Unrelated to anything above: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/cana...t-gunpoint-in-own-home/ar-BB1f8Hj3?li=AAggFp5 I mean, I guess this is a celebration that the charges were dropped, but Jesus. Welcome to Canada, where masked bandits can invade your home, zip tie you to a chair, hold a gun on you, steal your things and when you miraculously break free and shoot them, YOU GET CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER. This is almost as good as the dude in Australia who was charged with murder after he killed a drug dealer who had broken into his house and was looming over his baby's crib. One thing I will say about America...there might be a civil suit, but the cops would just congratulate you and fill out paperwork in these cases.
OK but You accidentally shoot one intruder currently wrestling with another person, and you happen to get them in the chest. Then a different intruder is fighting with you over the gun (where's the third?) and the gun manages to rack itself and fire, hitting HIM dead in the chest too. It's a good thing there's video to exonerate because that's fucking unbelievable.
My favourite thing about that is how disappointed the OPP are that they didn’t get to lock up a home invasion victim. My friend works for their attachment up there, I can’t wait to ask him “Why kind of pathetic fucking people do you work with?”
I believe, in situations like this, our laws should closely mirror the "stand your ground" ones that the US has. As SOON as the masked intruders with shotguns kicked in his door, the occupant of the residence should be within their rights to exercise any means necessary. That means that yes, if you happen to store a gun under your side table and you pull it out and shoot all three dead while their back is turned, that's allowed. You're right. Thank god there's video because this guy would be in jail for defending himself and his family otherwise.
When I say it's fucking unbelievable, I mean that I have a hard time believing that's how it actually went down. The rest of the article doesn't even mention the video, other than the son watching the invasion on his phone. Did the cops not check it, before they filed charges? Does it even exist? This smells.
Honestly the whole thing feels like they were just taking the opportunity to squeeze dad to try and get him to give up his son the drug dealer or get the son to flip on someone further up.
I don't care so much how or why it started, but I would like some clarity re: the elderly man who worked himself free of zipties with no one noticing, the son who arrived alone to confront 3 intruders, the magical self-aiming self-loading shotgun that hit two intruders in the chest in spite of all the wrestling involved, the third intruder who I guess jumped out a second story window and then disappeared off the face of the earth...
I'm willing to bet that at the very least the son was involved in some highly questionable things. Even giving the Crown the full benefit of the doubt, and agreeing that the son was a drug dealer who had illicit drugs and cash stored upstairs, if three masked dudes kicked in the door and attacked the occupants they found, that's the ballgame. They forfeited their lives by doing that (IMO).
He also did a himself a huge favour by killing them. Being Ontario, they would have successfully sued him for everything he owned if they had lived.
This trial is emotionally challenging for me to continue to watch. I can only imagine the trauma for the witnesses and families involved. holy shit
The question won’t be whether or not Chauvin is guilty, because he just plain is a guilty murderer. The question will be how much the system still moves the goalposts because these pieces of shit were cops. It’s easier to put a movie star in prison than a cop, and the system in place does NOT like putting its drinking buddies in jail, no matter how much of a sadistic monster they are. Those are just plain facts.
I was on second shift during the Zimmerman trial and watched it live extensively. The reality I saw live, how the media framed it, and how the internet framed it was so radically different from what I viewed I wondered if we were all in the same galaxy. The media obviously had their biased narrative. The internet seemed to be driven by straight emotions and what they thought things aught to be instead of the straight facts and laws that applied in that case. Wasn’t shocked at all with the result if you stripped the emotion out of it. I’m haven’t watched any so far but the reports I’ve read or seen have the same predictable slant. Sounds like they threw everything at the wall to see what sticks with the charges. Both Zimmerman and Casey Anthony were overcharged and the prosecutors were painted into a corner. Little more breathing room. Gnash your teeth all you want about blaming the victim but him have the drugs in his system could be the deciding factor. This wasn’t just a little weed. Fentanyl kills hundreds if not thousands of people a day in this country due to overdoses. This isn’t the Capitol Hill cop people are trying to claim just happened to die on his own the same day he was attacked. This is a deadly drug mixed with meth. Chances of death from ingesting those puts you in good odds to meet the grim reaper. Competent defense attorney put a decent doubt into at least one juror. Easily see this as a hung jury.
He doesn’t get to live in peace no matter what, rightfully so, therefore it doesn’t matter what happens to him. Killing himself is the best way to go.
I'd have to agree with KK on this one. He isn't going to be convicted of murder, I highly doubt there will be any conviction at all. The defense is going to play the full 40 minute video where Floyd is struggling with the cops the entire time, the choke was an approved way of restraint from his training, and the guy's toxicology report reads like a scene from Boogie Nights. I don't agree with what is going to happen, but there's like a 10% chance any of the police are going to be criminally convicted of anything.
At the risk of sounding insensitive, how do you yell for that long saying I can’t breathe and stuff... if you can’t breathe?
I don’t know. What I can tell you is that if anybody on this board wants to volunteer to get put in a choke, I can say without knowing you at all that I can— and will— kill you with it. This horseshit people saying the drugs killed him, you people are only kidding yourselves with a goofy and intentional bias. Yes, I’m sure he was going to die in twenty minutes if those cops didn’t rescue him from the “fight” he put up. He looked so dangerous: hog tied, trussed like a pig, screaming for help, with the weight of three armed men putting their entire mass on top of them for as hard and long as they possibly could. ...yes, it was the “drugs”. Give me a fucking break.
I didn’t say anything about drugs. And I do believe he was murdered, intentionally or not, even if the cop ultimately gets off because the hold was an approved practice. I just wanted to know how he could continue to talk if he truly couldn’t breathe. Was he having anxiety from being restrained and felt he couldn’t breathe? Was it slowly cutting off his air? I don’t know. I’m trying to understand what’s going on as much as anyone.
Breathing is not an all or nothing thing. You yourself bought an O2 saturation meter. Well, if you could breathe, and talk, why did you get it?
good point. So I guess he got to that point then where the oxygen was so low, being cut off, that it killed him? Potentially I mean. For the sake of example, my SPO2 levels got to 88 at their lowest, and it really sucked. I could still talk, but my functioning was slowing at that point and I was close to hospital time. So like if he was at or around comparative levels... they really had him on the edge of death then right? And then potentially pushed him over that edge? He was saying “I can’t breathe” but that was his interpretation of “my oxygen supply is being cut off”