Found the ruling here. This seems more like a case of "this law" can't be used to get around "that law" then any kind of policy statement or change. I'm sure that no one will be using it on AM talk radio to make any absurd claims. Just like I'm sure that on one on Twitter will be freaking out and portraying this as Biden's betrayal of his left leaning supporters.
Pretty much. The plaintiffs essentially tried using the wrong functional process to gain citizenship and demanded an exception be made. It doesn’t mean they are universally ineligible.
Has anyone seen the absolute horror that happened in London, ON yesterday? A 20-year-old tracked and targeted a random family - that he did not know - and ran them over with his pickup truck. He killed four (mom, dad, grandmother and daughter) and the nine-year-old son is in the hospital with serious injuries. The reason? They were Muslim. This is all according to what the police issued yesterday. WHAT THE FUCK. I wish there was some way to march or protest or have a vigil at the mosque or something. What can you say or do when that kind of thing happens? One of the hardest things to swallow will be his punishment, if this goes to trial. Canada has the softest, most BS laws governing serious crime you can imagine. Just yesterday we sentenced a guy who deliberately threw a trailer hitch from a moving vehicle at a native woman and killed her with a whopping 8 years in prison. It's illegal here for any sentence longer than 25 years, and if convicted of multiple crimes then you must serve concurrent, not consecutive. These people should be stood against a wall and shot. I feel so terrible for that family and there are just no words that can help.
It was outside my neighbourhood. Trust me, there could not be a bigger community outpouring than there is going on down the street right now. It brought the city to its knees.
So this shithead can get out at 45 max and go right back to hurting others. What a joke. Oh wait, I forgot- he’ll be rehabilitated. Good thing there are no Muslims in prison.
Oh, I should have mentioned - he'll get time off for good behaviour. And there's every possibility that he gets transferred to a medium security facility where he gets to wear street clothes. You know, like the couple who kidnapped, raped and killed six-year-old Tori Shafford are enjoying right now. At this point they really do just need to secede from us and get it over with.
I think Abbott is looking for ways to save his career, and doubling down on Donny T's bullshit is as high-quality a notion as he can get behind, which says just about all you need to know about his future. I forget where I saw it, but Texas is gaining tons of new residents, and they are overwhelmingly not Republican. Texas will be purple soon, and Abbott's antics, the electricity crisis, and handling of COVID, not to mention the antagonism of folks like Ted Cruz, are leaving a really bad taste in voter's mouths. Also, he's got disaster and COVID money to burn, and if he gets his name on one of the marquis conservative issues in the form of a literal monument to dickery, it'll ensure he's at least a gig as a talking head for a while. His thinking is if Rick Perry can get secretary of energy, if Trump wins in 2024, he could at least get a high position in DHS (shudder). He loses nothing by picking a fight with the Biden administration (yet), and while Kamala Harris is doing diplomacy in Central America, it's the right time for him to show them up. In my professional realm, the politics between the state government and some of the more liberal local cities is shockingly brutal and shitty: imagine the NY governor telling the mayor of NYC to go fuck a stump, and you're catching them in their equivalent of a warm embrace. Meanwhile, if you remove the posturing and focus on what he is legally able to do: lol, nope. Those borders are fed jurisdiction, he can't even cross them if CBP doesn't want him to, much less build a fence. The hilarious part is one of the reasons people are moving to Texas is cheap cost of housing. Why is Texas housing cheaper? Because for decades, it was built by illegal immigrants working for far less than a local would earn. So....yeah, build that wall, fuckface.
One of the more recent shitty things is how our county got totally shafted on money for flood remediation improvements. Simply because Houston is a blue city compared to the rest of the state. We literally got zero dollars out of the billion requested. Greg Abbott especially takes his shit out on his liberal constituents as if it won’t affect his conservative ones as well.
What I found most ominous about his speech was his promise to build more jails and lock up more people. How much do you want to bet that those will be private, for-profit prisons?
Recent immigration may be liberal techies to hubs like Austin, Houston, and Dallas, but overall it's actually been mostly conservatives (often from California whining about how California's liberal politics have allowed them to afford a mansion in Texas). There was a stat after 2018 that revealed that if only native-born Texans were allowed to vote, Beto would have beaten Cruz for the Senate seat; it was transplants that saved Cruz's candidacy. A lot of conservatives see Texas as "the promised land" where they can be as shitty as the image of Texans they have in their head are.
He has a GOP challenger who has promised to build a wall. He's trying to defend his seat in the upcoming election. Both of them are spouting nonsense as you pointed out.
and with the green stank stand stuff being legal soon, how much do you want to bet he’s gonna find another boogie man? Like people who park in handicap spots I know there is a lot going on in the article, but I had no idea there was such a thing as "Country Rappers"....
Was it rising sea levels saturating the ground below? Was it 1981 cocaine-fueled construction methods? Either way, a terrible way to wake up. I hope it's not as bad as it looks. FYI all the map sleuths have it wrong, it's the southernmost building that fell.
That’s Residential schools for you, thank you. Expect us to be digging up anywhere up to fifty thousand native children soon, since that’s the low estimate on how many our government and the church kidnapped and murdered. Taken from their homes by force and tortured into shunning their culture. It’s probably the worst thing our country ever did. This isn’t ancient history either. This happened until 1977.
Didn't the last school close in ‘92? EDIT: Yes terrible treatment and abuse, I’ve read some accounts of First Nation people who survived and it’s pretty horrible shit.