Does anyone here work for any major companies that produce various products like capital equipment for hospitals or any other big industries? I’m asking because I’m potentially looking at a job offer from a very large corporation and I’m having difficulty locating similar job titles to compare with. I’d prefer not to go into a negotiation totally blind. If anyone can give any insight, I’d be most grateful. We can PM to keep info private.
The job offer I’m more interested in accepting is a very small business - so they don’t offer insurance. Anybody have experience with temporary insurance or anything that my wife and I might be able to get? I’m trying to navigate it online but there’s so many fucking websites that I’m not sure I trust. PM me if you know anything about this or can help me out.
Loss of insurance because of a job change is a qualifying life event. Just use and enroll there. I've done a couple signups for me and for family members over the years. It's a pretty good site for shopping/comparison.
I need some plumbing help. You can't control the temperature of the water that comes out of my girlfriend's tub/shower. It's a Pfister, and looks like this: So I took the temperature control knob off, and it's not connected to anything like a regular shower where there's threaded plastic pieces that connect together. It just screws into a hollow channel where water goes through. Here it is: From what I can tell, those 2 mesh areas on the cylinder are what controls the temperature. When I pulled it out, the front was warm and the back was cold. So theoretically screwing it in further lets more cold water through, while screwing it out lets more hot water through, thus controlling the temp. But it doesn't. I have no clue why. The real kicker is that before I took it out, it was always at the max for hot. There have been times where she fills the tub and has to let it sit for 45 min to cool off before she can get in. After I took it off, then put it back, it's now much cooler, probably too cold for a decent shower, but it is still not adjustable. Just a constant temp. There's plenty of hot water left because the other faucets in the house can still get very hot. So I have no idea what I changed, but I changed something and didn't fix it. Any ideas?
Anyone really Robert's Rules of Order fairly well? I have a question or 2 about motions getting brought back after we already voted no on them.
I don't think you can discuss or vote on a motion again once it's been voted on. As an agenda item is up, you have (a usually set) time to discuss it, somebody moves to to have it voted on or extend the discussion, you can made amendments or substitutions to the motion, it gets voted on and either passes or fails. If somebody wanted to make an amendment or had questions and didn't raise them during discussion or before the vote too bad. Each board, organization, etc may have their own rules or variations as they see fit. But that's been my experience with Roberts rules. In your instance it might require a super majority (2/3rds or better) vote in order to be reconsidered.
I think my computer has a virus; mouse is acting weird, websites that I visit regularly are acting weird, etc. I've already done two factory resets (It's a Sony Vaio with Windows 10), and it still isn't right. Do you smart people think it's a virus, or is the computer just getting old? This computer is over eight years old.
It's probably just getting old, especially if it's heavily used. If you've done a factory reset it's not likely to be a virus, but it's not impossible. I would download an updated touchpad driver from Sony and see if that helps. If the touchpad is still off after that, check the driver settings and see if you can change the speed it moves, scrolls, etc. You can also use an offline virus scanner to be sure that it's not a virus. Run all of the Windows updates. As far as the browser goes, make sure you update that too. If you aren't using Chrome or Firefox, I would recommend to do so. You can run plugins like Ublock Origin and the like to block ads and such.
Any recommendations on a good wifi router? Tired of doing the sub-$100 router route I end up replacing, rather just buy once cry once at this point
That's not wifi, but it's a kick-ass router to use for your ISP hookup... then hang some wifi off of it:
Our house is one story, wide open floor plan with the router hookup dead center of an approx 3500 sq ft house. Think the amplify hub would work alone or should at the range extenders too? *edit* our ISP says "up to" 1 gig per sec download speed with our fiber connection, just did a speed test and right now I'm at 33 mbps, which i guess is still technically "up to" if it makes any difference, it’s because we’re gonna get a Sonos system with the sound bar, two speakers and a bass and I figured now was as good a time as any to just upgrade the shit all at once
along with the ubiquiti router? sorry for the questions, but y'all (you) know a ton about this stuff and I know zero. This place has never steered me wrong though
the router that your ISP gives you is pure, unadulterated shit. It's beyond shit. You _should_ be able to plug that router I mentioned first into your ISP router, and configure it to use your router instead for the heavy lifting. A friend of mine just did that with that exact router and more than doubled his speeds. That basically gets the internet to your internal network, at which point I'd then plug that wifi thing into. The Alien looks pretty sweet from everything I've heard. I've got some of their older gear and I love it. If you're worried about how that all works, and are just looking to have a fast internal network in your wifi, then just get the wifi part and plug it into your ISP. If you want fast ISP connections to your internal network, then it's going to be harder and take some doing. I'd even be tempted to hire someone to come spend a couple hours setting it up properly for you if I was you.
@Revengeofthenerds I am loathe to contradict Dr. Data, but I think the edge router is wild overkill for anyone who doesn't have a very specific use case for it (e.g. wants to run your own VPN, or complex routing setups). I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who doesn't already know they need a sophisticated edge router. In some network installs, you can replace your ISP router with an new one like that. Not all. You'd have to figure out if yours is one that supports it, and whether you'd gain anything. Not to mention, many wireless APs will do routing duties, and at a significant portion of the speeds that edge router will. It's a good product, it's just not really aimed at home users. Also, if someone helps you configure it, and something goes wrong, you now need to support it. If you plug in with an Ethernet cable to your ISP router, what are your speeds like?
Yeah I decided not to do the router box he suggested, just the WiFi (which is also a router). Didn’t wanna fuck with the setup for the reasons you said. Figure I can add it later if I need to. I’m in the country and the only people who might use my WiFi outside my home are others on the ranch who are just family and welcome to it anyway
Update: nailed it @Nettdata Just setup the Amplifi box, ran a speed test, and it's roughly 4X faster than our old wifi system. The one box completely covers our entire house and then some. If anyone else is considering upgrading their wifi, I would highly recommend this. They have a great app for setup and running it. I'm not very tech savvy and the setup took me less than 5 min.
Weird question coming from a Canadian but do you guys have any good recommendations for winter gloves? It has been -16C(3F) for the past couple of days and my old gloves just aren't cutting it anymore. It normally only get to -5(23) and my gloves are good enough for that but it has been more then -10(14) for more then a week now and my finger aren't liking it.