The judge got a big kick out of that and immediately squashed it and held her without bail. It was awesome.
what do yall think: is this just gonna be a Russia v Ukraine thing, or is the rest of Europe gonna end up getting involved?
I think there will be some economic rumblings, but nobody will have the balls to deploy troops and engage.
Obviously the others will get involved, because Ukraine would get creamed otherwise. Plus, we can't let those filthy Ruskies have Ukraine's ports on the Black Sea. Man, fuck Russia. I hope Putin reads this.
Well nobody saw this coming. I can’t see European troops jumping into the fray, just supporting Ukraine with money, arms, supplies, intelligence etc. Then again, I predicted in the 80s that computers were a fad, so don’t go by what I say.
Anyone else getting uncomfortable with how it's turning out that Hillary Clinton was right about everything? Like, I thought she'd have at least a few misses in there.
Belarus is basically a Russian client state, but probably still worth noting they have officially joined the invasion of Ukraine.
Wow, imagine admitting just believing anything Putin says, as if he doesn't have a long history of being the biggest fucking liar on the planet. I'll bet she's as bad at poker as she is running for president.
Lukashenko is one of the few remaining old school Soviet generals. He got Belarus because he was a goodboi.
What do you guys think about the timing of this invasion; ie: during Biden's presidency? Wouldn't it have been better for Putin to do it when Trump was in power, based on how Trump was bending over and spreading his cheeks for Russia?
He enacted over 50 policies / sanctions against Russia and bombed Russia mercenaries at a Syrian airbase. What bending over are you referring to? That aside, I really hope the reports of a Turkish warship getting shelled are not true.
I don't think it would have been beneficial. No way Trump's supporters would let him actually do anything that would support the Russians. And I doubt the military would have done anything that would actively support Russia, if that's you inference. If anything, Putin's moves would have exposed Trump more as a "Russian-lover" and it would cause some push back. And I think if I were Putin, I'd rather have someone who's more predictable and sane at the helm while doing this kind of shit. Trump wakes up on the wrong side of the bed and he could very well say "nuke them".
I honestly don’t think Trump could tell Ukraine from Greece on a map. And I think Trump was sufficiently deferential to Putin throughout his term that he didn’t feel squeezed quite the same way. Having a willing ally so public as Trump weakened NATO enough that he didn’t feel the need to literally try to steal another country. At this point Putin is essentially daring a NATO country to get directly involved to make it a huge war. Or they can just let him take all of Ukraine and let him win proving that might makes right. He tacitly threatened nuclear war yesterday. Do we call his bluff? I’m waiting to see how China and Iran react.