidence nor has anyone yet, so this opinion subject to change. Regardless of the outcome, I predict mass rioting that would make the stuff earlier this year seem tame by comparison
Yup, "following procedure," and no punishment is my guess, too. If that happens, get ready for Rodney King riots 2.0. I hope I'm wrong.
I think he’ll be found guilty, just not as guilty as some people want. Cue another round of rioting and looting. Last year’s sneakers are so out of style after all.
I don’t see how anyone looks on at a dude with his hands in his pockets casually snuffing the life out of a man and thinks maybe it’s the dead guys fault. The only way this dude gets away with it is if a juror wants him to no matter the circumstances. It would be one thing if there was an actual fight going on or if his hands were free. He was fully apprehended.
It shouldn’t work. But all it takes is one stupid fucking juror and if you’ve ever watched any documentaries on famous criminal cases, jurors routinely have IQ’s just north of room temperature. Defense lawyers love stupid jurors.
Not guilty, Civil suit the family gets P.A.I.D. Half the time it seems like the city knows the outcome of the trial, and hopes there's another issue to distract them by the time the trial happens. I am starting to think one solution to this problem is an outrageously high Civil suit liability. $1bn a shot or something and the state shares liability with the locals. Fucking amazing how this is a wedge issue.
As a distinction, I’m not saying it SHOULD — I’m saying that right now, given the facts we know at the current time, that I believe it will. I am sure that other facts will come out during trial, some of which might change my opinion both on what I think will happen, and what I think should happen. As of right now though, I think he should spend his life in prison. I do not think that will happen though.
Unfortunately I agree. I'd guess the civil suit ends in a payout somewhere in the $15-$18 million range based on the fact that the Breonna Taylor lawsuit paid out at $12 million. Sadly these payouts are like QB contracts in the NFL; each subsequent one sets the new floor for the next and they're just going to keep going up and up in each instance.
I don't think that's not how criminal defense works. It doesn't have to be the dead guy's fault for him to be not guilty. If the casual knee in the back was the way he was trained, then all the defense will have to do is show video of that type of training, show that Chauvin was following procedures of how he was taught. The defense attorney will say something like "if you don't like that this is an accepted method to subdue, then change it or punish his supervisors, but don't punish him for doing what he was taught." I think they civil suit would be different, because the actions of all those officers most definitely lead to Floyd's death, and those standards are different than the criminal court. Then the police department's insurance fund can pay out.
I mean sure, that might be something taught to them. But I’d be curious to know what the situation has to be for that to be warranted. Clearly, the safety of the officer was in such jeopardy that he had the ability to place his hands in his pockets. And chill for nearly 10 minutes. I’m not saying this to attack you in an way. I’m just saying if that’s the defense they want to use, it would require some real explanation.
Is there any scenario in which the city doesn't burn? I haven't been following the trial but I heard the charges were changed. What are the actual charges now? If it's "Chauvin caused his death" then I think there's a small chance he's found guilty. If it's "Chauvin deliberately and purposely murdered Floyd" then no chance of a guilty verdict.
I don't take it as an attack at all. And I'm certainly not defending Chauvin. What happened was gross and a bunch of things could have (and should have) happened differently to keep Floyd from dying. And, I agree, it'll take some real explanation, and I expect the defense is prepared to do that. The jury will only get the facts or what are presented as facts. They won't have news coverage version or Twitter yelling version or any of that, so it may just play out differently.