Myself not included. I think Bewildered, Angel, and Juice would all make great mods. Bewildered for reasons already stated, and clearly she amuses me because I keep jacking her posts for signatures. Angel is smart and one of those people that keeps this place interesting. Juice is always a good read. We definately need at least one more female mod.
Yeah, Angel kinda has to be a mod too. Like has to be. Sorry Angel if you don't want to, but you post too much NOT to be.
I am uncertain how to take that, Parker. But I would accept the position with dignity, and would wield my mod powers with grace and D cups.
I like the way this is going. I think it will be a big help to re-invent the board. I've seen some good choices for mods thrown around and I'm good with anyone stepping up if it keeps the board going.
Re: Comma, Sutra Reverse cow girl, so she can fuck, play on TiB, and get a back rub all at the same time...duh!
I think I'd be good at it. Mostly because of an ability to be detached and fair and knowing the difference between "That angers me" and "That's against the actual rules" which I have seen mods in various forums over the years blur. I'd second Bewildered as well, and Binary if he were interested.
Based on my own recollections and unscientific random sampling of previous posts that demonstrate fair, rational, logical and thought-out ideas I nominate: Parker crown royal Rush-O-Matic mya I'd find it interesting and entertaining, but as a historical lurker who occasionally posts I have the time, but I'm too much of an unknown to realistically mod here.
Long-haired freaky people, need not apply Do not want! "If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve." Also, please don't make Crown a mod. He hates everything and will quickly ban anyone who expresses an interest in something. Parker can't do it. He still hasn't fixed his website back to the good layout. mya seems cool. No objections.
I think a strong unemotional reaction to posts is necessary for the moderator position. Particularly when someone disagrees with a moderator, OR a thread takes a turn that doesn't break any rules per se, but violates a moderator's personal beliefs...the challenge becomes "Did this break a rule, or do I just not like it?" If the answer to the former is yes, the situation should be handled. If the answer is no, but the latter question is answered yes, then...tough titty. That's not how a mod position works. And, just because someone 'posts a lot' doesn't mean they'll make a solid contribution to the leadership of the message board. I like the idea of Mya as a female moderator.
I'll throw my name in the ring. I'm in a different time zone to most of the board, so that's of some benefit, right? Also, I don't post a huge amount like many others, but I have been around for a while. Something that may be a negative: I like rules and am often inflexible due to them. As for who I'd nominate: Crown Royal if he doesn't flame other people too much, mya, Bewildered, D26 and freecorps. I'd also like to add toytoy to that list, who I think has some technical insights too (when he isn't being a drunken hillbilly shooting things from his perch on his tractor)...