I'm starting a new job and will be on my feet for most of the day. I have to dress nicely for when I have to go to medical offices and hospitals and whatnot, but I don't want to wear super nice dress shoes. What I really want is a durable boot that won't look bad with dress clothes. I don't mind spending a decent amount of money on them because they will need to last a long time. Can anyone recommend a boot like redwings or something that sells something dress-clothes appropriate?
Can't recommend a boot, but will highly recommend some first-class orthotics. You may be tempted to get yourself some cheap-ass Dr. Scholl inserts or something, but if you really want to be comfortable, splurge and go to a proper podiatrist and get yourself some custom orthotics. It's a world of difference, and your dogs won't be barking after a long day.
Car insurance related question: My girlfriend has had her car ('99 ford mustang) parked since November 2013. In order to hang onto her policy, she's had it insured for fire/theft since then. She was recently informed that they are going to cancel the policy unless she upgrades her insurance to say that she's driving the vehicle. Even though she's not planning to put the car on the road in the near future, she's worried about cancelling this policy that shes had for over a decade because of what her rates might be when she starts driving again and gets a new policy. I was wondering, if I put her on my insurance as a full time driver ('07 civic) if its cheaper than upgrading her current policy, would that have the same effect as hanging onto this policy? Does any of that even matter at this point since she hasn't been driving for 15 months anyway?
Not sure if this is quite what you're looking for, but this is my favorite leather work boot. Laugh all you want about the price, but it is damn comfortable (I wear ankle socks with mine), looks good, and if it gets terribly beat up just buy another pair. Back when my job was half maintenance/half office, all walking, these are what I used.
I couldn't agree more. I've owned multiple pairs of these(black and brown) and they were great for when I worked as a ships engineer, as a motorcycle boot, and they passed as business casual. (As long as they weren't too beat up.)
Boots, I recommend Red Wing. You can't beat there boots, customer service or warranty. When Hurricane Sandy hit and flooded our marina, I trudged about in knee-deep saltwater for days in my thoroughly used Red Wings, not normal use. The saltwater finally deteriorated the glue and the steel toe separated from the boot. They gave me a new pair. Check out how they back up their product. http://www.redwingshoes.ca/node/77 The initial price usually scares people off but it is money well spent.
I was going to say red wings, lots of people swear by how comfortable they are, and there warranty. I am using a pair of terra boots http://www.terrafootwear.com/en-ca/home.aspx. They make a nice looking casual shoe with steal toes. I have been in these terra's for 2 years now and they still feel great.
Thanks guys. I was leaning towards Redwings Heritage line. They seem nice enough to wear with dress pants and also other stuff. or are kinda where I've been leaning.
Looking into buying a GoPro for when I go on this six-week music festival journey in May to June. Have no idea where to start in terms of what I'd need. Looking to spend less than $500 total for camera and necessary equipment/storage. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have 83 days 5 hours and 45 minutes, give or take, to figure out a way to legally gamble on the Kentucky Derby. I've done quite well at it in the past and just really enjoy it, taking time to research horses and jockeys and their performances. Fun way to waste a Friday night and Saturday morning. However, since I now live in a state in which online gambling is illegal and the disassociation between Churchhill Downs and OTB locations in the neighboring state, I've had to miss it the last two years. I live in North Carolina, any suggestions?
I sit here with a ton of time on my hands, so I have been reading like books are gonna rot. With that said, I am jump-starting grad school reading. Any of you guys read anything pop-sciency regarding poverty, poor people or poor economics?
We are going to Vegas in the first week of March. I have found some decent deals on airfare+hotels through the lasvegas.com site. We will drive to New Orleans to get the best deal possible. Any tips or tricks to getting the biggest bang for our buck? I haven't booked our tickets yet but plan to in the next day or so. I want to make sure I am on the right track before I put some money down.
I actually have a variation and this is the ONLY work boot I wear. These things are built like fucking tanks and have a renewable sole. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0007T ... UTF8&psc=1 I've also wanted to buy some of their dressier boots like this http://www.amazon.com/Caterpillar-Mens- ... illar+boot Also, who would laugh at the price? More importantly, WHY?
So, I am re-starting my life and step #1 is a job. How do I describe the past three months? What do I say about my last job? "I was forced to resign to help my mother recover from surgery"? How do I do this without sounding like a liability?
You be completely honest. Seriously, if someone interviewed to be on my team with a situation like that, I would remember that and maybe give you some extra consideration. Explain the situation.
Yep. I just recently did the same thing. "family had some health issues, I took two years and helped get it all sorted, now I'm back and ready to find a new job." People get that shit happens in life, and any reasonable employer will understand that and see the values you have, and value you more for it.
x3 Taking time off from work to help out a family member with health issues doesn't make you a liability. If anything it shows you know how to prioritize and deal with stressful situations successfully. About the only thing a hiring manager doesn't want to hear in response to a question about an employment gap is you sat on your ass and played video games.
Does anyone here work for a company that extends shopping discounts/perks as an employee benefit? Mind sharing what service your company uses?
I couldn't tell you what service if any my company uses, but I get discounts for various goods/services through my employer. The following are a few, but not all: Verizon Wireless Verizon FiOS Brooks Brothers Apple Orbitz Macy's Avis Your company's website should list who you have corporate agreements with. Some companies advertise the discounts more than others. I cant speak to the accuracy of this website, but it lists companies and who they have corporate employee deals with: https://corporateshopping.com/featured
My wife is going on vacation to catch a few hockey games next week in Minneapolis and Winnipeg. She is going with a friend that doesn't drink, so she doesn't need recommendations for watering holes. But anything else they should do, eat or see is fair game. Anyone have any suggestions?