I don't know how anyone out of high school dates high school students. I can't imagine being 20+ and being asked to the prom. If you go I hope you take a van instead of a limo. I'm done dating students in general, they're expensive and so out of touch with the real world. And I don't blame them, school is such a weird dream life. But I need someone who has a bit of that optimism and false sense of superiority beaten out of them by reality. Once a girl realizes life isn't perfect, it's my time to shine. I'll be that silver medal. Everyone I've been hanging out with/inside of lately has been 30+ (I'm 28), and it's been way easier. It's weird to be able to tell a girl what you think and have it interpreted more or less how you meant it. And they seem way more tolerant of any physical flaws you might have. Plus they like sex a lot more, and god bless 'em for it.
I ended up driving a guy to hit on an 18 year old girl...at the girl's track meet. He was at least 24 I think. I drove because he needed a designated driver. They were set up by said dude's younger brother who was a year younger than she was I believe. He knocked her up within a year and they are now married with multiple children.
I'm 24. In Vegas a few weeks ago I hooked up with a 48 year old. It was meh, we were both really drunk and from what I remember she looked really good but I don't like women a lot older than myself. Just another box (so to speak) checked off the list.
For sex I'm mostly concerned with looks, safety, and legality. So if they look good, won't give me leprosy, and no crimes are being committed, it's at least a theoretical possibility. Obviously many other factors come into play (I am pretending that I'm single and have no relationship obstacles to sex while answering this question), but as long as those three are met than age is not going to be a dealbreaker in either direction. When I was 22 I dated a woman who was 37 for a few months and it was great. I'm 31 now and I suspect that if it was ever relevant I would be ok dating a wide age range, but if I was aiming to find a very long term or permanent relationship, I'd want a fairly narrow age gap in order to make growing older together a smoother mutual transition. My wife is ~2.5 years younger than me, which at my age basically means we're essentially the same age. And as we get into our 40s and 50s, that 2.5 years will be even more insignificant. Whereas I'd still sleep with that now 46 year old I dated almost a decade ago, a 15 year age gap seems like a pretty steep one for the long term at any age even though I know some people make it work.
18 sounds good. Tight, firm, and fun. Sure she'll prattle on about dumb shit I don't care about but every woman will do that.
A lot of these posts crack me up. "Well, if she's ((2A)-(Age I first saw a bus)/cos89) + Age Of Mother/Age of Closest Sibling - Times Law and Order is On Today) x (Hotness)/(Stupidity)* = Perfect Age, then yes I'd fuck her, but not date her." I keep shit simple, if I wasn't married, I'd fuck any attractive chick so long as she was 18 or over. If I wasn't married, I wouldn't be seriously dating anyone, regardless of age.
18 and up, dead or alive, I don't care. But she can't be decomposing, I draw the line there. I don't wanna get a disease or anything, ya know?
I could walk out my door and if I ran into a 15 year old, chatted her up, and if she decided to fuck me, I could take her home and fuck her, and it would be perfectly legal. To be honest, there is something wrong with that. I mean, a 15 year old should be able to fuck a someone her age, and have all those tedious sticky fumblings in the back seats of cars, but in my mind it opens up too many situations where it is too easy for an older guy to talk someone who has no idea about the world into bed with him. I think that 18 or a high school diploma is a good rule of thumb. /I did fuck a 16 year old the minute I turned 18, but that was totally legal.
Hahahahahaha this is either dragged off my friend's sisters facebook page or is a strongly resembling lookalike.