Re: Travel Non-US airlines should have the option to select a currency or have the default set to Euros (or whatever their countries currency is). This was the case when I was looking at flights & hostels in Costa Rica. The tricky part I'm guessing would be getting some of that currency in your bank account. I don't think the payment processing software automatically converts dollars to Euros or whatever if all you've got in your account is dollars. Best bet is to talk to the individual airlines, or your bank.
A friend of mine tried this, I don't have any hard evidence this worked but no reason not to believe him, I also think it's an awesome but shady move to pull. Do a search of every dealer within 25+ miles of where you live. Send a mass e-mail to all of those dealerships stating exactly what car you want (make/model/year/color/mileage/extras) and promise the lowest bidder the buy. Make sure that all the dealers can see who the e-mail is going to (don't send it to yourself and bcc everyone else). From what he told me you will make a few enemies, but said it worked like a charm and he will do it again. I'm probably a sucker for thinking you're not just spamming posts so people visit your site but I love talking about financial savings (plus I'm drunk and bored) and I literally make a living off of explaining to people how much to save for the future (admittedly not personal finance, more or less corporations looking to invest for future payable benefits). That said I have no fucking clue how to answer your question, you didn't specify where geographically you live, how big your apartment is, how big you want your apartment to be or what kind of car you want. So we don't know the marginal cost of upgrading your lifestyle as you specified. Not only that, but getting a bigger apartment isn't something you "save" for since it's an ongoing monthly payment with no ROI (unless you own which is laughable at $800/month) you either make enough money to live there or you don't. Lastly, if you're GROSSING $400 a month semimonthly and it's not just a part time job while you're in school, which I doubt since most part time jobs pay weekly, do something else. Seriously, you could make more working part time at McDonald's. Even if you're netting the $400 semimonthly... do something else.
I'm looking for some help from any tech-savvy people. My nephew's first birthday is coming up in September and my sister has been cataloging his life with videos and pictures and posting them all on youtube. I want to take a collection of those, put it to a song and make it nice for his 1st birthday showing him growing the first year. Any suggestions on the best program to use? Do I have to buy it, can I just download it? Plus any other tips if anyone has done something similar would be great.
+1 on this idea. Here is a website that outline exactly how you should go about doing this, The site is great, an easy read and very informative. My suggestion is to take your time and read through the whole site. I did, and it saved me $16,000.00(off MSRP, a little less than 3% over what the dealer paid the manufacturer) on a brand new Toyota Sequoia back in 2003. It's almost time for me to get the wife a new car and I will definitely be employing the methods laid out by this site again. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
I need new cologne, however I have no idea what to buy. It seems like every bottle of cologne I've ever had was a gift, but this time around I don't have a new bottle waiting in the wings. Anyone have any suggestions?
It's hard to pick a cologne without trying it out. Your body chemistry will react with a cologne so what smells nice on someone else might smell like shit on you. Go to and get some decants (what cologne-loving dorks call samples) and try them out. I like Green Irish Tweed by Creed for general daytime wear and A*Men for going out.
Does anyone have any idea how to change the language in Microsoft word? Or specifically, to actually get the spell checker to adhere to the rules of the language change? When I change the language to English (UK) it doesn't accept the British spellings of words (i.e. honour).
I was going to try to find something funny to make fun of England with, but all I could find was this: It's actually pretty interesting. In the UK they seem to use a lot of the letter 'Q'. That's a pretty gay letter, as far as letters go. With the Microsoft thingy you might want to open your document, change the settings, save the document and re-start your computer. For some reason, microsoft loves to re-start. Of course, what the fuck do I know? You should of paid more attention in school, I know that. Because, then you wouldn't need to spell check. Or, you could just spell it correctly, like we do in America. We keep telling the whole world we're right all the time, so we must be.
Found one of these fuckers hanging on the outside of my chicken coop. Tried to get him but he went into a hole under it but I came back later and he was inside the damn thing and had eaten all the eggs. Anyone know how to get rid of rat snakes? I don't want to kill him because he eats mice which we've had a problem with, but my wife is completely freaked out.
Also for some reason, people love giving computer advice without knowing what the fuck they're talking about. It depends on which version of Word. In Word 2007, you change or add your language in the Start > Microsoft Office > Office Tools > Microsoft Language Settings. Then when you're in Word, if you didn't set U.K. to your default language, you need to mark sections of language as being U.K. Highlight text and down on the bottom of the screen there's a bar with your language on it. Click that and you can mark things as UK English.
I'll post this here and in the Home Improvement thread. Long story short: basement is flooded, saturated the wall-to-wall carpeting for about an 8' diameter, bought a dehumidifier. Assuming the leaking stops right now, about how long should it take to get stuff dry? I have a fan on it, too, but there are no windows down there so I can't get a lot of fresh air ventilation. Also, any suggestions to dry it out quicker would be welcome. I know the source of the leak (improperly boarded up window), and I know that at some point there's going to have to be some major excavation work done. For now, though, this is the first time it's happened and to be honest it took a combination of torrential rain and me forgetting to put the eaves trough extension back on after cutting the lawn to do it.
Pull the carpet up and separate it and the underlayer. Use a blower fan or something to circulate the air, or a blower heater would speed things up too. Wet carpet will take fucking ages to dry if you don't lift it and peel it off the underlayer, which is essentially a gigantic sponge. We just did this last week for a buddy who's aquarium filter malfunctioned and dumped about 20 gallons of water onto his carpet.
The carpet (I think) is fairly new - can it be salvaged after a total flood, or is it best to throw it away? I didn't have standing water, but it was almost puddled across most of it.
As long as you get it lifted up and dry before it gets moldy. If it starts smelling, you don't have much time to save it. Also, if there is padding under the carpet, you might as well throw that shit away. All that stuff does is get in the way when your basement floods.
Best way will be to raise the chicken coup to sit about 2-3 foot off the ground and clear the immediate area. Is the coup in a back corner backing onto woodland? If so consider moving it to a more central place in your yard. I would then purchase some snake repellant and cover the coup with it. If there is enough rats/mice in the surrounding woodland this should be enough to keep him away. That being said (I just felt Larry David cringe) it is very likely he is going to the chicken coup because of a lack of food supply of rats/mice in which case it might be easier to kill the thing.
I know there are some folks local to DC on the board, anyone have an idea for free/cheap things to do for a date here in the District?
Is anyone here in contact with anyone that runs the InStrength forum? Some time ago they required registration to view the forum and when I registered I ran into a 404 error when I tried to activate my account. I gave up for then but I'd kind of like to have access now. Does anyone know what's up? Thanks.
I know some sports teams offer free "alerts" and news in the form of text messages for free to those interested. Is there a way to get the alerts for the US National Team in regards to the World Cup?