Step 1: Really enjoy the songs she sings at a formative age. Step 2: ? Step 3: Get emotionally invested in her finances and the relationship she has with her father. Hope that clears it up.
You're not missing much...? I dunno, was it a special fisheye lens in that Rolling Stone shoot, or have the years of hard livin' burned off what hips and ass she ever had? I sincerely hope the conservatorship didn't deprive her of real friendships, since the leeches would've known there wasn't much they could get off her. She needs those friends now.
The fascination with celebrity nudes is equally, aren't there a zillion porn stars? What's the big deal, just another pair of tits and a reasonably well-seasoned pussy?
We want what we can’t have, and can’t see. It’s the velvet rope effect: put one up in front of a bar to keep people out, they want to get in.
I think it's because people feel they *know* the celeb. Like if a girl from your HS, college, office etc did a porn, you're going to be more interested in seeing that versus a random girl who might be hotter.
Somewhere I read some psychological theory that some people feel it gives them a sense of power over the person in the photograph.
It’s called a “parasocial relationship”. It’s what causes people to get obsessed with streamers, celebrities, politicians, etc. It’s also partly what causes someone to stalk a young Jodie Foster or murder John Lennon.
There was a comedian who once said something like "Once you've seen one girl's tits, you pretty much want to see all of them." I love seeing new boobs, no matter who they belong to. Or seeing boobs previously seen again.
UPenn, not Penn State. Big difference. Penn State’s the one that can’t accept the fact that Joe Paterno knew a creepy fuck was raping kids, and tried to pretend he didn’t, so it wouldn’t affect his or his football team’s legacy.
Don’t forget the Thigamajigs and Wozzly-Dozzily-Doos. They’re the wonderful creatures who hold the magical key to the Happy Rainbow kingdom.
Thigamajigs can surf plywood straight up a whale’s ass. And every single Wozzly-Dozzily-Doo should be lined up against a wall and shot.
I don’t think anybody brought it up yet, but Arbery’s killers got life in prison. The son/dad aren’t getting parole, which means they for sure get to die alone in a prison infirmary. ….And they still have their hate crimes trial to go through. They’ve been convicted of murder and aggravated assault, now they will get their entire personalities dragged through broken glass.
I feel for the third guy who also got life, it was his video that even showed the extent of the crime, without it there'd have been nothing but hearsay and likely an acquittal. Don't get me wrong, he's still guilty as fuck of going along with it, but I would've given him points for cooperation. 20 to life with parole, so he at least gets a chance at seeing the world again. The next would-be lyncher with a conscience will have no incentive to come forward.
I agree. He aided the crime but didn’t instigate contact or have a gun. He did hit him with his truck and trap him though, so twenty years sounds fair. The other two should be bound underwater while red piranha gnaw their legs into stumps.