I also think that Ukraine has asked that video not be shown as it gives away too much info about their defences. They have huge social media campaigns going on around that right now. (Pure speculation on my part)
In the Ukraine subreddit they have a moratorium on not posting media regarding troop movements or what Ukraine is doing with their artillery. It would make sense.
The one thing that was broadcast everywhere, and is like something out of a movie, was the "Russian Warship, go fuck yourself" video. Part of me wonders if the radio operator wasn't a smart ass, and as soon as he said it, everyone else looked at him with a, "dude, wtf did you just say?" look. But we'll never know.
Yeah, I thought I was kind of being a dickhead for thinking that was a really stupid move that cost him and the other guys on the island their lives. I get that there’s a desire to lionize the Ukrainians defending their country, but man…
Vlatali Klitschko is choosing to stay in his city as mayor and might die for it. His brother Wladimir joined the reserves for Ukraine and may also be killed. Both former world heavyweight champs who are super-rich and have plenty of celebrity and power connections to get them out of the country safely and they are both going NOWHERE.
Yeah, the Ghost thing is almost certainly an urban legend. It might even have been propaganda given what a morale boost it appears to have been for Ukrainians.
A Russian media figured tweeted that over 3,500 Russian troops have been killed. That tweet was deleted very quickly.
Someone speculated that the Ghost of Kyiv, if he's real, could be being fed Western intel. That would account for why he's always in the right place at the right time. This is now my head canon.
The "Ghost of Kyiv" story is improbable, but not impossible. As much as I'd like the story to be true, the kill tally attributed to him makes me doubt the story, but again it's not impossible. I've been at Red Flag exercises where pilots have made what would've been 5 valid real world air to air kills during a single sortie. It's not common, but it's not a stars have to align scenario either.
There are those that would rather die standing than live kneeling and act defiantly even in the face of an impossible situation. My personal thought is these 13 were in agreement to the sentiment broadcasted to the Russians. The literal translation is more poetic: "go sit on a dick"
Tucker Max is being quote-tweeted by Glenn Greenwald, in case you were curious how "the discourse" is going.
It's coherent right up until he basically says that Russia and Ukraine are not at war and this is a big media fabrication.
starlink now active over Ukraine. So even if Russia shuts off Internet, they would have that. I imagine the dishes and such would have to be shipped for connectivity, but just toss that in with the shipping containers of weapons and such they're currently getting.
I like to think that this Indian airliner that was ignoring the no-fly warnings was doing something more than yelling "Leeeeroy Jenkins!"... maybe airdropping Starlink dishes?
That's just what the jew controlled media WANTS YOU TO THINK. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to feeding my cows and taking care of my cult family.