So it begins...
The pipeline is 100% operational now, and unless panic buying continues, by Monday all these shortages will be over. So....yay for hundreds of dollars in overpriced gas stored for....y'know, stuff?
you think it’s actually gonna store in those containers they idiots are putting it in? I’m working on the assumption that anyone stupid enough to panic buy gas isn’t smart enough to put it in anything resembling a proper gas can. Gonna be a lot of house and shed fires when that crap eats through the storage bins
The group who did it quit after their servers and cash were seized.
Followed by "will you look at those people, just living in all that dirt and rubble like it doesn't bother them".
The Israelis tricked the global media into reporting on a fake IDF ground assault into Gaza. Hamas sent its fighters into their tunnels in response, then the Israelis turned around and bombed the shit out of the tunnels. That’s quite an amazing bluff.
I don't think you can, at least not at present. The majority public sentiments of both sides are incompatible with even the most pacifist sentiments of the other. There's no compromise that will be considered sufficient for one side while considered acceptable by the other.
This reminds me of the first scenes coming out of Desert Storm when Wolf Blitzer was still a respectable journalist and they had the night vision tracers on the fire fights going on outside their hotel. That's some scary shit. It's crazy how precision missile strikes have become. I know people like to talk shit about civilian casualties all the time, but 40 years ago, that whole block would have been rubble, now, they literally completely torched a single building with barely any damage to anything around it.
I started listening to the Martyrmade podcast that @Dcc001 suggested, and I'm only on episode two, but I wanted to say how great of a source of information it is for me. I never bothered to learn how the conflict between Israel and Palestine began, and episode one does a deep dive into its history. However, something that irked me was at the beginning of episode two when Cooper is trying to provide an example of tribalism in American society, something which he says is looked at as "low class" by modern society. Meaning, someone will introduce themself as an "American" rather than a "Cooper" or a "Smith". He starts to provide an example from Billy Madison when the bully always yells, "O'Doyle rules!" and gives up halfway through his explanation because he assumes his audience isn't stupid enough to watch that movie and understand the reference. In episode two, he starts to give off a somewhat elitist attitude, so we'll see if his attitude ruins it for me, or if the information is enticing enough to continue.