I read somewhere that those crypto mining operations are causing massive pollution issues from all the electricity they require. Which makes it kinda weird that tesla would get all up in their snatch. Unless they want to be in the business of providing "clean" electricity to them eventually?
Recently I had to listen to my wife’s aunt tell me how she “mines” crypto by opening an app on her phone and clicking a single button once a day. I asked her if she knew what blockchain was. She told me would check with her husband to see if they had one in the garage.
Congrats, she's part of a bot-net mining for someone else's wallet. ...or she's playing Cookie Clicker.
If I've learned anything from watching cell phone videos of burning warehouses it's this: stay the fuck back, you never know when the fire is going to hit "the cache" of weapons/fertilizer/fireworks/natural gas/etc.
In response to a rep I received: yes it’s real. She’s hooked on whatever Pi Network is. As far as Israel, the video of their Iron Dome defense system intercepting Palestinian rockets is pretty wild:
Fuck's sake. Arab Twitter is posting a bunch of "Hitler was right" bullshit, this is heading into the shitter real quick.
Jesus H, I hope someone told him to take his fuel and GO. Because if it was me waiting in line behind him, I wouldn't be as considerate.
It’s still going strong this morning. Good lord. Naturally, Twitter is fine with all of it. And why shouldn’t they be? It’s only people saying “Hitler was right,” and not something serious like mildly insulting a trans person. Such a shitbag company.
Well, Israel DOES enjoy committing genocide, so... fuck them. Fuck Palestine too, they’re all idiots who kill each other over children’s fables. But Israel is never the good guy, they are a nation of oppressive and bigoted goons.
"Fuck those Jews for being attacked by missiles unprovoked, fuck that 7 year-old Jewish girl who was killed by them, and fuck all the other Jewish kids specifically targeted with bombs, guns, or stabbed to death by Muslim terrorists! Jews daring to respond are every as bit as bad and evil!" Also, this is easily the world's least successful "genocide", Literally the only "genocide" in history where the population more than quintupled in 70 years, not that it stops anti-Semitic dipshits from using that word. The world's only Jewish country just so happens to be "a nation of oppressive and bigoted goons" for occasionally responding to terrorists launching rockets at them and/or killing children.
Like I said, I don’t like either of them. Fuck them. Fuck Israel. You can defend them all they want but they’re a ridiculous nation— like EVERY nation in the Middle East, ridiculous and insane— and you need to get back on your meds. After we’re dead for a thousand years, the shit will still be hitting the palm fronds in that part of the world.
Yes, equating Jewish victims of terror with the terrorists who have stated their goal is to wipe out every Jew on the planet (literally the Hamas charter) makes you a fair-minded, rational person. As is using "genocide" to describe a population which more than quintupled in 70 years. Why not just admit you hate Jews and have a different standard for them than any other peoples on Earth? It would be less embarrassing than this ridiculous subterfuge. Projection at its finest. After an uhinged, expletive-laden rant celebrating Jewish kids dying to terrorism worthy of Der Sturmer, Crown Royal asserts he is the non-spastic, sane one and it's everyone else who is unbalanced. Edit- Oh, Crown Royal edited in this gem, doubling down on the idea that equating Jewish terror victims with the terrorists is fair-minded; You know, despite being an "evil, bigoted Jewish goon" who has the insolence to believe Jews should have a country of their own without their kids killed by terrorists, I completely disagree with our non-bigoted, non-spastic, tolerant Canadian. I have a great deal of respect and appreciation for many Arab nation and peoples. I also believe they behave in a far more rational, sane manner than most modern Western nations do, Canada included.
Yeah, years away from this place did nothing to curb you from being a pretentious, insufferable prick. 17 kids dead in Gaza from Israeli air strikes yesterday, by the way. I’m sure it’s just payback in your mind (maybe it is, both sides are too stupid to cheer for). High-five yo boyz.