Dude. This is not something I would freely admit. Woohoo statutory! That said, again, I was 16 he was 26. You may think it wrong, but at least it was legal.
I'm 24 now. My general rule is "born in the 80s" for dating. For hooking up, I'd say anything from 21-35. I've never had sex with anyone more than...3 years older than I was, but I've fooled around with people 9-10 years older. One of the times was in a club when I was 16, which really freaks me out in retrospect.
I had this quandary last summer and can honestly say my answer was no. She was very attractive, albeit young looking, but had a RIDICULOUS body. But finding out she was in HS, plus the fact that she lied about her age and being in HS, was a gamebreaker. Thats just weird. FOCUS: In terms of hooking up, as long as they are in college or college age, rock on. I recently made out with a 19 year old at a bar and would have gladly done more without remorse. Older? Sure, within reason. In terms of dating, its more maturity and mentality than anything else. Bottom line is 21 cause if I can't bring her to a bar, that really limits options. But my buddy dates a gorgeous 20 year old who is shockingly mature, so I guess thats an exception. Ive dated multiple older girls but no more than 3 years. I was talking to a 30 year old last spring (Im 26) and would have totally dated her, but the age range weirded her out more than me. At the same time, I went on a date with a 28 year old recently who was on a different maturity/time frame (didn't go out much; was looking to settle down; etc) and it wouldn't have worked at all. It all depends.
I wouldn't mind fucking 18 and up, dating is going to have to be 21 and up UNLESS they can prove their maturity. If their emotional maturity it's fine, what evs... I guess social factors might arise but it's looooooooooooove. I've only dated a girl two years older than me. Her parents on the other hand. Her dad was in his forties and her mom was 19-20 and he was one of her college professors when they started dating. Youngest I've dated/hooked up with probably also 2 years difference. Funny I actually found a girls facebook recently that used to live down the street from me. It was one of those situations where she was a Freshman when I was a Senior in high school. Girl entered freshman year of high school built like a 20 year old porn star, petite 110 lbs maybe, HUGE tits. She ended up dating a Junior football player. She sent him a nudie pic of her tits and it went around the school in about .002 seconds. You know, even though it was technically child porn. She's 23 now and looks like she grew taller a few solid inches, still pretty hot, still got a mondo rack. Oddly, it was more of an issue with my friends when two other Freshman girls photographed their asses together, non nude but in thongs, pasted it on construction paper and wrote cutsie girl shit on it. It was passed around just as quick. Everyone appreciated their asses at the time but felt the typical girlie artistry made it too I guess childish?
This rule is pretty close I'd say. It puts the minimum fuckable age at 20 for me, which is also as young as I am comfortable with. As for someone older than me? The max is 3 years, or 29 years old. Maybe I should clarify. I would date someone who is 3 years older than me, I'd probably fuck up to 50 years old though as long as they look young. If they're incredibly rich, I don't care what the age, all bets are off. She could be 12 as long as she has a trust fund.
This is one of those threads where I start to wonder if I've lived a little too long on the outskirts of town, to borrow a line from Elvis Costello. Seriously, one of the most depressing days in my life was when I discovered that there is almost no relationship between age and emotional maturity, and it sure as hell isn't causative. I know multiple 50+year old women that if they pulled some Freaky Friday shit would be indistinguishable, behaviour-wise, from high school kids. I agree with y'all about the differing life goals of people at various ages being an issue, but I think the widely held belief that wisdom accompanies age is a blatant lie. Wisdom / emotional maturity comes with internal reflection on life experience. Yes, older people have more experiences to draw from and more opportunity to reflect on them, but generally speaking I remain unconvinced that the average group of 30 year olds is any more emotionally mature than the average group of 22 year olds. Present company excluded, of course.
When I was 26 I was still in semi-dating relationship with an older woman of 48-49 that lasted about a year. She wasn't just a fuck buddy; we would go out for dinners, hikes, or movies and use each other for sex AND emotional support. She was also really well off, like offering to buy me a road bike and pay for everything well off, but I never took her up on it. I would have just felt wrong having a "sugar mom", especially one I knew I wasn't going to be with for the long haul. On the other hand, the youngest I dated was 3 years younger than me. I was 24 and she was 21. Currently my rules are: casual sex with girls that are 19-35, or a relationship with girls that range from 21-29. I guess that means I'm hopping on the anyone born in the 80's bandwagon too. *I am currently 27.
My baseline is 21, though I usually aim higher these days. With the exception of my ex-wife and a couple of other girls, every woman I've been involved with has been at least a few months older than me, but usually a few years older. Like captainjackass said, I'm not concerned with the outer limit as long as she has taken care of herself. I will actively pursue cougars. The biggest age difference ever: 26 years my senior. I saw her over a period of about 6 months, and she was better than almost every twenty/thirtysomething I've been with (definitely the most intelligent woman I've ever "dated"), and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
Oh boy...... I believe it's been repeatedly documented on the TiB that I'm a fan of younger men. I am 46. Since I've been single, I have bedded/cavorted with a range between 3-17 years younger. Nothing above that. I don't actually have any rules, but I find myself typically drawn to men between 32-40. The men in my current potential list (6 and no, that doesn't mean I'm bedding any/all of them) range from 34-39. I find that men my age and older are worn out and they are far too settled in their ways. After work, they would rather hit the couch, crack a beer, watch TSN and nod off. That's cool...sometimes, except that I'm going to hit the neighbourhood pub, tipple some wine and shoot the shit with the regulars. If I want some down time, I want it to be naked time. This apparently is a clash of lifestyles. I recently had a sweet 24 yr. old that had a thing for older women, try really, really hard to be considered. While he was interesting and mature, I simply couldn't get past his physical age. My daughter is 22 - it was creepy. Oddly enough, when I was 21-23, I only dated (no sex) older men, with several 40 and over. At 24, I ultimately married a man 5 years older. My, how times have changed.
I'm not proud of it, but it wasn't illegal either. (Close in age exception is five years. Age of Consent might have only been 14 at the time too, but I'm not sure. I didn't really pay attention to when it switched)
I'm old enough that I can look back with nostalgia on what 20 or 25 year old bodies are like, but I think 30 would be the youngest I would go. Late twenties at the absolute youngest. The problem with 20 to 25 year old girls, regardless of how hot they may be, is that you have to listen to them talk.
I've hooked up with a girl 5 years older than me. Every other fling was close enough in age to not be discernible. I've only ever dated one person who was older than me, and it was by seven months. As for the others, one was a few months younger, the other was 2.5 years younger, and the current girl is a year younger. I'm 26 right now. Regarding ranges, I'd go as low as 21 for a hook-up (though that's strange because my little sister is 21 and so are her dipshit friends), but for any serious dating, I'd probably say 22 is the youngest. At least then they (probably) have a job and some idea what the real world is like. On the high end, if she's hot enough, age is just a number for a hook-up. I think Diane Sawyer is like 63, and I'd wreck that. For any serious dating, mid-to-late 30's is probably my max.
In light of my dry spell, what age does "willing" count as? For my Okcupid profile I have my search perameters set at 25-36, so I guess that's my dating age range. I'm 32.
Good timing on this thread*, as I'm 27 and have been talking to an 18-year-old I met a couple weeks ago (she lives about 2.5 hours from me, so haven't had a chance to hang out again). To me, as long as someone is emotionally mature, which so far she seems to be, I don't have an issue going all the way down to 18. I've made it very clear to this girl that I don't intend to rush into anything with her until we've hung out a few more times and gotten to know each other better (which she agreed with) but if everything works out I wouldn't have a problem dating her. If that makes me creepy, so be it. That being said, I wouldn't date a girl who was still in high school, regardless of age (the aforementioned 18-year-old graduated a year early and is in her second year at a culinary school). However, I wouldn't date a girl who was significantly older than me. Maybe a year, but that's it. I've only had 2 serious girlfriends and a couple other "dating" relationships, and all but one (the girl I dated off-and-on through the first 3 years of high school, who was in the same class as me but about 6 months older) have been younger. The other serious relationship was 2 years younger than me; the youngest girl I've dated was a freshman in college when I was a senior. As far as fucking or a friends-with-benefits thing, it doesn't matter; as long as you're hot and legal, I'm in (see what I did there?). Biggest age differences I've had were a 20-year-old and a 43-year-old, both when I was 26. Also, I wouldn't go below 18 (for dating or fucking) even if I happened to be someplace where the age of consent is lower. * - This has been happening to me a lot recently--the "dream car" thread went up right after I bought my Corvette and the "would you bang a hooker?" thread went up about 2 days after I got back from Thailand. Didn't bother posting on either of those though as I didn't have internet hooked up yet and could only read the threads on my phone.
I was married at 18 and divorced at 32 to someone who was my exact same age. After my divorce I learned quickly that older men are more likely to be boring, set in their ways, and tired all the time. So I started hanging out and sleeping with several guys over the course of a few years who were up to 10 years younger than me. It was great for sex but not nearly as great for conversation. When I got married again at the age of 36 it was to a good friend of mine who is a year older than me.
When I was 19 I hooked up with/was taken advantage of/basically raped by a 31 year old woman, and when I was 26 I hooked up with a 41 year old. Going the other way, when I was 24 I fooled around with an 18 year old who had a crush on me since she was 15, but there was no way I could have done that. Greatest boobies I've ever seen, by the way. In terms of dating, my last heavy duty relationship was with a girl one year older, and most of the girls I've dated since have been a couple years older. I find there's a noticeable difference in smarts, humour, confidence, and overall 'comfort in their own skin', between girls past 25, and girls in their early 20's. Any girl between 18-20 would be for hook up purposes only. I definitely think that age difference becomes much less of an issue the older people get. A 17 year old dating a 25 year old is creepy, but a 27 year old dating a 35 year old is a non-issue, to me. If I were able to dictate how my life would go, I'd want to settle down with a 25-28 year old when I'm in my mid-30's. Just seems about right, for some reason. Having said all that, buddy looks pretty happy (and creepy, but still).
Hooked up with a 43 years old MILF (she had a 17 years old son) from Switzerland while I was traveling in Thailand. I convinced her to try anal for the first time in her life. I was 19. I bragged to my friends about that one for a while. So far, I've had sex with women born in the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s (1990, she was 18, I was 23). 1959 and before just won't happen, and after 2000 is very unlikely, so I probably won't include another decade anytime soon.
When I was 23, I banged a 39 year old. When I was 26, I dated a 19 year old. It was hideous. She was about a 2. Her looks were a 10, her brains were -6. This girl was just gorgeous, and looks wise was honestly out of my league, but she was so fucking dumb and immature, it was like torture. My wife is 9 years older than me, but looks like she's in her late 20s/early 30s, and I think every man should have a relationship of some sort with an older woman just for the education you'll get. As for the youngest I'd date... If I were single, I wouldn't go any younger than 28 most likely. I'll be 39 in December.
I've typically always appealed to, and hooked up with, older women. Part of it was my mother beating it in my head to avoid statutory charges, part of it was that most women my age and younger just annoyed the shit out of me. Biggest age gap happened when I was 19. I was invited to a party by the chick that took my virginity the previous year (She was 23). Since we'd been hooking up off and on since then, I thought we were going to hook up that night. Instead, I made out with some chick in her thirties, then ended up going home with this really cute woman, and having sex in the hot tub. I found out later she was 48 ( She did NOT look 48. Had a fantastic ass, and a cute face). We actually ended up hooking up a few more times, but the age thing was a killer. On the other end of the spectrum, I've hooked up with a few girls that were 18-20, and I nearly went insane. Pre- and post-coital banter was mind numbing. I don't care how good their bodies are, I would rather jerk it then listen to your babbling about Lizzie Maguire and reality TV (the 18 year old; she was a former beauty queen, but it wasn't worth it).
When I was 22, I was sleeping with a 35 year old who was my mom's business partner. My wife is slightly more than a year older than me. Anything that went more than 1 or 2 dates was never with someone younger than me. I'd do any of the hot coeds on campus (and there's a metric fuckton of them), so 18+. But since I'm married and look more like John Goodman than Jon Hamm, I've got better odds at winning the Powerball. Besides, I'd probably hurt myself.