What I don't get is marathons, this can't be explained to me, please don't bother. Now things like Tough Mudder, errr, kinda. Because that requires equipment and gear you can't set up. Like an adult Fun Zone. And Color Runs are all charity. If you want to run a long distance, get your ass up and run a long distance. Paying money to run a long distance is pretty weird to me. Just go running. If you can't do it without watering stations, people cheering you on and immediate medical support, maybe you shouldn't do it. I get there is a feeling of accomplishment, setting a goal and accomplishing it, but I feel like there are other goals that lead to accomplishments that can help you and other people. Like Habitat for Humanity or something charitable. Instead of paying money to run. On top of that, its a race, and there are only like 50 people actually racing. Races with 1000 people and only 50 of them are actually trying to beat the other people....ugh, its just silly as fuck to me. Just don't get it, can't get it.
If you live in an urban area, it often makes sense not to get a huge dog. In addition, smaller dogs can be house-trained and are much easier to take on the subway. You don't have to like them, but there are clearly reasons why some people get them. As far as the yappiness/annoyingness goes, it all comes down to the owner. The reason small dogs are assholes so often is because people let them get away with things that bigger dogs wouldn't. You can absolutely train a small dog to be well-mannered and not bite or yip. Snapchat is actually fairly useful for taking pictures of things that are too stupid to warrant keeping but that you'd like to show a friend for a few seconds. You can also draw on them, add captions and filters etc. I use Snapchat to host a cooking show, which I assure you, is far too dumb to warrant permanence.
Totally agree. I knew a pair of Pomeranians growing up. One that was hyper and hilarious. Literally too much energy to be contained, would vault off your knees if you bent to pet him, would fetch anything for hours, generally just an awesome dog. The other was half-retarded, super puffy and just tottered around seemingly confused, but was completely pleasant and always happy. I thought they were the best breed with this spectrum. It wasn't until I was older that I understood that they sucked at times. My first gf's family had 3 yorkies and they ran around in a pack like little wolves. It was hilarious to see them chase things in the yard as a little flying V or drag a big stick around. Then my aunt got a Yorkie that is a spoiled, annoying piece of shit. It goes both ways. Same with cats. People who get cats assuming that they will be anti-social twats usually have cats who develop into just that. Meanwhile, my family has had 2 cats in the last decade and each NEEDED to always be around humans, the current one will fetch with my Dad at times. Go to any animal shelter and at least half of those poor guys CRAVE attention. Every reason in the world to be aloof, but act just the opposite. FOCUS:Eating challenges. Short of weird fuckers that are professional eaters like Kobayashi, what the fuck is the point? A 60 oz steak with sides? To get your picture on the wall? Its not actually "fun" and you feel like hell during and for awhile after. I enjoyed watching Man vs Food but always cringed thinking of the savagery that went on in his GI tract after eating 5 lbs of food or the ultimate spicy shit.
I understand snapchat fine! It's for all those pictures that were too mundane for instagram! ... just let that sink in for a second when you think about people you know who use it on the regular. If you're older than twelve, I don't get the appeal of parades