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But Seriously...

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Juice, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Along that same vein as that, sometimes when bad things happens, people tend to have an overwhelming desire to do SOMETHING about it... when in some cases, the best thing to do is nothing at all.
  2. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Anybody who would think that calling something a "gun free zone" would have any effect are the same people who think it's impossible to lie when you put your hand on a bible. I remember a quote after one of the umpteen shootings "How could this happen in a gun free zone?" I guess they turned off the magic force fields that prevent their entry, Corky.

    They should make it illegal to break the law. Makes just as much sense.
  3. CharlesJohnson

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    No, my point for bringing up the gun free zones is because the NRA and random politicians invariably blame the "zone" itself for being a beacon for shooters. Instead of blaming the easy access to guns (for which they are culpable) or blame the shooter, or the system that failed to deny some shooters the weapons, they make some insipid comments about gun free zones as if people SHOULD be armed in schools and churches. It's fucking sick thinking to me: more guns will solve the problem, and the victims are partially to blame for not being armed. Why should we feel the need to be armed in typical, day to day places anyway.

    And yes, the entire idea of a gun free zone is stupid. No guns in a school? Well, ok? Duh? As if killers don't already know where defenseless people congregate.
    #1643 CharlesJohnson, Dec 2, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  4. ODEN

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 23, 2009
    Bear with me, it is still morning where I am, this is a strange shooting. Three guys working together in military gear attacking a conference. Everyone knows the adage that when seconds count the law is minutes away. These guys rolled up, lit the place up and bailed out of there before anyone could respond. This is not your typical redneck moron or lunatic off their meds; it will be interesting to see what the motive to this one was and who conducted this attack.
    #1644 ODEN, Dec 2, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  5. Nettdata

    Expand Collapse
    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Adam Corolla has an interesting take on the NRA strategy, and that is that they aggressively defend every potential attack against their position, regardless of how small or reasonable it may seem.

    He uses smokers as an example, and how by giving small, seemingly reasonable concessions (no smoking on airplanes, no smoking in restaurants, etc), they've started the ball rolling and those asking for those concessions never stop at a reasonable middle ground, they just keep steam-rolling their agenda to the point where you can no longer smoke in public spaces, like at a beach or in a park.

    The NRA's overly aggressive stance on these things seems to be working, for them.

    It could be that in society's shift to seeing things in black or white, good vs. evil, Dem vs Repub, we've shifted away from being able to compromise, or reaching a mutual agreement or solution... it's devolving into extreme viewpoints and reactions.

    The current political climate is an obvious example.
  6. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    To me it almost stinks of the nutbag militia scare of the mid 90's. This was straight-up terrorism this time, no debate needed. It's not some pathetic virgin pissed how hot girls refuse to fall onto his dick: THREE people opening fire, a very random place (so it seems) and obviously planned? Somewhere out there a group is trying to send a message and I am not looking forward to finding out what it is.

    I'm trying to take ANYTHING I hear about it with salt because the hearsay and bitching over who's fault THIS one is has already tweaked my last nerve.
  7. ODEN

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 23, 2009
    The part that I can't square mentally is this:

    -Shooters seemingly escaped without incident
    -4 (I think) hour gap between events
    -Second incident occurred 2 miles from the first.
    -No reports of a cordon going up in the area.

    If you plan this to the point where you make a clean break, why stick around?
  8. CharlesJohnson

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    CNN says they're all dead or contained. Fuckers were lobbing pipe bombs out of their truck at cops in pursuit. Holy. Shit.

    Yeah, but gun ownership is one of the basic tenants of our country, literally one of the foundation stones. it is not going anywhere and any reasonable person has no intention of making it go anywhere. Subverting the 2nd Amendment puts things like the 1st, 4th, and 10th up for grabs if you believe some of the murmurings of cops and political types.

    What the serious gun reformers want is to streamline the existing laws. There are LEOs not enforcing them, as well as gun sellers flouting the laws.
  9. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    If watching Blacklist has taught me anything, it's that the police response would have been fairly quick from the first "we're being shot" cell phone call. Not within seconds, but for sure within minutes. And it sounded like the shooting itself took a few minutes, it wasn't just a few seconds and then fleeing.

    As part of that police response they probably started a blockade or set up a perimeter some distance away from the centre, such that while the shooters successfully escaped the immediate scene, they may have had to go to ground not too far from there rather than just book it to Mexico or something. While the perimeter closed in, over that 4 hour time frame, they may have been spooked or found and that started the chase.
  10. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    The crap just stacked higher:

    At least one suspect is down, sprawled on the street by the SUV. San B. Police over their scanner are searching for the third suspect: "Female, Arabic."

    Shitstorm, commence.
  11. Nettdata

    Expand Collapse
    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Just found a Reddit post by a guy transcribing the police chatter... interesting read to see how it developed.

    NOTES: All times Pacific Time. No race has been mentioned. Only one name was mentioned and it's nowhere near definitive if that person is an actual suspect. News is reporting it's a very nasty/bad scene. The department seems to be using multiple channels. 1, 2, and 5 are mentioned most.

    Location of initial shooting: Inland Regional Center, a facility for people with developmental disabilities

    Tip Line: 1-800-78-CRIME

    14 dead according to news reports (as of 4:15 PM)

    Suspects: 2 out of possibly 3 suspects have been caught (as of 4:15 PM). No definitive information on whether there is a 3rd suspect.

    Gold Wow! Thank you, anonymous and /u/bay445 :)

    as of 1:30 PM PST, there seem to be a lot of witness reports of suspicious persons but I'm not hearing much of anything on the follow up of the reports.

    11:35 AM Cop to Dispatch: "Guy was acting nervous, left the building and about 20 minutes later the shooting started"

    11:35 AM Cop to Dispatch: "2 males. Ski-type masks - had vests on."

    11:43 AM Cop to Dispatch: "Slow this thing down... suspicious package found in building..." "2nd floor north side of building"

    11:45 AM Cop to Dispatch: Requesting units to assist in clearing south southern most building

    11:47 AM Cop to Dispatch: Schools in area offering buses to assist in clearing people

    11:49 AM Cop to Dispatch: Witnesses in North building saw the whole thing - 3 shooters, with rifles, no doubt.

    11:51 AM Cop to Dispatch: Device has been seen they're going to [explode?] it?

    11:54 AM Cop to Dispatch: Requested to know when bomb squad arrives at device

    11:55 AM Cop to Dispatch: South building all clear. All doors opened by SWAT

    11:55 AM Cop to Dispatch: Family members are showing up at the scene

    11:56 AM Dispatch to Cops: Announced activities on other channels - 1 and 2 (I don't have that scanner link)

    11:56 AM Cop to Dispatch: Escorting some witnesses to the command center

    11:58 AM Cop to Dispatch: Requesting seat count for buses before workers/employees are moved to that area to be transported. Witnesses are being kept separate and in two groups

    12:02 PM: Dispatch to Cop: 2 employees in north building that have not been contacted by police. Working on locating them.

    12:05 PM: Getting quiet on the scanner. Locating people still possibly inside north building. Still no more mentions of the suspects.

    12:08 PM: Cop to Cop: Requesting suspect descriptions and all suspect info. One name = "Si'ad"

    12:13 PM: Working to get water to the witnesses

    12:15 PM: Cop to Dispatch: "EOD" just entered south building to address the IED.

    12:16 PM: Dispatch to Cops: Keep distance from south building.

    12:20 PM: Cop to Dispatch: Requested suspect info/description again. Dispatch did not reply.

    12:22 PM Cop to Cop: LAPD may have some info on one of the suspects (mentioned 'probation officer' unsure if related)

    12:22 PM Dispatch to ??: 3 males. Unknown race.

    12:23 PM Cop to ??: Going to channel 5.

    12:25 PM Dispatch to Cop: Gave room number of civilians still in north building

    12:26 PM Cop to Dispatch: Only the EOD team is in the south building. 4 team members.

    12:28 PM Cop to Dispatch: Please contact the golf course office and clear the golfers from the course (where witnesses and command post are)

    12:29 PM Cop to Dispatch: Can you confirm we're looking for a black SUV (dispatch did not respond)

    12:32 PM Cop to Dispatch: EOD team has left the south building but the robot is inside addressing the IED

    12:35 PM Dispatch to Cop: Reporting Party saw black Yukon occupied by one subject with black mask on (Did give location. not posting it.)

    12:37 PM Dispatch to Cop: All questioning people, family, new witnesses to go to the Dome building at Orange Show (a concert/event venue)

    12:41 PM Cop to Cop: Requested where suspect description info came from. Cop 1 told Cop 2 the name and the requesting cop is going to contact that person.

    12:42 PM Cop to Cop: Reiterating that a witness told him a guy left the office early after behaving 'weird'. Gave witnesses name so the officer can find and talk to the witness.

    12:47 PM Dispatch to Cop: Nearby witnesses saw 2 unknown-race males removing black clothing. (near or under an overpass)

    12:47 PM Dispatch to Cop: Possible shots fired heard in background of radio transmission at hospital. Team in route. Call came from relative of employee but appears to be code 4. Checking...

    12:51 PM Cop to Dispatch: Cannot find vehicle or suspects at said location (of 2 men removing clothing). Team is still in the area and standing by/searching.

    12:55 PM Dispatch to Cop: Please check abandoned restaurant for SUV in parking lot.

    12:56 PM Cop to Dispatch: Mentioned rifle casings on side of road. (that was it. no location etc or other details)

    1:05 PM Dispatch to Cop: Black SUV still in restaurant parking lot. Both doors open. Guy was standing outside of it got in a Toyota truck.

    1:07 PM Cop to Dispatch/??: Shots heard around a shopping center. Doesn't see anything.

    1:08 PM Cop to Dispatch: Found witness with lots of good info. Where do I send him?

    1:15 PM Cop to Dispatch: Possible camouflaged suspect with headset. Heading that way now.

    1:17 PM Cop to Dispatch: Witness stated long beard, camouflage type shorts (officer was flagged down by frantic witness)

    1:18 PM Dispatch to Cop: Did they mention a gun? Cop: No

    1:20 PM Cop to Dispatch: Possible suspect at [waterman?] mall. (sounds like these guys are going to channel 5)

    1:23 PM Cop to Dispatch: Security guard at Target did not hear any gunshots

    1:26 PM Cop to Dispatch: Suspect Description brown jacket and some sort of camouflage pants (numerous officers confirming same description but it doesn't sound like any officer is at whatever location this is)

    1:32 PM Cop to Dispatch: FBI member looking for command post.

    1:37 PM Dispatch to Cop: Hispanic male, wearing grey and a backpack coming out of a wash is the latest suspicious person reported. Units in route (to unknown location) to check it out. channel 2 is dedicated to this incident

    1:46 PM totally quiet for the past few minutes. I think they moved the meat of the suspect hunt traffic to other channels - which I don't have access to.

    1:55 PM: Cop to Dispatch: White male on railroad tracks wearing fatigues. Trying to get eyes on him.

    2:00 PM: Taking a wee break. BRB. Not much traffic still. Officials are speaking at a news conference being broadcast live right now.

    2:01 PM Cop to Dispatch: Reports of vehicle at golf course with weapons inside

    3:06 PM Cop to Dispatch: in pursuit of some sort of suspect. On shore road. Each time the officer chimes in you can hear his sirens.

    3:08 PM Cop to Dispatch: It is unknown if this vehicle is related. Dark colored Chevy. Northbound Allen from Mill

    3:09 PM Cop to Dispatch: Crashed in to a car in intersection. male dark shirt blue jeans running through parking lot.

    3:10 PM Cop to Dispatch: Eastbound San Bernardino and Richardson. In pursuit of a suspect. Shots fired out back windshield.

    3:11 PM Dispatch to Cop: I have officers on San Bernardino and Richardson taking fire.

    3:13 PM Gang, I'm going to wrap this up. They're starting to talk way to fast for me to coherently keep up and maintain accuracy and consistency. It's getting crazy.. cops are on the radio screaming shots fired. Lots of sirens. Sounds like something is coming to a head right now.

    My prayers are will all those effected and with law enforcement trying to catch these scumbags.

    Final Edit 4:14 PM: Possibly one suspect on the loose still but scanner traffic seems to indicate that they're really not sure if there's a third. Police had a home surrounded but quickly cleared and left that house. There is a church surrounded as well, but no confirmed suspect there. Two suspects confirmed in custody (dead/alive unknown to me). Live thread here: and by now this must be on every news channel. Scanner link here:
  12. ODEN

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 23, 2009
    Sadly, I figured this was coming, when people reported ISIS cheering the event on Twitter.
  13. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Do you think it's a possibility that ISIS would cheer on anything like this happening whether they are responsible or not?
  14. ODEN

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 23, 2009
    Sure, anything is possible. They could cheer about Romo getting injured again for all I know. If you read the other posts I put up wondering aloud what was actually happening: Organized fast attack, non-lone wolf attack, staying in the area and knowing about (but not including) the ISIS twitter posts were leading me to believe that this is something other than what we have seen lately. Did it not lead you towards a different conclusion that the usual looney or WP asshole? Do you think that what happened in Paris will stay in Europe?
  15. NatCH

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 10, 2012
    Absolute center of the continental US
    Where did you see this? - mean the report of "Female, Arabic" - I saw footage of the SUV.
    #1655 NatCH, Dec 2, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  16. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    If it's true that this is a terrorist attack, our glorious leader, bless his heart, took the time out of his busy day to lecture us on how we need more gun control WHILE terrorists were attacking US citizens.
  17. CharlesJohnson

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Ehhh, people on the no fly list and terrorist watch list can still buy a gun here. Legally.

    Soooo, he kind of has a point. His timing is shit, but he's still pissed fro the last one. When is timing right? Also, the proposed bill to fix that? The NRA helped shut it down. Heh.
  18. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Footage is everywhere, I heard about the description on smaller news outlets across Twitter.

    And then THIS pops up:

    ....they are kidding, right?
  19. toytoy88

    Expand Collapse
    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Do you honestly think another gun law would've stopped this? That they wouldn't have found some way around it?

    I think California already has some of the strictest gun laws in the country (I could be wrong on that point) and these folks were still able to get guns.
  20. ODEN

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 23, 2009
    This mass shooting occurred in California. Correct me if I'm wrong but in California they have: Universal background checks, mag capacity limits and ARs are banned. Doesn't this go beyond even what the pro-gun control crowd would want implemented at the Federal level?