Same landlord? Are there other tenants? I’d talk to them and then chat with the landlord. Most landlords really don’t like troublemakers that piss off xisting tenants. And bone up on the health codes. And garbage laws. Odds are he’ll do a ton of shit that is improper. When he does, file a complaint. Every time. Enough of them and they will escalate to the landlord.
Jesus. I would document the date, time and description of every single incident, for starters. Have you communicated to your landlord about this? They might be able to do anything directly, at least at this point, but it might be worth making them aware of it, especially when parking is concerned. Considering you were a potential customer of his restaurant, I don’t think a negative Yelp review would be a bad start. If he ups the ante and becomes verbally abusive, you could contact the police, even if to just make his life difficult.
Yeah she knows and is stressed out about it. I’ve been a tenant for 8 years and she knows I’ve never had a single complaint in that time. She said she’s going to talk with him and to call the police if he approaches us again. I told her specifically that it’s about to get violent if he doesn’t stand down. The guy has “entitlement” written all over him and an exceptionally large truck that screams “overcompensating”. He’s an incredible pussy and the handful of times I’ve confronted him he threatens to call the cops.
I’m the only tenant that shares a wall with him so the handful of confrontations wouldn’t apply to others. One of my guys left a cigarette out when he came back inside and the jackass proceeded to toss it and deny it after. Said smoker is a 5’5 guy with a limp and the jackass wouldn’t even open his door to talk to him. Indeed, the definition of a bully- all bark, no bite.
I’d make sure your insurance is up to date. And don’t mention you being violent with him to anyone... could be considered to be premeditation if someone found out.
He’s a younger guy and I think he’s relatively new to managing. I can’t imagine he’d be able to keep a staff with his demeanor. If he treats his neighbors like he treats his staff it’s only a matter of time before his business implodes. But I’d be happy to accelerate the process.
Anyone ever change their iphone screens with those kits you can get off of amazon? Is it easy or worth it? Do these break easier than the apple glass screen? Ive broken the screen 3 times now, first was the original glass, then two ive got done at a hole in the wall apple repair store (whom I assume use the same ones from Amazon). Id really love to save myself the 70-100 bucks getting one done at a store again.
Update- His staff came by this morning and apologized for his behavior. I said we’d be happy to work with them but not him. Apparently he’s a young hot head that was given this opportunity (funding) by his father. This should end well for him.
Hello TiBs. Building a swinging gate and trying to figure out how bad ass the hinges need to be. Tried Googling some calculations but it went over my pea brain pretty quick. The gate will be one section 240" long, 72" high and weigh about 360lbs. My business partner feels the length of the gate doesn't affect the "weight" on the hinges but I disagree. Since it's 20 feet long, I think that's going to put a lot of stress on the hinges. He says it doesn't matter if the gate is two feet long, 360 lbs is 360 lbs on the hinges
He’s wrong. The greater the distance from the hinges the weight is the more force it will apply to it. Tell me the weight and And the length of the gate and I’ll look up the force diagram for you. Also is it just one hinge or more?
Yeah, he's completely wrong. For a 20' gate you want one rated well over 360 lbs. For 6' high I'd say probably put 4 hinges on, but 3 will be ok. If you're building a gate that size the hinges aren't going to be a relatively big expense anyway so don't create a maintenance cluster fuck just to save a few dollars. Talk to a sales rep or contractor or where ever you want to buy about which one to pick out for what you're doing. If you are looking to save money though you can probably do the gate, even at those dimensions without making it nearly that heavy. Are you worried about cars slamming into it or something?
It also depends on what kind of hinge. You can get a bearing hinge that will turn much easier under weight/load than a normal pin hinge. I’d also really look at how you’re going to support the gate over that distance to reduce warping or bending as well.
If you had a whack of those hinges, depending on the bearing specifications, you'd probably be able to pull it off. These are not the hinges you get at Home Depot, etc., which are lucky if they handle 75lbs... you want some seriously big heavy duty load bearing bearing hinges for a beast of a gate like you're talking about. There's a reason most big gates like that slide sideways on wheels.
If you look at it, you can see the huge fucking hinges he's got on there, as well as the cable stay at the top that is helping to support the gate itself
We build farm gates and on anything over 16' we put three hinges on it. They are either 3/4" lags that are roughly 6-7" long or "through bolts" that are 12" long to go through a post. We then use bolt on hinges that are about 3/16" thick on the gate side. For reference our 18' gate is about 170#. We did build some hinges out of 1" threaded rod and massive tubing for sheeted buffalo gates once, I couldn't lift the 4' gate so the longer ones were probably 400# plus. You're going to want to go with overkill so that you don't have to worry about it later.
The gate is basically going to look like this but due to the layout of our shop and the business next door, it can't be a sliding gate. It has to swing open. The 360 lbs is a ball park based on what 2" square tubing weighs per foot and what the spires weigh.