No it is not! I got cited for having an old Mickey's bottle (capped) with a few ounces left in the bottom from god-knows-when. I tried to fight it in court, but the judge said that that constituted an open container according to the law. According to what I've heard, Texas USED to have some of the most lenient laws, but not anymore. MADD (fucking puritan cunts) and the TABC (fucking puritan bureaucrats) fucked everything up, and still have not accomplished jack shit. Actually, I have a funny story about dealing with the TABC. Spoiler One Friday night a couple of years ago, me and a buddy were on our way to a party. We decided to get some beer on the way, so we got two 40's at a convenience store and were ready to leave in my car when I remembered to get some cigarettes. I went inside and bought a pack, and when I came out there was an unmarked Chevy Impala blocking me into the parking space, and my friend was out of the car talking to two women wearing IDs on chains. They were TABC agents, and they saw him open his 40 and take a drink, which is illegal to do on the premesis of any place that sells (not serves) alcohol. They made him pour his out, but the worst thing was that they wouldn't let me drive because my license was suspended! So it was up to my friend to get us out of there; my friend who did not know how to drive standard. I gave him an impromtu lesson while those cunts watched us, and we bucked and screeched out of the parking lot and around the block until we were out of sight and switched places.
From what my lawyer said, MADD keeps a running tab on all judges decisions in DUI charges and write annual reports rating how strict the judges are or aren't. It puts enormous pressure on them to rule against drunk drivers.
Not to single you out and I know you aren't even the first in the thread to do it, but do we really need to have disclaimers like this in board posts? I almost put one in my own previous post but decided not to bother because really, who takes legal advice from an anonymous message board that doesn't get exactly what they deserve should they choose to exercise said advice without confirming it to be true for their area? Probably the same people who believe that if they ask an undercover cop if they are indeed a cop that they have to tell them or it's entrapment.
MADD probably puts pressure on them. But if I had to guess I would say that a lot of them understand drinking and driving is very dangerous. And they probably make rulings based off that/the law. Is it that hard to get through your fucking skulls? If you don't want to be in this situation don't drink and drive. If you have had something to drink, don't get behind the wheel. Sure it could be your shitty lawyers fault, or the judges or MADD, or the power hungry cop.... or it could be yours for drinking and driving in the first place.
The fact that it turns any warrant, for any reason, into a near free for all examination of your entire life (especially if they get your computer included in the scope of the warrant). The entire point of the warrant/4th-amendment-protection balance is that a warrant allows an exception based on instances where police have reason to believe they will find corroborating evidence for a crime already committed. Warrants exist so police can say "we have reason to believe this crime was committed by this person, let us go prove it," not "we want to take a look at this guy for whatever he may have done, let us in." Considering you can indict a ham sandwich and you can get a search warrant just as easily (or, y'know, some chick orgasmed loudly and we had to check it out), the plain view exception basically functions as a judicial end-around to get by most 4th amendment protections. There are plenty of examples of police using unrelated "lawful avenues" to enter a location in order to effect a plain-view search for something they knew they didn't have the PC to search for straight up.
Thank you!! I've never had a DUI, I'm pretty much shithoused all weekend, every weekend. Do you know why that is? BECAUSE MY ASS STAYS PUT OR RIDES IN THE PASSENGER SIDE WITH A SOBER DRIVER! Some people just don't get it.
I cannot say I've never drank and drove, as I am sure most of you couldn't as well, and the experience has taught me that it is absolutely not worth it to take any sort of chances in the future. Yes drinking and driving can lead to tragic outcomes and people should take personal responsibility for their poor decisions and actions. By that logic then there should be a absolute zero tolerance law that would cover this, in some localities there is. But the fact remains that as a society we do allow a minimal (.08 and what ever standards apply) of drinking and driving. It is not a 100 percent illegal and the sliver of the legality it does have can be rife with abuse on all sides. I think this is where the majority of my arguments, or at least my case, fall.
Cover your own ass. Common sense says what you said is true. History says what you said is a false assumption. The people who post on here, from what I've noticed, are smart enough to understand that all of this is just debate, not advising. But if someone gets drunk or otherwise impaired in their judgement, they could potentially put improper blame on an anonymous person, trying to find a quick out. People tried to blame a lot of stupid shit they did on the Jackass people, until they realized that "out" no longer was an option. Unfortunately, it took more than a few legal battles to make that known. Legal battles I don't think Chater et. al. want to fight. So cover your own ass. Not just on here, but in any and all documented medium(s), everywhere. (Sorry to derail the thread with this, but I felt it was a point that needed to be addressed. It's also one that I have some professional experience doing.)
Hmm, and cops wonder why they don't get more cooperation from citizens. Maybe it's because the citizens know that they are being looked down on/doubted/disrespected by the very people whose salaries they pay for, the very same people who took an oath to protect them? Fuck those cops. Fuck them right in the ass. Actually, fuck all law enforcement agents. Cops, state troopers, the DEA, border patrol and customs agents, constables, the whole lot of those ass fucks. Fuck you, too. Walk a mile in my shoes and tell me what you think.
Double Post , I know. I read the article, skimmed the post here. Understanding that every state has it own nuances to the law, I can tell you that we get ALOT of domestic calls. It is by far the most dangerous calls cops in general answer. I have entered homes on welfare checks that have turned out fine, some do not. screams coming from a home? I'm going to check. Even if the person that answers the door says all's fine, there is always that time its not. Today we had a call that a girl was being held in a closet. The dude that answered the door was a known pill head, and did not want me in his home to check. Fuck that, I'm going to check. If he happens to run dope out of his home, thats another matter, when we see a felony in action, we act on it. Oh, by the way, The girl is now at a safe place because I did my job. exigent circumstances are there for a reason, folks.