www.mytinyphone.com Is what I use, you can either go to it on your phones browser or on your home computer and have the ringtone sent to you phone. Free and easy
I've also done it through a usb cord with a jailbroken iphone. What kind of phone do you have? Just be careful, I worked for Att for a couple years selling phones and Att unlimited internet for your phone is actually not unlimited. If your data use becomes ridiculous month after month they will charge you for it.
I use a Motorola Razor, which is about two years old. So if I just buy a phone to computer USB cord, I should be able to get it to work? Thanks for the info so far.
I'm looking for a pair of in-ceiling speakers for my family room. I need the cut out to be under about 9" diameter. I also don't want to spend more than about $250 for the pair if I can. Any recommendations? Right now, I'm looking at these. Any experience with Polk speakers?
You'll need the Motorola Phone Tools software, at least I did when I used to do it on my Razr. You should be able to find it online for free if you know what you're doing. I haven't connected with my razr for 3 years though, so the newer ones may be different.
Megadose Vitamin C treatment is probably the closest thing to a cure for the common cold that I've come across. It's easy and harmless. You'll need vitamin C powder and here's how you take it: Mix up to ten grams of vitamin C powder in a glass of water and down it. Repeat this throughout the day, every hour and a half or so. The most I have taken in one day is around 60 grams and my cold was a memory the next day. This much ascorbic acid will possibly give you the runs. When that happens you know you've hit your limit for how much Vitamin C you can take at one time. Just wait another hour and drink the next glass. Other than that, megadoses of vitamin C are perfectly safe and they basically destroy colds.
Quit being a bitch. It's a fucking cold. Your body will relieve the symptoms when it beats the virus. You cannot make a cold any shorter, all you can do is try and relieve the natural things that your body does to fight it. Antihistamines, fever reducers and pain relievers are you only choice. Usually when I get a cold, I eat a bunch of Tylenol and kill half a handle of Jack. Hopefully if it kills me, everything will shut down at the same time and I won't suffer.
Does anyone have any experience with custom posters? I'm trying to make this into a standard size poster for my wall. Any recommendations for how to go about doing this? Is there a specific site I should use?
If you're willing to pay your local FedEx Kinkos should be able to do a good job. Otherwise you can do it on your own with adobe programs (illustrator/photoshop) but you risk it looking kind of grainy due to the huge size diff. I'll try it out later today and see what I come up with.
I'm worried it will look grainy no matter how I have it done as that was the biggest copy of the image I could find and it's not very big. Would FedEx Kinkos be able to prevent this graininess?
I'm looking for a new job at the moment, and was looking for opinions on how much a cover letter influences employers. I ask because I've never sent out a cover letter before and never had a problem getting jobs, but if doing one means I've got a better shot then obviously I'll take the time and do one. For reference, I'm not going for high level positions, more something along the lines of shop assistant/call centre bitch/waiter, so I can save some money before I go travelling. When should I send a cover letter, when should I avoid doing so and how long should it be?
The graininess is due to a lack of data. It's like a satellite picture, where your house just looks like a blob. Doesn't matter how much you try to zoom in, it's not going to create the data to show your windows in the house, it'll just show a closer view of that blob. Personally, I think you're going to have a fucking impossible time of blowing that pic up to the size of a poster. It may look OK from 20 feet away, but the closer you get, the more fucked up it will look.
It wouldn't even look ok from 20 feet away. There is no way that you can get that picture blown up to poser size unless you get at minimum a 7mb file. Believe me, I used to print posters, and we would constantly get people coming in with pictures that size or a little bigger, and couldn't understand why we couldn't do it. Then they would try and make us print it, and my boss would capitulate, and then they would get pissed that the sample looked like crap. The circle of life.
Shitty. That is quite possibly my favorite picture on the entire internet. I know this is a long shot, but what do you think about contacting the New Yorker or the photographer? Would I just be laughed at? Fuck, I really want this poster.
My brother and I are trying to find World Series tickets for game 4 or 5. Cheapest I've seen on Stubhub is $277/each for game 5, ebay starts around $400. Any other sites I should check out? Anyone have leads on cheap tickets? I know this is probably a long shot but fuck, it's the World Series.
Dude, go for it. If they say no, they say no. If you do know the name of the photographer, he or she would probably be a better bet.
Excel question: I've got about 200 spreadsheets, but I only want 6 cells from each of them. Is the any way to automatically take them(c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,etc. ) from all of them and compile a new spreadsheet with a column for each of the old spreadsheets?
Short of fucking doing it for you, here is the google search, I hope you can handle it from there: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=compile+data+from+multiple+excel+files