Anyone have any recommendations for a Mac music player to replace iTunes? Only need it to play on OSX... specifically looking for better management/grouping/tagging of songs/albums... something that works better than iTunes playlists/genres.
Hello TiB'ers Need a little help with some tenant advice for a commercial building. The landlord for my body shop is a complete slumlord. A two time felon who only ended up with a $500k property because his wife inherited it. He has no money to put into the building (His only income is our rent which isn't much). As the building is 60 years old, it is needing some pretty dire repairs. The paint mixing room had about 3" of water in it last winter. His felon buddies had been out three times last year and twice this year and the mixing room still has water seeping in and causing mold on the drywall. And now, the paint room has water leaking in around the edges and even up through the hair line cracks in the concrete slab. What courses of action do I have? We have sent emails, pics, texts to the landlord and are always met with "I'll try to get it repaired" or just no reply. Thanks
If you legitimately have mold in your walls, get a mold testing kit and have it confirmed. Most places in the US require landlords to take action if there is hazardous materials out of your control, some even have mold-specific provisions regarding their liability. Also, what’s in your lease regarding upkeep on their part? You can go to some tenant rights board in your jurisdiction and have them inspect things and lay down the law, literally.
Any one know of a decently thin Iphone case with built in glass screen protector? Im really really trying to avoid that ottorbox monstrosity, and there are 30 billion Chinese bullshit choices out there, but Im on my fourth replacement screen as of this morning.
“Lifeproof” is thinner. It isn’t as durable as the otter box but it’s still protective and waterproof.
Why not just apply an actual adhesive glass screen protector? Then you can use whatever case you want.
Those don’t do enough I’ve cracked the underlying screen twice with them. I’ve been thinking I’ll just get the boomer case that folds over like a book.
If you're cracking the screen through the protector, a case with a built-in protector isn't going to help you. The built-in protectors aren't stronger. In fact, most times they're going to be weaker, because they have to account for the fairly poor precision of the case, so they have to be more flexible. You either need a case with significantly raised/padded edges to keep the screen from contacting the surface(s) you're breaking it on, or you need something with a flap that actually goes over the screen entirely.
I think the first two were mainly falling out of my pants sitting in my car. The jagged metal seat mounts fucks shit up.
I must be doing something wrong trying to sharpen my straight razor on my whetstone. Dozens of passes and I still can’t slice a strand of hair held up. I have a 4000/8000 stone and my razor is only a few months old. Any ideas?
After you use the stone, finish the sharpening first with some light sandpaper (I use P120 grit) Then a leather strap. After that..... God will be cut.
It's called a strop: It really is a key part of the process. This guy pretty well nails it.
If a friend invites your two oldest children (from a previous marriage) to his son’s birthday party but your two youngest “can come but will need to pay”, is that a slight? I’m on the fence about it but the wife is pissed.
I’m not really following are these step siblings? Is this not something pornhub Family Therapy couldn’t cure? But we’re talking about a kids birthday party and they are making you pay?
What exactly are they paying for? If they’re taking the kids to Disney Workd then I could see “we’ll cover 2 kids, but you do the other 2”, but if it’s for cake and pop, fuck them. “Yeah, your kid will have to pay for 2 of the gifts we bought your son”
I meant my children, not siblings. It’s a trampoline park and just a weird scenario overall. If I did go, I just wouldn’t bring a present to offset the cost.
I’m guessing they bought a birthday package for X number of kids. It just seems like a rude way to say it. Does the child in question only know your older kids? I also wouldn’t bring a present, but that’s more about me thinking the gift giving culture is ridiculous. Oh good, you survived another 365 days here, let me shower you with shut you don’t need. Unless you are old or terminally ill this is the expectation.