Thanks guys. I'll give them a try tomorrow morning. I can't do it now - if I bring out the leash, it's game over and we'll end up going for a walk at 10pm.
Part of that is the material used for climbing ropes. I love climbing rope and would use it for everything if I could afford it - but the shit is expensive, because it's both high quality and very strong, and because it's really, really nice to work with. Kiting string or fishing line in either an overhand loop or figure 8 loop will usually need to be cut to be released. Cotton 6mm-8mm rope (commonly used by perverts) will come free easily pretty much every time - but stretches after it's been in place and is annoying. From DCC001's link - I think she's using 16mm or 18mm rough cotton (I'm guessing based on similar products I've seen in pet stores here) - although if it feels rough/abrasive under hand instead of like chunky cotton - it might actually be Hemp (more expensive, stronger, less prone to stretching and used a lot by perverts who want to make damn sure their knots don't come undone) - which locks in place pretty good - but if you've got a bit of strength in your hands, should come free from an overhand or a figure 8 loop without much difference in effort. A Bowline, or my preferred bowline variant - a Yosemite Bowline is probably 'better' for a non-jamming loop - but I think they're unnecessarily fiddly for purpose. And tying a bowline in 16-18mm rope feels awkward for anyone who doesn't have giant ass hands. And yes, I know - I'm a huge geek and no-one cares.
I don't know what the nature is of the rope I use - I do know that it's actually horse tack. It was the only thing that was strong enough, had the double end and felt nice in the hand. Pet stores have switched to a ribbon style nylon for most leashes, and if you're correcting the dog or the dog suddenly pulls, I find it cuts/burns.
There's also the sliding bowline if you want to able to shorten/lengthen the loop (it's just a variant). You can also try the Alpine Butterfly. It allows a loop in the middle of a rope and is used by climbers to hang things on while being resistant to jamming (depending on the rope and whether it's wet).
Someone on the TMMB posted a background image of a wide eyed girl with duct-tape over her mouth and blood splattered over her face. It was borderline work appropriate in that it wasn't pornographic - but it was creepy. Given my current office tone - it seems like an appropriate halloween background image - but damned if I can find the image. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
Anyone that works with exports please shoot me a PM. I need to shoot a couple questions on exporting for work. Thanks in advance.
I need some help understanding why my router (Linksys WR54G) has such a limited range. The wired connection is fine; my 360 has no problems. However, when I go from one side of my house to the other, the connection starts to get hazy, even if my laptop tells me that it's receiving a strong signal. From what I read on other forums, this may have to do with the settings and perhaps having to "hard-reset" the router after updating the firmware. Any possibilities? This has affected both my and my roommate's routers. They are both the same brand and I know I did not update the firmware on mine.
Probably the easiest thing to do with that particular model of Router is go to Alternate firmware (dd-wrt or Tomato). Failing that you can replace the stock aerial with a higher quality replacement. There's lots of advice around the intarwebs for modding those routers. Hell, you may just find that updating the firmware from the shiped version to the vendor current publication will help if you don't want to go the open source/modder path.
Has anyone ever made a box drum (cajon drum) before? I'm looking to make one and I'm just curious about the timbre of different types of wood, and the internet hasn't been especially helpful.
Hard, dense domestic woods and most jungle woods will be bright and sharp. Softer, lighter woods will be warmer and rounder in tone. Nut trees will be warmer than fruit trees, for the most part. Open-pored woods like oak or wenge will be much quicker to splinter and shed than tight-grained woods like maple or ebony. Hickory will splinter and shed, but maple will crack and break. Don't mistake these descriptions for hardwood/softwood - only hardwoods will be of any use here, generally. Apologies if this is obvious, but most people don't know it: hardwood/softwood as categories is silly and misleading - it has nothing at all to do with density or strength. Hardwoods are leaf trees (deciduous) which shed leaves seasonally and softwoods are needle trees (conifers) which are "evergreen." If you're planning to use an animal skin rather than beating on a wood skin, the tone/timbre stuff stands, disregard the splinter/crack comments.
I've used flickr for years and went to 'grab the html' so I could put a new avatar up. It's not letting me do this, does anyone know how? If not, can anyone suggest a free photo hosting site that is easier to use? Feel free to PM me and thanks in advance!
So now that Limewire is gone and I'm too cheap to pay for winmx, what music file sharing programs are good ones to use? Thanks in advance.
Good call. Went to find some new porn today, found limewire defunct. Help me, Obi-Wan, You're my only hope. (yes, that's porn and a Star Wars reference in one post. I've been single far too long).
I've used Soulseek for the past few years. Never had a problem finding anything I was looking for. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> As far as porn: dude, it's the internet. How hard can it be? Also, the first couple pages of this thread should help you out plenty.
I've been using ever since mininova bit the dust. It's been working pretty well. for porn, check out They're currently accepting new accounts.
I need help with two vastly unrelated searches. First, I'm in the market for a good compass that will hold up in very cold temperatures. A mirror would be nice but isn't essential. I was looking at a Suunto. Anybody own one they swear by? Second, I need to know where I can find some pig or calf brains for cooking in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. I tried Fiesta with no luck, so I guarantee that rules out Tom Thumb and Kroger too.
I need to make a day-to-day calendar. My office is making me put together one for the 2012 election. It's 733 days away, which means I have to make a 733 page document with each successive number on every page. Going through that one by one will take forever, but I can't seem to find a template on word or online that lets you punch the numbers in and let the computers do the rest. Anyone got any ideas, I'm all ears. I'm willing to pay for a progrom if it's out there.
All you need is the number? You can do it in Excel. Just format it such that each cell prints on a full page and voila.
I am a collector of books. Maybe more like hoarder of books with a few that are worth collecting. I need to get rid of some of them. I have maybe around 75-100 books to unload. Some are nice hardback art/architecture books, some are hardback novels and some are paperback novels. I also have a handful of audio books on cd. What is the best way to unload these and at least get a few dollars. There are a couple used book stores in my area and will most likely take them there. I've also read about trying to sell through Amazon or eBay, etc. What is the best course to get the most out of this? I don't want to trade them as I'm trying to raise a little cash to offset the cost of an e-reader. I'd like to be a little prepared before I bring the books in. Also, is it better to bring a little amount at a time and go many times over a longer period or is it better just to bring the whole shebang in at once and be done with it? Maybe bring audio books one time, paperbacks one time, hardbacks one time, art books one time? Help!!! It's hard enough to part with these as it is, I'd like to not get too ripped off (although I know I'm going to get very little compared to what I paid). On top of that, I have about 4-500 audio cd's that I'm almost finished ripping to my computer. I want to get rid of most of the physical cd's. Should I break those up and go many times with smaller quantities grouped maybe by genre or some similar approach or just bring in all of them to a used cd store and hope for the best? Again, I'm an idiot about this as I haven't ever traded a cd in. How much does one usually get for used cd's? Thanks!
Anyone knowledgeable about microscopes? The old man got a microscope off e-bay, for personal use. American Optical Model 50. It was missing eye pieces and objectives. He bought some eye pieces, now he's trying to figure out what objectives to get. He keeps seeing a wide range of prices on them. He doesn't know the significance of the price differences. I.e., would he be okay with getting cheap ones from China? Also, he can't find any for American Optical, and is wondering if buying another brand would work. Are they interchangeable? He's also read about a problem with fungus on second hand lenses. So should he definitely get new? He said googling hasn't helped much, so I said I would ask here.