I knew a guy who was into chicks with dicks. He married another man who lived as a woman and chose to keep his (her?) dick. I don't get it, but whatever. I'm feeling good. Two glasses of Tempranillo. Bc I have the day off and it feels good to day drink on a Tuesday.
There is no science that truly cracks our genetic code. Our geniuses mapped the human genome but sexuality is as far off as reactionless drive. We want what we want, we are what we are. And the ones who think they can control urges simply by suppressing or outlawing them usually turn out to be the biggest freaks of all. Nobody tells Cupid how to shoot his arrows. It's the only way to explain why some men find Maggie Gyllenhaal attractive.
Sexual identity vs. gender identity, two different things. The whole thing is just a minefield right now, because the second you express ignorance of something you are labled as being an insensitive asshole. Even for those of us who respect and support the people going through this, unless we actually have gone through it ourselves, we'll never truly "get it." Good job Caitlyn Jenner on getting people to talk and putting this out in the open. No matter what, you will always have bigger balls that me.
Kungfu Mike posted this interesting spin on the Jenner situation of facebook- "Isn't that the same person who was a famously terrible absentee father to not just one but two different separate sets of children from three different ex-wives, and is suspected of paying out the ass to keep the fact that they just killed somebody in a car accident out of the spotlight, and is actively trying to discredit the family of the deceased in the resulting lawsuit? The same self-serving individual who has not shown remorse or even taken a break from working on their campy E! Entertainment reality television project since stubbing out the life of a human being by ramming into the back of a car with a Cadillac SUV and sending it into oncoming traffic? The person who further ignores their already estranged children's pleadings to abandon the circus sideshow of a Bunim/Murray television project because 'what's a dad? look at meeeeee! Looook at meeeeee!'?" "But bro, Caitlyn's on the cover of Vanity Fair now. All past sins forgiven."
Like I said, whatever floats their respective boats. I suppose you have to separate the gender identity fr Meh, he/she isnt a saint, shes just as much an attention whore as she was when she was a he and hanging around the Kadasharetards.
This is a great point, but I think that it's certainly possible that she's an important part of normalizing the process of transition. Obviously this board is filled with trans-friendly people, but there are places in the country that aren't as forward thinking, and if it makes just a few young kids feel more comfortable coming to terms with who they are, it's probably a good thing and worth talking about -- attention-seeking or no. It can be encouraging, if you're a young person, to see a celebrity who openly talking about the things you feel inside. It can be easy to lose sight of once that sort of representation becomes mundane.
I'm not really one of those on the board that is trans friendly. I think it's weird and I don't understand it. But, then, I don't like soccer either, so I sort of have a small view of the world.
It's just curious to me how it has become part of the zeitgeist in just the past few years. I mean growing up you heard about gays and such but the huge array of gender identity/sex identity was nonexistent in the lexicon at all. LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM is a real acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, flexual, asexual, gender-fuck, polyamorous, bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism. Da Fuq?
Well, being cis/normative myself, I don't know how qualified I am to speak on this, however... I always fall back on empathy. I try to imagine how I would feel if it was me in that situation. If I had my same personality and sense of self that I have now, but had lady parts, I think that would feel wrong. And if I made attempts to correct the parts of my body that felt wrong, I would hope my friends and family would support me. If I had lady parts but was the same as I am now, if somehow my mind was transplanted to a wrong body, I sure wouldn't want to be called "she" if I knew that I was really a man. So I extend that courtesy to others. I do occasionally have problems with the pronouns myself. I have a friend that came out as trans only about a month ago, a person I've known since middle school (20 years or so). It's taking some adjustment changing my mindset about her from "Andy" to "Andie". Especially this early in the process, where she still looks like Andrew, only with earrings, no beard, and a slightly bigger chest from the hormones. But she's happier now, her wife is ok with it, and I am her friend. Therefore, even though these aren't feelings I feel, I am sure as shit not going to be one of the assholes in her life that makes a brave act like telling the truth feel uncomfortable because "I don't get it, and it's weird".
I think we HAVE seen more discussion of these sorts of things, but the underlying mechanism is far from new. Fun fact -- like many things, social media/internet has made the issue more intellectualized (and politicized, perhaps), but the notion of gender fluidity is hundreds of years old, at least. Aashte in Ethiopia, mollies in 18th century England, fa'afafine in 19th century Samoan culture; the history of transgenderism, as it were, wayyy predates tumblr. What I suspect is that we simply have a more codified language for discussing these things, a better neurological understanding of them, and more teenagers figuring out their identities in public spaces (which can be annoying, because everything teens do is pretty much annoying).
I've always been each to their own but if someone is a shit human being them deciding to go through something like this doesn't automatically cleanse them of all their sins so when they expect to be treated any differently they can go fuck themselves. I'm not hating on you because of what you've just gone through, I'm hating on you because you're a shit human being. We have one such person in our section at work who it's common knowledge purposefully joined the Air Force to get all of their medical bills paid for. They hid their choices and decisions until they had been in long enough not too mention that they are in a job that involves explosives. It might be just me but I think someone changing gender is most likely not of the right frame of mind and should not have access to explosives.
That's something I don't forget. That entire family of entitled airheads should have a giant toilet seat installed over to of it. You killed a person and you're trying to snuff out the flames with money and mudslinging. And two days after the accident there's a photo of recently famed retard daughter Kylie texting while driving. Go live on a fucking mountain with the rest of your Idiocracy. You bravely went with your instincts and switched sides. Good for you, you're still a twat either way.
Which I do get. I think a lot of people forget that there is a huge space between the coasts where not everyone is always so open to ideas, especially something like transexuality. If Bruce Jenner appearing on Vanity Fair as a woman gives some kid in Omaha a reason not to kill himself because hes confused about his identity, then great. I doubt his motivations are that altruistic though. He was part of the most vain family in maybe the history of world that never passes up a chance at the spotlight. Now that hes a she, I doubt that's going to change. I mean hey, the magazine is called Vanity Fair. But its impossible to judge someone based on speculation, so who knows. I'd say her Vanity Fair cover is a net gain for society in and of itself. Im going to guess that the next step is having her own talk show or something. A talk show hosted by a trans woman! Gasp! I just think it would cheapen the trans movement by having someone like her as the poster child.
Agreed, but I don't understand the mindset of the Midwest and South, which are much more religious, and the judgmental bullshit that seems to infect those areas. Would I date a transgender? Nope. Be friends with one? Sure, maybe I already am and don't know it, but even if that wasn't my attitude, what's so fucking hard about leaving people alone to try to be happy? Freedom isn't choosing what I'd choose, it's choosing what I wouldn't. I also agree that this guy isn't a saint, and there are reasons to criticize him, but the sex change isn't one of them.
I'm a little uncomfortable with this whole post. First off, someone being a shitty human being is a separate issue from whether they have a gender identity problem. If someone is gay, or black, or blonde, or Irish, it's "fuck you for being an asshole" - not "fuck you for being blonde." Nobody's asking you to celebrate a bad human being (and, in fact, I'd encourage people to NOT do that), but let's not use that as an excuse to shit on a real problem that affected people already have a very hard time discussing and being accepted for. Second, people take jobs all the time to get their medical bills paid for - what, exactly, are you criticizing? It's a job, it comes with health benefits. That's part of the paycheck, and the employer (whether it's the state or a private company) should be expecting their employees to take advantage of the benefits that they need or want. And last... the thought that someone couldn't possibly be mentally stable just because they have a gender identity problem is a pretty ugly characterization.
Hell maybe theyre doing it right. Basing your whole personality/life around the people you fuck. Wish I could post inspiring quotes from such hetereo luminaries as say, Ron Jeremy, on my facebook feed. Post Brazzers stickers all over my bumper. Somehow I don't think I'd be rewarded positively for celebrating my sexuality like this. I know I know our whole society is based around hetereosexuality. Still it is not as singular representation of a persons lifestyle as being defined as LGBT is. Not that Im complaining or anything. Maybe that's just why gays are frickin fabulous all the time.
I only post pictures of my hairy taint as my sexual identity is not going to be defined by hetereo or homo sexual standards of my perceived manhood!