This would be insane. It would have no military value, as the place is already an exclusion zone. It would have no immediate effect, only doing long term damage, and to future civilians not military members. And it would piss the everliving fuck out of the West not just for environmental reasons but for the "we fronted billions of dollars to build the New Safe Confinement system you reckless assholes" reasons.
Can someone who has a better legal understanding of Article V tell me if NATO considers an attack on Sean Penn an attack on all? Spoiler
Sean Penn is a piece of shit. No one is going to war over that dirtbag. Also, this has to be a joke, right?
Yes and no. I think her analysis is off (Ukrainians being white is hurting Putin as much as Putin being white is helping him), but there's definitely an underlying truth that there can be straight up genocides in darker parts of the world and the West just shrugs and says "they got any valuable mineral deposits?" That said, there's definitely an element of the evangelical right that has taken quite a shining to Putin because they see in him the Christian nationalism they aspire to without any of that pesky "woke" business that we have here. They're definitely more comfortable with Putin than they are with Xi, and it's hard to argue that race and religion don't play a part in that. But yeah, it's a tertiary element at present, and certainly not the driving factor in Putin's actions or the West's response.
Everything has ruined me man. Twitter just made me assume that any nugget of truth is buried under four feet of bullshit, so I don't even smell the bullshit anymore. I've become nose-blind.
In other news, our former National Security Advisor has introduced the phrase "legitimate ethnic problems" into the discussion, so that's fun. Spoiler
I just assume that any idea, no matter how valid, will always find it's dumbest form on Twitter, and I just accept that as part of the social media age. So yeah, I'm a bit dead inside.
Tweets like that remind me of Walter Sobchak. “Also, let's not forget - let's *not* forget, Dude - that keeping wildlife, an amphibious rodent, for uh, domestic, you know, within the city - that aint legal either.”
Seems like Putin is rolling Ukraine with weak, poorly trained and supplied conscripts to see where the points of contention are, so he can roll in with the tactical seal type soldiers. Let's see how big a backlash that'll get him back home. He's sending boys who were conscripted in like Dec and didn't even know why they were on the border til the 12th hour. Who are now cannon fodder. There are protests and lots of people getting arrested back home in Russia.
Speak of the devil Luciferian and she shall appear. Just came across this video that makes this whole idea incredibly explicit:
There was a great blurb on the CNN website today, apparently they had an audio recording of a Russian warship communicating with Ukrainian soldiers defending an island in the Black Sea. Russians: "This is a warship. This is a Russian warship. In order to avoid senseless bloodshed, lay down your arms and surrender. Otherwise you will be bombed." Ukrainian soldier: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself." Then they all died. But you have to admire the balls on that soldier.
I like how before radioing back to the Russians one of them said to the other "should we tell him to fuck himself?" and the other replied "just in case." Like telling the Russians to suck a dick was a "better safe than sorry" decision.
Rats, she didn’t die of COVID? That’s a shame, that alone could have made this entire mess worth it.. All three of the other George Floyd cops are guilty of violating his rights. I guess crocodile tears and fake ignorance don’t always work.
It’s horrible for the people that have to live through it, but watching a war through the lens of social media and a country that is tech savvy has yielded some amazing footage: