Nothing confirmed yet, but there are a few points in the videos where he moves around people instead of through them, so the idea that he was fleeing (with insane levels of disregard for human life) instead of intentionally trying to rack up kills would jive with what's recorded.
link? I’m just trying to figure out what the hell happened. This is one of the many reasons I now avoid large crowds
He probably did it because they were having a FUCKING CHRISTMAS PARADE, and Thanksgiving hasn't even gotten here yet. Hell, he may have been providing a public service.
Jewish holidays are miserable horseshit. And kwanza? A religious holiday invented by a guy named Ron in the 1960s and it isn’t Scientology? Yes, let’s take that goofy shit seriously. …Much like I take Christmas seriously. That’s why I’m taking a Ka-bar knife into Starbucks, I’m going to point it right in the barista’s eye and demand he write “Merry Christmas” on my cup. You guys are lucky, you can use guns for an emergency like this.
Given that they stole every other holiday, I'm amazed that the Catholics didn't steal that one. It's right up their alley.
The worst holidays, and the worst fashion sense of any people on the PLANET. Watch Uncut Gems if you don’t believe me. Christmas nails it. It’s magical for kids, and when that goes away you just add booze to fill in the void.
Jim Caviezel was murdered just as much by the Romans as he he was the Jews. And that’s why his career never went anywhere afterwards.
I’m a Happy Holidays guy because it’s all encompassing, therefore easy for me, and much more pleasant than saying what I really feel as an atheist. This way, whatever version of the invisible man up in the sky you believe in that’s always watching you like that creepy kid down the block with greasy hair and his hand in his pants trying to peak in your window, you’re covered. I guess.
Meh, it was meant to be a joke as to what triggered the guy to smash through the Christmas parade. Personally, I think you can say whatever you want, and how you take it and (maybe) respond speaks more about you than anything. If someone says "Happy Hanukkah!" to me, my reply would be "Thanks! Merry Christmas!" Just be happy to help celebrate other people's good times. It's pretty fucking simple. If you get pissed that I don't directly and correctly speak to your holiday of choice, then fuck you.
And to be clear, I don't look at Christmas as a religious holiday. I know that sounds nuts, because it is, but to me, it's that snowy time of year when people take time off work, spend time with family (for better or worse), give gifts to each other, and generally take a year-end break from the daily grind. That is "Christmas". No baby jesus, no church... just good food, good drink, and relaxation.
Oh joy... I'm sure this wouldn't ever go bad, right? Apparently it's a father/daughter protecting protesters.
I feel like Christmas is two holidays, one religious and one secular, that operate side by side. It's what Halloween would be if we had more pagans.