My cat’s a big lazy diabetic, she’s not hunting mice. I just wanted to make sure she didn’t try and eat any poison. so I made a bucket trap, put it by the corner with the mouse hole. We’ll see how it works.
What worked best for me during my Mississippi mouse infestation were traps that trapped them alive in a round plastic disc. Peanut butter never failed to bring them into the trap. Apparently I was slightly psychotic while in Mississippi (Or maybe I was just really pissed off at the mice), because every time I caught a live mouse trapped in that black plastic disc I just tossed the disc on a bon fire and sent the little bastard straight to hell in what must have been a horrible death of heat and melting plastic. Fuck mice.
Looking for a security camera system for work. I'd like 8 HD cameras, cloud storage (doesn't need to be much, 2-3 days worth) good night vision, viewable live on a monitor in my office, streamable on my phone, wired is fine, easy enough for an idiot Android user to figure out. Price is lower on the list of importance. I look at Amazon and there are so many options, it makes my non-techy mind spin. TIA
Peanut butter and oats is fantastic bait. Spring traps are fine, you just need to tune them. You can bend the hold down bar just enough to make it a hair trigger, but still hold and not go off with a stiff breeze. It’s an art. Source- I used to trap things for a living and use the same methods at home/at friends and relatives homes.
No luck trapping anything - didn’t even look like they went for it. I repositioned it and smeared even more peanut butter on it. My wife just wants me to put as many traps as possible all around the house, so I guess I’ll just do that next with the cheap victor wood traps. The shitty part is that we’re still moving in, plus working full time, so I can only check/set the traps in the afternoon/evening every day. I feel like there’s a mouse party each night that I can’t even crash.
Have anything longer/wider than the paint stir sticks? Could be the angle, but the one on the left looks damn near vertical
Or crunchy peanut butter. Mice are pretty intelligent and anything with half a brain knows crunchy PB is fucking disgusting.
To answer all: -the ramps are a yard stick cut in half. I scored it a little to add grooves, to see if that would help -smooth peanut butter. Please don’t accuse me of buying crunchy PB, next you’ll say I stand up to wipe -did not plug the holes yet - was trying to get evidence of death before plugging a mouse inside the house rather than out
You may want to have a block or 2 of that mouse bait beside it... see if it gets nibbled on. That might help you figure out if they're still around and hungry, and just hate your shitty attempt at Pail Trap.
Well okay then. Sorry I can’t sit around my Airstream, with my wifi and drone spying on the mice, and order a better bucket trap for same-day delivery. I’ll try harder, boss.
Shows what you know... the Airstream is parked in a field for the winter. So there. But when I check my sheds, if the poison blocks have been nibbled on, I know they're around. It's been a few weeks since any of the blocks have been eaten, so I'm pretty sure they aren't around at all.
Yeah, let's just say that when I come back in my next life, I want to be one of my cats. They catch them, then bring them in, and let them go. Mice... shrews... voles... rabbits... birds... chipmunks. Lots of fun, STILL ALIVE things that they offer up to those of us who can't hunt.
A good mouser is maybe the most valuable animal a person can own. Decades ago I had one the Cleaned out the entire cul d sac of any bird or mouse dumb enough to try and claim territory where this cat patroled. He did not play with the prey, it was killed, brought back to present at the front door then eaten. I have a pretty good mouser now, but no where near that kitty of years gone by.
Anyone worked with a recruiter for a contract position? Big dos and don'ts, or red flags? Hubs has one he's interviewing for with teksystems. Neither of us have any firsthand experience or know anyone with experience in this realm. We're worried about health insurance stuff but he has got to get the eff out of his current job.
Recruiters should never be asking you for some kind of exclusivity arrangement, money (re: "fees"), SSNs or any other personal information. You only need to provide that information to the company that is hiring you through their HR onboarding process.