LOL leader of the Proud Boys just got five months behind bars for vandalizing the church in DC. He’s also a rat police informant. Protective custody or not, everyone in that jail will be foaming at the mouth to split his shit first. Should be a fun few weeks for him.
However it may be, his nights will be spent curled in a ball on a concrete cot while his neighbours bail out their toilets so they can scream various threats at him all night through the drains. Being a PC, he’ll have no direct contact with anybody and probably lose his shit a bit from it. Every moment he’ll spend he will be afraid in there. Its doing a temp job in Hell.
What is this Isis-K bullshit anyway? We got terror variants too now? But they've been warning that Aug 31 was the hard line, whether we'd finished the evac or not. Looks bad enough that we're "fleeing", but to violently "run us off"? An absolute PR coup. If the gate was anywhere as crowded as it's been in every picture I've seen lately, that's gonna be dozens KIA.
So it’s like the all the CSI/NCIS/Law & Order spin-offs! ISIS-K, Tuesdays this Fall, starring Mandy Patinkin!
Christ, now they’re saying there’s nearly American casualties, 12 being killed. What an absolute disaster.
This feels like the consequence of handing Afghanistan over the Taliban but refusing to admit that's what we were doing. Both Trump and Biden maintained this delusion. We're sitting here asking why we didn't evacuate our embassy before drawing down troops, and why didn't we leave from Bagram instead of the Kabul airport, but of course the answer is why would we evacuate our embassy from a city secured by a friendly government? Just a terminal commitment to the official story.
Pretty much. I claimed a few years ago that the foreign policy of the Rs and Ds was going to start becoming identical heading into the 20s, it just kind of sucks when it actually starts happening. Things are going to get really shitty around the world as the US continues to withdrawal from it.
There’s no danger of that happening any time soon. We can’t help but insert ourselves into other countries business, and it’s been that way for over 200 years.
It can get worse in a hurry. I'm frankly surprised they haven't hit the airport with mortars yet. One round on the runway or a hit to any plane and they could pin 5000 Marines down with no means of egress. Then you're looking at retaking Bagram and doing a massive operation to go get them.
I kind of think Biden isn't afraid of being a one-term president, and taking one for the team in Afghanistan by shutting it down. Part of me believes this can was going to continue to be kicked down the road, and I'm kind of glad Trump took the step of shutting it down and Biden honored that commitment. That said, there's absolutely no way this reflects any planning, coordination or foresight. Which pretty much sounds like the exit strategy we've "had" all along. To the folks of Afghanistan: I hope yall like drones more than grunts. Because you're going to see a lot of them.
Yeah, I don't think the "whether" we should leave is really up for debate, it's more of the "how" should we leave that was completely fucked up. I agree with you, though, that the drone program is going to be used quite heavily going forward. The deadliest day for American forces in 10 years is quite a stain.
I'm thoroughly disgusted with the way the Australian government has handled the evacuation, people with the rightful expectation to end up in Australia have ended up being evacuated by US military and then the Aus government couldn't be bothered to collect them in Dubai so they'll end up at a refugee camp in Uganda. They've had a list of names of all the people who helped us over there for ages and didn't do a thing until public pressure was too much. While I haven't served in Afghan I have mates who have, mates who have lost friends and been injured and I have served in the Middle East and have spent a lot of time thinking over the last few weeks about how many of the conditions happening now are the direct result of poor choices in the recent past. Makes me believe now more than ever that leaving the military is 100% the right choice because they give not one shit for us.
Any mortar or rockets they have access to will not cause anything other than cosmetic damage to the runway, taxiways or ramp area. Those areas are concrete designed to handle aircraft over a half a million pounds. It would be a huge media win if they got lucky and hit an aircraft, but within half a day or less the wreckage would be pushed off to the side and ops continuing at the previous pace. They aren't refueling on the ground, so fuels and the other airfield infrastructure they could hit wouldn't significantly impact the current ops pace. Running ops in this type of contingency is one thing the USAF is actually pretty damn good at.