But it is looking likely. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/un...mpson-shooting-bullets-words-written-on-them/
The difference between the news that’s written about it compared to the comments from random people are night and day. This is like when that slumlord in NYC was literally burned to death in a dumpster, the general reaction being “Yeah, he pretty much had it coming.”
Just an odd combination of attributes. Calm and competent under pressure. Also sloppy in general. Though police have a term for it, full tilt boogie. Killers’ minds spin out with adrenaline after the act and end up leaving or missing a bunch of evidence.
So is this literally the “Boondock Saints of the corporate world” beginning? also, any concrete info on the reasons for “delay, deny, defend, depose” messages, aside from generic terms related to insurance or revolution? EDIT: just saw it’s the title of a book about insurance claims. Plus the added “depose”
Couple of thoughts: 1. This dude made it look EASY. His gun jammed, and he was still successful. He got away on a bicycle, in Manhattan, with video footage of this happening everywhere. It's been 24 hours and NOTHING? NYC Law enforcement are some of the best on Earth, and I'm genuinely shocked there's not a leak of a suspect yet. 2. I juxtapose the collective online response (something along the lines of "yay!, now do it again!") to this versus the violent threats against the feds earlier this year. If this starts a trend, and I hope, pray and believe it will (if for no other reason than the number of comments suggesting anyone thinking of shooting up their school, go kill one of these fuckers instead...instant legend), then I wager the next one will find a very different media environment. It's always a different story when it's rich people dying. 3. Watch the number of cancelled engagements by some of the people who are genuinely afraid. It's going to be entertaining. I can see the security demands for execs speaking at conferences and colleges skyrocketing now. TED next year is going to be...sparse in that category, I'd bet.
The kid has apparently been tracking CitiBikes for fun, and stumbled onto something. Namely that only one CtiBike left the neighborhood of the shooting in the same direction as the shooter at around the same time. However:
I am not surprised in the slightest. I masked man killed a very hated individual. Very likely they never find the guy.
This is the Boston Marathon Bomber all over again. Autistic Twitter/Reddit nerds "doing research" and completely fucking up everything. The timeline of the citibike rental and the video of the bike he was riding don't match up to this guys data.
I find it interesting how much the “fuck that guy” comments appear to be coming from medical professionals. So many stories of fucking people over with their lack of coverage.
Agreed, we don’t need to have Reddit solve this in their fat and stupid way again. Harassing the family of a kid who committed suicide does not a detective make.
This intrigues me. I’m not sure how to explain it, but a week ago the vast majority of the general public would’ve been like “who?” if you said his name without explanation. But now it’s like “well obviously he deserved to die.” Vigilante justice is in. I’m not clutching pearls or crying over it, don’t get me wrong. A true crime podcast I listened to summed it up as best I can, basically saying “I mean, fuck insurance companies, yes - but it’s not a good idea to start going around doing murder.”
The thing is, what insurance companies and the government are doing is actively fucking with people's lives, and in some cases killing people by failure to provide care. I fully understand this reaction. I don't condone it, but I'm not too upset about it. I mean, what do you expect to happen? You (insurance companies) are changing people's lives in an insane manner that no CEO will ever understand or experience. Health coverage should not be a for-profit thing. The fact that it's all about maximizing shareholder profit is fucked up. Pure Cyberpunk shit.
The media has covered the murder and the manhunt of what appears to be (judging by the police response) for the most important and loved man on earth, has ANY media bothered reporting on what the general and overwhelming reaction of the public has been to him being killed? The reactions have mostly consisted of intentionally cruel and ironic jokes or straight-up “Good riddance” across the fucking board. The media, in all their good graces would make you think the public gave a shit about him. A little girl didn’t fall down a well here. I don’t think this is “open season” in any regard, but they ARE evil for how they lobby to give sick people less. People fucking die, people who are loved. You push and push and PUSH while lining your pockets doing it, why wouldn’t somebody just shoot you like a lame horse to make an example?
I think Rolling Stone has been the only one to really point out the "fuck that guy" point of view being expressed by so many. Not surprising, as most of the media is owned by billionaire CEO's who are quite shocked at the current lack of sympathy for their types. Elon's comments are hilariously out of touch and brain dead.