There was a great book I read years ago, I wish I could remember the title, that talked about how it became so hard for pedos to trade porn it was all but eradicated. Then the internet came along.
Cops have on-duty drag-race while driving marked cruisers in broad daylight. Murphy’s Law decides to take the wheel: charges filed, of course.
War is coming in Portland. Antifa has armed themselves and is harassing the citizenry, this will not end well. Two separate incidents today. One here. And here's the other:
On the one hand, bringing guns to protests is a terrible idea and this is going to end poorly. On the other hand, I can't say I'm 100% opposed to the "I'm in a car, therefore I can do whatever I want" mentality taken down a peg. It's not even a political thing, I just fucking hate how entitled people get once they get behind the wheel of a car.
As opposed to how entitled people get when they take over the place where people in cars are supposed to be? I mean some people have jobs, possibly elderly parents/sick relatives to take care of, children that need to be taken to school, etc...
I've had my safety put at risk too many times by people racing to red lights to give a shit if they have "somewhere to be." Don't drive through crowds. If the road is blocked, go around. If the road isn't supposed to be blocked, call the cops and let them deal with it.
There are a lot of asshole drivers out there, we all know that. However, if you look at the long version of the first one I posted the protesters used a vehicle illegally parked to stop his truck and then pointed guns at him. That's an ambush. Not a court in the land would've convicted him if he hit the throttle and ran the whole lot of them down. Like I said, there's going to be a war. If I lived somewhere that had roving bands of terrorists armed with AR's trying to intimidate normal people just trying to live their lives, I damn sure wouldn't stop my car to see what they wanted if they tried to detain me. I'd duck down and hit the gas. And if I did get stopped, I'd have an AR of my own with me and come out firing.
You act like every single mob protest is publicly announced and prearranged defined routes so random people have the chance to avoid it. Guy here in our city last year, was here from out of town, and turned down the wrong street. Video showed the protestors swarm his car and pound on it as he tried to back out of the street. Could have been seconds away from turning the guy into the next Reginald Denny. He gunned it out of the mob and hit a few. Fairly obvious the crowd was the aggressors and cops didnt prosecute when no one in the crowd ended up filing a complaint. Maybe these mob crowds shouldnt attack cars? Critical thinking doesn't seem to be mobs' strong point though.
Every one of these assholes deserves to be run over. The intimidation tactics are inexcusable and the lack of police to prevent citizens from being harassed is a disgrace.
What the fuck are they still protesting/rioting about? Portland, to my understanding, skews left as far as government and social issues, the police have backed down for months, the Tangerine Tyrant has been removed from office- am I missing something? They’re just being assholes at this point. Crack down and end this bullshit already.
People always bring up Reginald Denny because in the last thirty years it hasn't happened again. Meanwhile the overwhelming majority of these videos start with the driver trying to push their way through the crowd because "I'm in a car, and they're not."