I'd love any sane explanation of how celebrating a not-guilty verdict in Wisconsin is anything of a priority for the sitting Governor of Texas. This is what I meant when I said the pro-Rittenhouse stuff had gotten creepy. He's an avatar to them, and not an avatar of anything good.
Politicians weigh in. Did Abbott come out full throated Matt geatz style before because caps and explanation points don’t scream celebration. Though the kid getting railroaded by the majority of the media there is going to be some catharsis from the people that thought he wasn’t guilty.
I'm happy that he was NG to the extent that it affirms the right to self-defense. But because no one has clean hands here, least of all this rat fucker who was literally walking around wearing fucking surgical gloves (!!!), then I HIGHLY doubt it's going to set any form of precedent. I'm seeing a lot of "this means people can go in and stir shit up and then get all shooty shoot when it goes bad!!" And no it doesn't. It just means that those who were scared of guns before this, will be scared of guns after this.
Hopefully they let people finish their Thanksgiving shopping first. Man, some people have such bad takes on this whole thing. The ACLU Twitter account is just completing going off the rails. Politics has really ruined people.
Any minute. people will say, rightfully imo, that if this was a black man doing the self defense it would likely be a different outcome. That SHOULD be the reason for protest. Not riot, but protest. I’m sure there will be fires and looting and the whole 9, but if there is one thing to get upset about, and I’m sure people will seize on this, then it’s that part about inequality in the justice system imo
I mean, Twitter is where everybody comments on everything. I’d love any sane explanation of why anybody gets on Twitter, just to be subjected to a giant pile of “shit I don’t agree with, so I can feel better about thinking I’m better than others.” Maybe I’m just a bitter old fart who remembers when Facebook was just for college kids in the Northeast to digitally poke each other.
Gonna have to push back on this one. Were ANY of the people in that mob “protestors”? They looted and rioted and lit fires and ultimately chased someone down to attack him. If that is protesting, then there’s an argument that they SHOULD be shot. There were people legitimately protesting (although why they’re mad at the cops shooting a guy who had just come at them with a knife while attempting to kidnap his children after sexually assaulting their mother, I’m not sure). The people in the Rittenhouse mob were not, IMO, there to protest.
Yeah, we're all retards on Twitter, which is why I tend to expect my politicians to avoid using it for anything beyond routine announcements. Certainly not using it for being stoked about a kid several states away getting to shoot people.
I’m not even talking about the actual facts of the case. I’m talking about what this case has come to symbolize. A white, right wing nut job brings a gun and creates chaos. With that chaos, creates a self defense claim. People aren’t standing up and cheering for a justified homicide. They are cheering that a fellow right wing person killed people they didn’t like and walked. It’s a symbol for this civil war they so desperately think they want to have.
Not, not the whole situation, but I don’t think him being there helped. The fact that the only person who killed anyone that day was him isn’t helpful to his cause.
Got it. I agree with you on that, and I never bought his story that he was there defending the town where family members live. Then again, I got that second-hand and didn’t really watch any of the testimony. I don’t think he intended to kill anyone, but I think he wanted to play Roof Koreans and got more than he bargained for. I still want to know where the cops and the National Guard were to prevent things from spinning out of control.
He was brainwashed by all those dog whistles. You read Abbott's tweet, don't act like you didn't hear it.
So yeah, that creepy hero-worship stuff I mentioned is in full swing at the moment. Does FEMA deploy therapists, does anyone know?