I'm a fan of "no body cam? no badge? out of uniform*" then charge them with impersonating a cop. *the provision for out of uniform would require a bit of nuance, since undercover, plainclothes and off duty responders are a thing. But hiding name tags, or wearing "tatical" gloves that double as brass knuckles is a serious problem.
that’s my thinking. I’m sure you’ll find many who would disagree with you, though I am not one. In some instances unions can be good, and in some they are completely horrible, or in the case of police unions, potentially deadly. Hard to say that’s okay here but not there, so I just generally take a “fuck unions” approach.
I'm pretty sure he's just talking about the police unions. Geez, I wish I could get paid to fuck up on the job.
Trust me not as great as you think. I fucking hate my job because of the union, but i also get paid a shit ton because of the union.
I am a ILWU(longshore) which is a labour union. I am a skilled trades person(red seal ticketed). All the maintenance shop is ticketed, we are about 60 people to there 800-1000, there is only about 250 actual union members, the rest is casual labour. How to get a number is that when ever there is a need for bigger labour pool is they give one application to each union member to give out to who ever they want. Because the maintenance shop is skilled/ticketed unless they are hiring apprentices they go out and higher someone with a ticket. I don't know if that is the reason, but the rest of the work force seems to hate the maintenance shop because we dont have to go through the weird application process. Since we are such a small percentage of the overall work force if we have a problem no one from the union really backs us so if the company wants to fuck us it is a huge fight to get the union to fight for us. And the nepotism is the worst you have ever seen. The local presidents daughter totaled 4 trucks before the company was able to finally say she couldn't be in the position she was in and drive a pickup truck. Now she is on the dock in winter where it isn't always nice. If you have the right last name(friends with the old school union guys) you can't do no wrong. No matter who many people complain that they are not doing a good job they still vote for the same idiots ever time. edit. You think the teamsters or what ever are fucked, go to a dock and look at the ILWU members.
And the latest thing that pissed me off, is I had covid. My government mandated isolation ended on the 4th(sunday) the company said I couldn't come back to work until the 12th(today). And the company isn't paying for either the week i had covid, or more importantly aren't paying me for the week i was off where the government said i was good to go. That week included a holiday(which is triple time) and the rest of the week. The union just doesn't give a shit and isn't fighting it.
What their response to criticism SHOULD be is to treat the corrupt cops amongst them the way Leonard is treated in Full Metal Jacket. Instead of saying “No, it’s not YOUR fault. Everybody is stupid except for us.” Also every major city should have a Civilian member-only police board, and that board should have total dominion over the employment status of every single police officer in the city. When a chief refuses to fire them, the board can fire the officer AND the chief just like Oakland did.
oh shit.... I believe the legal term for this is "involuntary manslaughter," and I imagine she will plead guilty in exchange for leniency in sentencing.
What a complete fucking moron and chickenshit. I still fail to see why weapons have to be pulled on people at traffic stops all the time, it’s lazy and cowardly. Like these fuckos who shoot every family dog on the loose because of the CHANCE they might get bit. Take some fucking risk, you signed up for it. Do some Cop Shit. You’re not an action hero, you’re not even trained better than barber.
I don't know the context for that specific individual, but I could see a scenario where using a taser on someone trying to get back into their car and flee would absolutely be warranted. I could also see a scenario wherein shooting them would be warranted as well. If that person was wanted for violent crime? If there was reason to believe that they would commit harm in the vehicle if they got away, including their words or actions prior to getting back in the vehicle? Absolutely. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. My issue is with the tasers though. As I said before, they shoot like guns. Sure, you should know the difference, but they shouldn't be designed that way. Also, if the person upon which it's being deployed has a heart condition, or if the taser hits in the right spot, they can quite easily die from it. There's a reason they're called "less lethal" rather than "less THAN lethal." They do kill, just not as regularly and reliable as handguns (cops are, in general, absolutely horrible shots btw). Great example is the fucktard who stormed the Capitol with a taser, decided he wanted to try to steal a painting off the wall, put the taser between his legs in order to do so and shot his testies, resulting in cardiac arrest and death.
Brooklyn Center, MN is about to be sued into oblivion. The family of the person shot by police will certainly sue. Also waiting in line will be the former city manager, who was fired by the mayor, backed by a vote from city council. for refusing to fire the officer...he stated she was entitled to due process. The mayor decided to install someone who would tell the chief of police to fire the officer, because fuck due process. I'm guessing there will be a wrongful termination suit from the former city manager. And finally, the officer that fired the shot, after all that angling by the mayor to deprive her of due process, may just have a lawsuit herself. Imagine the outrage if she gets a payday over this because the mayor and city council summarily passed judgement, and disregarded the rule of law.
Tazers don’t look like guns, they aren’t coloured like guns. They aren’t the size of guns, they aren’t HOLSTERED IN THE SAME PLACE AS A GUN. This is a sad and tired fucking excuse cops use to take lives with impunity. The bitch who shot this kid had 25 years experience. Oh, and she’s the president oft he police union, so she was ALREADY a complete piece of shit. All of what you said could be a factor, if it was, but basically none of it is, and that’s usually the case with most police encounters. Anybody who thinks people deserve to die simply for resisting or running from the police are, the self, a worthless fucking sociopath. They killed this kid over a fucking misdemeanour warrant, because he HAD to die. He resisted, right? And that is a Lethal Funding for cops in America now. Kill them if they even TRY to run whatsoever. If they didn’t shoot him right then and there, he would have driven off and committed a massacre. We are not talking about a dangerous career here. Logging and pilots are the 1 and 2 dangerous careers, ranked. Being a police officer is 23rd. Delivering food is more dangerous.
That happens all the time. Do you know how many cops are on permanent vacation for killing and maiming people? We have a staff sergeant here in town who gets to collect full pay for the rest of his life because he jumped up and down on a girl’s throat while four other officers pinned her down on the floor. You see the experience “traumatized” HIM, not her. He’s the victim.
Cop that shot Daniel Shaver got his job back so that he could get retirement bennies and got medical expenses paid for for the shooting he did.
Cops should DEFINITELY be armed. I am. We mostly are. It does NOT end well when the police are outgunned by the average citizen, just watch the first 10 minutes of "Predator 2". If I call the cops because I'm a victim of armed robbery, they better show up with better than harsh language and crisp uniforms. However, they definitely are in for a culture change. Most of the policies and procedures in place are written in idiocy and blood, especially coming off of "peak violence" in the 1990's. Well, now we have less blood and way more idiocy. Yet cops' culture still reflects that. It needs to be more Andy Griffith and less Lethal Weapon/CSI/Law and Order. I have a real concern than tv and movies and macho culture have a bigger role to play in this violence than any individual policy or department. These guys still see themselves as heroes, even though they are commiting sanctioned murder, and the lack of convictions reinforces that. No one can hold their feet to the fire for fear of the union, the politics and the real concern they just, as a whole, stop doing thier job. I also hate how everyone is screaming for a federal solution to a local problem: believe me the DOJ will make things worse, not better. The best you could hope for is a review of the police department's policies and the locality's laws to ensure they are not just soliciting manslaughter out of laziness. Just like gun laws, the fed wading in will make it far worse.
So both the officer who shot and the police chief resign effective immediately. I dunno, maybe it was the fact that she held the gun for like 10 minutes that suggests it was never really mistaken for a taser.